G-guys... Can Trump still win in november?

G-guys... Can Trump still win in november?

Be honest with me...is it over?

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Yes, it's over.

Depends on vaccine or no vaccine. Isn't it ironic that the political career of a president who slashed our R&D funding for Israel now depends on whether technology can be developed fast enough?

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He botched the country's response to China, COVID and now "progressives" are lighting cities on fire.

His time as president is pretty much over.

nah, The murca' I know is still gonna vote for him because Joe isn't a viable candidate

Unironically better chances then ever.

>yes i will vote for the president that is representing the people burning the country down
4 more years.

commies detected

If you were to ask me in 2019, I would have totally believed it. But the situation in America has changed so drastically in the past few months that I am beginning to doubt he'll win. I think he will be voted out in November.

VS Biden? Yes

Nothing is ever done when you have Netanyahu as your godfather.

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Depends unironically on how the next week or two play out

Da, comrad

Why? I mean, i know that in these elections a lot more Democrats are gonna vote than they did in 2016. And the entire country is furious about the death of this nigger and with trump because they view him as a símbolo of racism.

How can he win?

With all this going on the Democrats could have easily beaten him
Dumb ass fuck cant keep his foot out of his mouth for 5 seconds. Most people dont remember, but he was a literal JOKE while Obama was President. People said the only reason nobody assassinated Obama was because then Biden would be President, and now they seriously expect him to win now. Its ridiculous.
Trump will win, as per the American tradition of giving either party two full terms to fuck up as much shit as possible.

We need to come to terms with the possibility that he could lose. Everyone was utterly shocked when Hillary didn’t win 4 years ago. Don’t get too confident. Register to vote, vote, and come up with a plan B because voting is rigged anyway.

Shit, not even 2019, if you had askes me a few months ago, i would have answered that Donald Trump was gonna be reelected, however, things are so much different now...


well, there's two ways to look at it.
There's the Electoral College and then there's the popular vote.

Now remember, even though Shillery won the popular vote, she still lost the electoral college and in some states, the college can vote for whomever they want, regardless of your vote or not.

Will it be enough to overthrow Trump, who knows? But as far as White America, they're all gonna vote for him no matter what.

i mean I aint voting for this child rapist

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Fuck off, we all know the Left is done.

It's going to depend on how long the riots last and how much retardation Biden does.

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He would honestly have 0% chance normally, but Biden is just so utterly incompetent and forgotten that he'll probably win anyway

>100,000 Corona deaths
>40 million unemployed
>stock market crash
>mass rioting
>DC on fire
>fled to a cuckshed
you tell me.

And that’s all assuming that voting matters and the whole thing isn’t taken by whomever steals it best.

Where's the emergency session of congress? Or has they all fucked off back to Isreal and or NewZeeland?

I'm not voting for this orange jew again. Or the kid fucking jew either.

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I know your IQ is low.

Remember who the majority of this country is.
You have made the case for voting for Trump.
Only insane people would vote for people who support riots.

This lmao, he was never /our/ guy hes always been shitbrain child. Admit it you guys got fucking cucked in this one.

Hillary Clinton is basically the most powerful person in the United States and she lost already. Brainmelt Biden doesn't stand a chance.

4 more years.

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Jill Stein isn't going to rake in 50,000 votes in each of those great lake states this time.
Dems are in #VoteBlueNoMatterWho mode

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Against (stuutering) Bbbbbbbiden? He already won

Look at the protests. Each one of those is a vote for Biden. trump has no chance. If he wins thats definitive proof of manipulation.

Not at all. Democrats are disillusioned. The dnc fucked them over and squashed any excitement that they once had behind Bernie. Biden is irrelevant.

These riots are mostly damaging liberal strongholds. Democrats are fighting within themselves and cheering on their own destruction.

Look at ca25 and the Wisconsin special elections. Polls show a heavy Democrat lead but ended up both going republican, well into the pandemic.

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New president will be anti christ

yes its over

people with kids, old people with dogs, normal people - people that want to go to work the grocery store and the park will have to decide who to vote for

the candidate who is inevitably on the side of people who are looting and burning down homes

or an old white guy

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You could say the same thing about last election, The only reason Hillary didn't win is because all the BernieBot supporters didn't want a moderate and it's a repeat of this year, the DNC rigged it for Biden.

You know, I know it, anyone with two brain cells knows it.
The whole #VoteBlueNoMatterWho movement was even there was a guilt trip to get more progressive voters to vote more moderate.

So unless the DNC can win over BernieBot Voters for Biden (Highly doubt it) I think Trump has a very good chance of winning.

You have to remember, there's still the debates upcoming and Trump is gonna wipe the floor with Biden.

Regardless, I think it will be an interesting race come November.

Who are you kidding? These young retards NEVER show up to vote. That's why berniebros could never muster up the momentum to overrun sleepy joe

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monkeys rioting don't vote

It's over.

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MIGAtards got BTFO live on Tucker tonight. See

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MPLS here... believe me... it’s not the progressives who are lighting cities on fire. The progressives are sitting on their couches in suburbia watching the news going “Why dOnT tHeY jUsT aRResT aLL thEsE viGilAntes??? ITs nOt hElPinG AnyThInG”

All the young people who didn't vote in 2016 because they didn't think Trump could win are going to come out and vote in 2020 because they hate Trump. Plus the 100K dead boomers probably makes up for the deficit of millennials who won't vote.