>wtf bongs?
>wtf bongs?
Other urls found in this thread:
add "teens mocking" to the list of jailable offenses in the UKucked now, pathetic
>UK is so afraid of brown people rioting because of something that happened in the US
I'm not even going to mock the bongs, that's just sad, or maybe it's just a commentary on how whiny and entitled brown people are in the first world.
Put it right next to bike wheel
*crickets* from the bongs, they're too afraid to speak now lest it be deemed punishable "mocking"
Or how toxic America is to the rest of the West.
Where do I put this heavy impact weapon? Locker?
>arresting minors
Does that mean minors are now adults? Can we fuck them?
Getting ready for Mohammad's 7 girl brides, I see.
The government of England does not take kindly to insults against there imported bulls.
mocking someone's death is an offense? jesus christ
Do you guys forget you don't live in a free country? I mean who fucking is at this point but still.
>“An investigation was launched and yesterday (Sunday) officers arrested two males aged 19 and another male aged 18 on suspicion of sending communications causing anxiety and distress.
fucking bongs mate, monthy python isn't supposed to be real life.
Bongs are cucking themselves into the stone age... Truly amazing.
>using tik tok/snapchat
Sadly we no longer whip the village idiots in the street and place them in stocks. We would quickly run out of stocks.
I'm sure that will teach them to be tolerant
They should be afraid of white terrorism desu
Kind of, this is seen as like a freak occurrence, and each city/town's police force respond differently.
Very inconsistent ruling of the laws, and random retarded recent hate speech laws means everyone's confused on what you can and cannot say.
>suspicion of sending communications causing anxiety and distress.
The UK is finished. Hurting feelings is against the law.
The UK is the clown world we will all inhabit in 10 years.
hahahahaha, holy shit! Bongs you need to get this under control, this is the saddest shit ever.
>officers arrested two males aged 19 and another male aged 18 on suspicion of sending communications causing anxiety and distress
The absolute state of bongland
>monthy python isn't supposed to be real life
Stop referencing archaic hate-material please.
oy mate. you talk real tough ova the internet innit. come to me avenue and get bonked wif a rubber mallet innit. i swear on me mum i will bonk you so hard yer gonna actually feel it, might even leave a nasty bruise innit
Just when I was starting think America was the worst country on earth, Britain comes from the top rope...
I'd give it 4 years for you, leaf.
How convenient for your overlords
When will it end bros
Everyone is talking about it, it's a total false flag, orchestrated from the start to cause this much outrage, it has forced everyone on the planet to give their opinion on this and the only two talking points are the cop was in the right and the nigger is in the wrong or the cop did bad and Americans aka white people are racist, honestly I dont get why people care here, but British people have a thing about opinions, they all seem to NEED to give one, personally I dont care cause I'm not a cop, American or a nigger
or maybe cause its 6am, you wouldnt know how to figure things out for yourself I take it, need someone to hold your hand steady while you eat your stupid American ravioli soup?
>Looks at map of Spanish, British, French, Dutch, Portugeese, and other Christian Empires at their heights.
Honestly y’all should just let the Muslims take over. They might be better
>or maybe cause its 6am, you wouldnt know how to figure things out for yourself I take it, need someone to hold your hand steady while you eat your stupid American ravioli soup?
Struck a nerve didn't I? I bet you didn't get this upset over news of any of the bombings (or any of the """Asian grooming gangs""")
do you make people hate minorities less or more by arresting them?
gave me a good laugh have a (you)
What to expect from bongs? We should remove the bong cross from our flag considering how pathetic bongs have really become.
they did already
>because we can eat shit covered toilet paper, instead of flushing it down the toilet, we most definitely should.
Jewish nonsense about "balance" between opposites.
Praise kek for blessing us with comedy, joy and laughter.
Just a reminder
Enoch was right
Top kek
oh and """Asian Grooming Gangs""", leave it to the Brits to come up with something like that to describe the organized rape of their girls by foreigners, when I first heard it I thought they were talking about those Japanese guys who all hang out in the park wearing leather jackets and sporting pompadours, must save you some embarrassment when that mistake is made
God damn fuck British people. I am German and proud.
>Muh women
That's the best you got?
Gonna need something of substance.