Is this real please?
Is this real please?
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what the fuck am I looking at?
2 niggers
nigger tongue my anus
yeah it was from years ago for one of the Michael Brown riots I believe
I got banned on facebook for 7 days spreading that to 100+ mainstream news chats where hundreds if not thousands of people reacted to this photo with pure fucking shock and awe. Tons of white girls asked me why they did this and I responded "it's just a powerful message". kek
tossing salad
I jacked off to it yesterday.
Nigga CPR
Can you imagine being so gay and so horny that you start tongueing anoher man's ass on the live news broadcast
Is the most gay thing ever seen?
>being so gay and so horny
Maybe he was just hungry.
Thank you mate
is there a link? i want to see the anchor's response
“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a tongue licking a human anus--forever.” - George Orwell
This is all I have.
Is this real?
Yeah. Big Floyd. Its the exact same tattoo if you look at the arrest footage. An AK with wings.
damn, that's a normal sized penis
micropenis for a black man
how embarassing
You DO know it's two guys, right?
Hes just a grower not a shower
Kek you cheeky fuck
the chuckle this gave me was exquisite
he was 6'6" so it's probably bigger than it looks
>Thank you mate
jesus, bro, you aren't going to jerk it are you
If one was a girl that would be gross
the cnn overlay is fake but the image itself is real
Tell me if it's doing a cunnilingus to a woman!!!
The quality of that webm... it's exquisite. Immaculate. Like a chilled bottle of Perrier sipped on a later summer day on the shores of Zugersee
yes, he is just looking for his watch.
I thought
It was eating ass but on a second that a fisting?
luciferin pawns
>tfw 6'4
>Average 7" penis
>Giant hands make it look small in selfies
Naw, compare it relative to the girl and her hands and everything. Her hand takes up like 3/4ths of his cock.
Tiny dick lol.
Ausbros always have the funniest posts
no the video its taken from is like 4 years old. Its outside a gay club
No just fact checking if it was real.
lmfao faggot i love this site
> green gun with orange tip