What are police thinking?

What are police thinking right now? They're trying to defend fire trucks and a city that is at war with them

Call me a bootlicker fascist, whatever, call me a cuck, I don't care. I'm genuinely curious what cops are thinking

They're being forced to cuck out and take the blame while under siege. It's incredible. How close to fed up are you guys? Honestly you should stand down

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They're doing what they do--abuse the rights of citizens to support the present power structures. You ever wonder why the massive gap of wealth exists? Cops are a part of that structure. That you're so focused on anything but how hard you're being fucked by the capitalist globalists shows how small brained you are.

fuck off tankie, even if you're 100% right they are people and I want to know what they think and feel right now

theyre out numbered 100 to 1 with citizens that have the same guns. what are you thinking?

>4 cops shot in St. Louis
>DHS agent killed in Oakland, another one injured
>cop hit by car on NYC
>2 cops run over in Buffalo
>another cop shot in Davenport, IA
>accidentally killed a bystander in Louisville after being fired upon
They're going to get sick of this real quick.

>You ever wonder why the massive gap of wealth exists? Cops are a part of that structure.
way to completely miss the entire point of how financial power is originally derived brainlet, you have no right to call anyone else stupid

Says capitalist = globalist
Doesn’t name jews
Sounds about right
Kys shill

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These cops are the good ones. They were all pretty quick to roll over on four of their brothers who went through the same training and employed the same methods of arrest as they themselves use.
Fucking cucks all of them.

>cops don't help keep the wealthy wealthy
great reading comprehension, 6th grade dropout

They're thrown under the bus by their leaders, the cities are saying fuck pigs and throwing stuff at them, the media wants to portray them as horrible

how long until they get fed up and organize a response?

You’re gonna get v& and your eyes cut out of your face soon terrorist faggot. Your ride is readily approaching.

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>thinks only Jews are capitalists and globalists
that's how fucking stupid you are. As if there aren't hyper wealthy non-Jew capitalists who benefit off globalist capitalism? Your obsession to have a single identifiable bad guy because of race and ethnicity is your downfall you limp dick fucknugget.







>willingly embraces people I don't like getting v& under the guise of "belonging to a group that doesn't actually exist or have any membership*
You're setting yourself up SO hard that it blows my mind you probably consider yourself intelligent.

It is jews you giant fucking nigger lover

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>a group that doesn't actually exist or have any membership

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>marxist who read the communist manifesto and thinks he is gonna change the world!

"That wasn't real communism" was it?

I can't wait until it is legal to shoot commies in the streets.

Cop bros if you're out there, I'll lick your boots. Your professionalism and ability to act while under attack on all fronts, unable to respond, egged on to, it was amazing. I've been watching for days and you earned a lot of my respect.

Some of us stand with you.

I’m a patrol deputy in a conservative rural county within a conservative state. From what I’m used to in my environment, I am completely baffled by what happens in “liberal utopia” metropolitan jurisdictions. What am I thinking? I’m thinking how I am unequipped to handle rioting and large scale looting. I’m used to working on my own in a rural area, and I think it’s nightmarish to be in a concrete jungle full of pissed of people. I’d probably get immolated by a Molotov cocktail or trampled underfoot by the “peaceful protestors”. Fortunately, I am completely safe from the social upheaval happening in the liberal cities.

The residents in my community are very worried, and so far I’ve seen:
>a barrage of concerned phone calls rolling through dispatch, everyone’s worried that the closest riots from 75 miles away will stroll into our little county and raise hell
>gun owning citizens and business owners discussing “fortification plans” with our sheriff
>seriously, the people here are dedicated enough to create a Maginot line for our county
>our sheriff posting meme worthy Facebook posts about the shit happing in the cities

So far, so good. This stuff won’t affect me really

hey, go back to bootlicking. If/when Biden gets in and in his dementia-ridden state manages to pass some anti-gun legislation, you really can't be mad if the military and cops come in to enforce it.

wojackposting in place of argument, classic

nah, you're just a dumpster of fried neurons.

Seethe harder nigger. You’re just assblasted to find out that antifa is on a watchlist too

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"I wonder how much overtime I can get"

cops are not people, they’re pigs

Look at these losers attending these riots. Listen to what they are saying, look at how they behave, that is why there is a massive gap in wealth. They are idiots, they have no self-control, they can't think for themselves. They cover themselves with tattoos and piercings. They drink and do drugs. There idea of a fun night is breaking shit. They deserve their spot at the bottom of the social hierarchy.

hmmm... not nearly enough dead cops by my calculations. A good start though.

>When the gommunism brain rot sets in

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>screencaps of one account publicly tweeting
you are worse at Internet logic than my boomer dad.

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Cops exist to protect the elite from the people. The more they resist the people, the more obvious this will be - that's why they've started shooting reporters. Any coverage of the cops' actions here is bad coverage.

There's a lot to loot in New York. I would fake an injury if I was them or start using my sick days.

They probably want to hang their mayors and governors.

Look at these losers posting on Zig Forums. Listen to what they are saying, look at how they behave, that is why there is a massive gap in wealth. They are idiots, they have no self-control, they can't think for themselves. They cover themselves with trendy memes and internet speak. They masturbate to degenerate porn and do drugs. There idea of a fun night is posting about HAPPENINGS all night. They deserve their spot at the bottom of the social hierarchy.