Prepare for supply collapse

Fellow anons.

The recent riots might stress the supply chain into collapse by the obstruction of the delivery industry and destruction of stores on top of the covid epidemic. If you haven't already, store up dried foods such as lentils and rice, fresh water, dried milk, cooking oil, honey, medical supplies such as bandages, hydrogen peroxide, and medicines for fever/pain.

Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. Your enemies might just destroy themselves.

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>Prepare for supply collapse

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Nobody is looting the grocery stores in the suburbs. Nobody is burning farms. It's strictly a city problem.

Supply collapse? What the fuck is produced in any big city's downtown but caramel macchiatos and white guilt?

>our supplies come from the inner cities
Imagine being this retarded.

Yeah farmers might have to destroy a few million more pounds of produce because of this.
God I love capitalism.

Is this why my Pelican case is still stuck in salt lake city? Fuck niggers, fuck jannies, fuck FEDEX

you guys are dumbfucks that are going to get what you deserve when the trucks dont have parts anymore
use your noodle

>Nobody is looting the grocery stores in the suburbs. Nobody is burning farms. It's strictly a city problem.
when food in your cities runs out and shit gets real serious first refugees will come and then large groups looking to loot.

I dont even know why Im warning you I should have let you learn your lesson


Pic Related.

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unless you are personally farming and manufacturing everything you need, yes all your supplies are stored and distributed through cities.

This is what I've been wondering seeing all the looting, even looting trucks and trains! People won't be restocking goods anytime soon, specially with the Covid19 bullshit.

fuck captain america and the pozzed faggots who wrote that scene.

gentlemen does anyone have the map of the riots, showing its democratic centers, i wanna educate some people

Not to mention imagrant workers and chinese goods dissapear. Unemployed americans shall starve. The left will feed them even if they are too dumb to know why.

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d-did he died?

you realize this is not the_donald ? People are not triggered by "drumpf" images, or whatever pet name you have for him.

Niggers burn three corners.


You could say that it's fate was SEALed

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your post suggests different

Money is produced. Your food will be paid for by the educated and wealthy.

You seem awfully triggered

No just trying to pick out his statue.

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We are in sociological crisis mode.
One decade of this at least.

Prepare for more shit nig riots aren't even the beginning of this.

Then the looters/protesters will have no choice but to let themselves get arrested or their starve to death.

nogs couldn't find their way out of the city if their lives depended on it, they will cannibalize

>niggers loot the shit out of the inner city
>"oh shit we need food, bruh"
>head to suburbs to get food
>met by wall of white people blocking em off

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try again faggots

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We need to get nignog-majogs back to Africa, I mean really.

I would honestly love to just... round 'em up and send 'em to Africa, LOL.


The smart blacks can stay, the hard working blacks can stay, Ella Fitzgerald can stay. Duke Ellington can stay.

But I say if a nigger has their pants sagging below their ass, send 'em to Africa. That should literally be the metric by which this is done.

Pants below ass? Back to Africa.

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nah bruh they selling direct now I fucking love capitalism

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Blacks rule the world deal with it internet warrior


But that's a walrus you fucking spic

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