>Live Streams fox29.com/live >The Damage youtube.com/watch?v=dJ4_EYTGwUM [Open] youtube.com/watch?v=KeUn-fq49kc [Open] >National Guard on scene phillymag.com/news/2020/06/01/philadelphia-riots-national-guard/ >More than a dozen police injured during riots foxnews.com/us/philadelphia-police-say-george-floyd-unrest-leaves-more-than-a-dozen-officers-injured
>Who's allowed to post? 215, 610, 483, 267 area codes only. 856 and 302 are honorary. Finns and Assuies always allowed. Absolutely no leafs or bongs under any circumstances. >How do I prepare for a spread to the suburbs? One trip through north Philly and you know what lies a mear 5-15 miles away. Organize a plan with neighbors for "an emergency," connect with anyone also redpilled, take stock of what you got on hand for defense, have a plan for anything that could happen. Sleep tight. Go Birds.
far northeast philly here. they raped the franklin mills area so hard that multiple counties had to send police to get things in order. they're a fucking plague. Most of our local government officials should be publicly hanged.
Hatboro/horsham here Protesters nowhere to be found, I hope they try to block 611 and get turned into red mist by the trucks that drive 75 in a 45 zone religiously
Haha wtf they looted Franklin Mills? Think they'll get to Oxford Valley or Neshaminy?
Aiden Williams
Based and comfy
Benjamin Adams
Trickling back in now There is a clearly coordinated Jewish attack on this guy on Twatter right now
Adrian White
i'm just glad they're still not coming into residential areas yet. Mills is like a 20 minute walk from where I'm at. My neighborhood is mostly elderly boomers, but a lot of cops and firemen live here too so it might turn out ok.
I keep hearing rumors about a protest starting in Chester and heading toward Ridley Park. For 3 days now I’ve been hearing the same shit.
Gavin Rogers
Niggers aren't getting to the other malls without septa.I walked route 1 once, it was awful. They completely ransacked the walmart by mills and probably the fast food places. I know they failed hard at getting into the macy's. I haven't gone by to check out the damage yet though.
Leo Robinson
Wat? When this happen? I must have missed it
Carson Ward
Delco is such a shithole anyway.. i doubt they could even make it much worse.
Nathan Brooks
>There is a clearly coordinated Jewish attack on this guy on Twatter right now No surprise there, they hate the truth
Hoping the cops won't play around when its precious white boomers on the line instead of shitskins Really wish I had bought a gun earlier as the store is closed now tho
Camden Foster
Never knew Montco was based.. rich yes, based I had no idea.
Anthony Thompson
Alexander Stewart
Wolf. Fucking faggot I think there first one went up on 78/202 like 3 years ago
Jeremiah Rogers
Philly nigger here. I keep hearing booms in the distance.
Christopher Carter
I love the art museum, if you haven’t been in awhile, it’s free on the first Sunday and Wednesday of the month!
Aiden Gray
Yeah rent fucking sucks here I pay like 1g for a literal hole in the wall completely with roaches and mice
>really wish i had bought a gun earlier as the store is closed now tho
I fucked up the same way too. Most of the gun stores around here are still conveniently non essential businesses due to kung flu. i hate this fucking city.
Thomas Cruz
>tfw drive a silver charger i'm staying the fuck home tonight.
Adam Allen
come on looters, come on, i dare you to go west of the 95 corridor and become immediately dead
Joseph Murphy
Although it makes me sad to admit, Delco is a shit hole and turning into an extension of southwest philly. The race mixing by our young white girls is an epidemic but there’s still a lot of based ppl in southeast Delco atleast.