You love to see it.
Cops getting run over
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Here's the video for your viewing pleasure
yes i do
much deserved
ok based niggers
die piggy
Niggers run over. You love to see it
I dont like anyone in that video but it was entertaining.
feels good man
yeah ima need more videos of cops getting attacked
Dat ass
Fuck you fed
Who else /buffalo/ in here?
That was a straight-up terrorist attack
>speaking sandnigger in NY
Punishable by death
i'm not from the area but i heard people around buffalo are rock biters?
Thankfully he targeted the PD and not guards
We need more of this
This is now a nigger hate thread
Fake as fuck you memeflag faggot, that's clearly from a car accident
Probably a granny freaked out by storm troopers pointing guns at her.
surprised and disappointed this isn't happening more desu
kys glowie
Police are the terrorists.
You kys chinkazoid. Niggertoe-licker
Lmao and the cops shot and killed 2 of those in the truck and arrested a third. Eat shit and die nigger.
You’re a terrorist now faggot, and the van is en route
Are you Manco1?
Urgh FINE I'll do it myself.
100% justified, they were blocking traffic.
We win.
Normies all over the country are on our side. You've officially lost the culture war as of this week. Not even conservatives are against the looting or protests. This little racist shithole is the last bastion left of the hate ideology. Even your pigs which will soon lose all of their jobs are taking a knee. (good riddance, a world without the most racist, violent organization) It's absolutely finished and the only thing you NEO-NAZIS can do about it is shitpost on a backwater anonymous imageboard that hasn't received a site update since 2005.
>a world without the most racist, violent organization
Guess we can expect looting to be a daily thing then.
How do you think the megacorps they keep burning the buildings of are going to take that? Maybe hire their own PMCs for security? I know that I'd sign up for that - better rates than police get too I imagine.
from 2013
Fuck you
Better start getting used to it, whitey!
We said NO MORE.
We're coming for your house.
We're coming for your wife.
We're coming for your kids.
In the end the cops will always win and the niggers will always lose. It's a matter of simple genetics.