More niggers are dying as a result of this protest


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whites, mexicans, asians, arabs
everyone against the common enemy

Everybody who knew Mexicans before this knew they hated niggers more than anything
I can't really believe some people labored under alternative delusions




hes mexican tho

nogs btfoed


I'm having a kino overload in the last hour!

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10/10 video
I have gained a lot of respect for Mexicans. Honestly if they want to maintain law and order I wouldn’t have a problem with them. Just leave all the cartel business behind in Mexico.

I feel like this is the even that will bring all the races together in their hatred of blacks


I wonder how the kikes that planned this white Kristallnacht feel about it totally backfiring and everyone uniting in their hatred of nogs

>YaLl sILenT ABoUt ThE MurDEr But lOUd abOUT thE LoOTIng

You were warned

>mfw the race war is just blacks and white liberals versus literally everyone else

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GOOD. I would like nothing more than to see the streets red with the blood of joggers. These animals have destroyed America.

It's illegal for him to be pointing a weapon at someone like that, especially when they are no longer a threat and in a defensive position. As 'badass' as it looks, this guy could be going to jail for this...

Nobody likes looters

Maybe we can all agree to eject niggers from 109+ countries next

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Same here dude

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They overplayed their hand.

This dude is an immediate fucking meme legend.

False. What the Asian did was perfectly legal.

t. Lawyer

Very nice

what you are seeing is immigrants earning their right to be a part of the American nation.

Hahah my God you faggot. Really?

tweet got nuked
anyone can upload it somewhere else?
Jack Dorsey fucks kids btw

Kill yourself niggerlover. That thug deserved one right through its hollow skull.

fuck off kike

Shut the fuck up you double digit IQ limpdick basedboy fag. It’s a fucking riot. Call the cops, they literally say “do what you gotta do.”

Now get the fuck off this board and go back where you belong.

trips of unlimited power

Kys faggot nigger-lover

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things might not end up so bad after all

it's there

I'm fine with this. I just want peace and freedom back.


its been a blast

whats this from?

>tweet got nuked
fuck you on, it’s still there

Almost everyone in America actually tried to empathize with the black community the first few days after Floyd died. Then they burned down half the cities in this fucking country and now they’re almost universally despised. White Leftist women protecting their pets are the last fucking bitches in their corner.

We need to make a gofundme for him pronto

Mate, this is why your country is on fire. Jesus Christ.

It's actually quite beautiful and inspiring to see more unity than division. The kike media is seething and trying so hard to cause us all to hate each other. Commies and niggers should be put on a the reservations and free the indians.

He shouldn't have filmed and instead shot him, said he feared for his life, and then gotten an attorney and never said a word to the police as is his right.

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You guys seriously need to calm down. As soon as the protestor was on the ground, he was no longer a threat. There was no need to keep pointing the weapon at him and trying to intimidate him further. This could have escalated even further and somebody could have been killed.

This clip just makes us gun owners look like psychos. Not good optics.

Are they all at it. Wtf

You were warned, mayates. I informed you when this began that you were on notice. You did not listen. This is how it always begins. A degenerate race of farm equipment claims that their slavery and pathetic history entitles them to do whatever they want. We had such hacienda trash in Mexico, but they did not have the audacity to stand up and claim that being treated justly is the same as being oppressed.

A plough does not complain that it is dragged through the mud. You did not listen. And therefore you have chosen to return to the good old days. The day of the knife, the day of the sword. A day acrid with clouds of gunpowder. A day of bloody teeth and rabid wolves.

The Yanquis, they know this. They shield their eyes. Very well. We will do the bloody work for them. We will sort this whole thing out, with fire and sword. Avert your eyes, gentle Aryan. Your soul is in the balance and we are here to tip it.

We are used to having dirty hands. Avert your gaze. Go watch some Netflix. I recommend Jojo.

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Don't even like guns but you are GAY. Muthafucka broke his store window

burn baby burn