ONE SHOT to turn the Jew's war of demographic replacement against them: What can we do RIGHT NOW to get Mexicans to join the right?
Mexicans and other Hispanics in the US sound redpilled as fuck. They're out there blasting niggers and protecting their homes and businesses. I am getting the sense that they are just as fed up with blacks as whites are, if not MORE fed up because they have to live next to them more often.
HOW do we get Mexicans and beaners, who in general have pro-family nominally "conservative" views and voted against gay marriage in California, onto the political "Right?"
This seems like DO OR DIE time. If we can't convert them right now, it's over, they'll take over the country for the Democratic party.
How do we show Mexicans that values trump (pun intended) the gibs and amnesty the Dems promise them, and get them to hate and resist the jewish globohomo niggermachine that is lefty American politics on the side of white men?
also please dont give me any bullshit about a 100% white USA, you can dream all you want about that shit but without pragmatic solutions we are fucked, some compromise is necessary in my opinion or whites are done. The USA is heavily bean'd, but I'd rather live in a Bean USA with conservative beans that are allied with whites than a jewified Bean USA where the beans attack the whites for their jew masters
Samuel Hughes
Beaners are worse than niggers. I live near both. Beaners are not based. They’re absolute fucking animals. Don’t fall for this stupid fucking meme.
Ian Jackson
I feel like we can turn them to our side through helping them with economic problems a lot of Hispanic communities face. Either this or we can focus on some business protection rights like all damages paid which would help with the overall demographic.
Juan Baker
Zig Forums is unironically warming up to latinos
Angel Perez
i'd probably describe myself as a pragmatic white nationalist willing to accept some "cultural nationalist" elements in the interest of saving the white Christian family. personally i am proud to be white but i have conservative friends of all races and i don't have any issue living in a non-ethnostate, i think utopian thinking is foolish
i'm definitely not NazBol, I think a free exchange economy was the key to white's success and global dominance but that it needs to be restrained by a morally sound state to prevent jewish monopolies corrupting the government and spreading degeneracy. Capitalism was corrupted after whites lost their faith in God and replaced it with hedonism.
I think the cultural core of society is more important than its system of government or economics.
no idea who that is, links?
Thomas Smith
i know some based ones and unbased ones. a lot are pretty shitty. But if they're going to be here and going to be psyopped, id rather psyop them for us than against us. I think it's a dichotomy at this point.
Mason Harris
make them tacos essay
Nolan Rogers
Reminder that, while a true white woman should be your first choice, light latinas CAN be bred to produce white children, and it's fairly easy to convert a catholic wife to protestantism.
Brody Morales
can you elaborate on that? what economic problems are unique to hispanic communities?
Small business protection rights would benefit both whites and hispanics and could be easily spun to have a pro-hispanic slant, that's good.
Juan Jackson
The stubborn dies firts, just accept the beaners help
Thomas Hernandez
Many are already tradcath. Problem is these millennial generations are too Americanized in a libuck way. You need to be friendly with Mexicans and they'll return the favor. Don't call them names. Treat them as your friends. Many are already redpilled about niggers, though. kys jamal
1. Being nonwhite, a lot of the younger ones have fallen to "identity politics" and are very liberal and anti-white. Especially the university educated second generation ones. However, genuine latin americans seem to think this stuff is BS. Like you said, I don't think they're as deep down the rabbit hole as blacks and I think if whites are more openly nice to them they might drop the liberal shit.
2. They are very deeply in the pockets of dems and just want gibs for themselves and amnesty for their illegal family members, who will just want gims and vote blue to get them. They will vote for any globohomo cuck shit even if they're "tradcath" just to get gibs and amnesty.
How do we get them away from the gibs?
Do we get the right to give them gibs, too? Or try to elevate them economically so they don't need them anymore? The latter would take too long.
Jason Nelson
I mean the only viable solution would be some sort of balkanized confederation. Multiculturalism can't last as it is predicated and the poisoned well of egalitarianism. In this case, the worse racial group (niggers) will never be able to perform at a nominal level and thus society will run through every excuse and policy to achieve equity till it collapses; this is because it can never acknowledge the truth that egalitarianism is false and blacks are not equal to whites or even say mexicans.
However, whites globally have been operating strickly under the loadstone of individualism in order to propagate the egalitarianism mythology, so white conciousness has non-existent in recent modernity. This needs to change. Mexicans have a right to a collective identity and community. But more importantly, whites should have a right to a collective identity and the right to speak as one as well. If mexicans can respect that for whites, then I'm fine with respecting mexicans as well. Same goes for other groups as well, except for jews whose trust can never be salvaged given their nature and history.
We are not the same kin, but we can have commonalities and values that we share. But this does not mean we should be forced to live together and co-mingle like some perverted breeding experiment. We should be able have the right to live separate and sovereign homogeneous communities and no one should have a right to access to any group unless they permit it on their own terms. Hence the need for balkanization to define borders between groups and confederation to enforce rules among groups. But none of this can occur without mutual respect for various group's core racial/kin identity.
Grayson Campbell
>tfw no angie varona-type coffee with cream skinned latina to make you huevos in the morning before you head off to work in the nigger-killing pits why even live bros?
It may seem that way but they're a vocal minority I've talked about blacks in front of them knowing their beliefs but they're too docile to confront you
Jaxon Hill
i'm fine with some sort of balkanization down the road but it sounds too big and hard to do for a shorter timeframe of 5-15 years. I'm looking at shorter term, more doable solutions to the jew's demographic replacement scheme.
also, respect can start now within the current "melting pot," regardless of what happens in the future.
I essentially just want ways to psyop the mexicans a little bit and get them to realize that despite our differences, we have a common enemy in banker jews and their nigger gollum, and if we dont ally, we're all fucked together.
okay, BASED ???
Noah Parker
This completely. The larpers in here really don't know just how monstrous spics can be.
Jason Russell
that is true, the left-leaning mexicans i know are incredibly beta and meek.
What about the gibs/amnesty problem? I feel like democrats can just buy beaner votes and no matter what the social issues are, they'll always just vote for the party with more gibs and amnesty politics.
mexicans do allegedly have a "work ethic" you hear about and many do certainly seem to work hard, but right now their focus seems to be on taking as much as possible from the white US for themselves
Hudson Howard
Brah Angie Varona is literally one of the hottest girls I've ever seen ever.
Ethan Johnson
oh trust me, i know. The smarter a race is, the more evil they are capable of. Because spics are part iberian, they have the capacity to scheme and torture on a scale far greater than niggers. Because they are part aztec, they have an ancient bloodlust.
However, they are also capable of being very decent and successful, especially the higher IQ whiter ones. i want to get these ones to lead the rest over away from the dems.
Blake Reed
remove the gibs completely
Mexicans/south americans are unironically based with god-tier food. I tried elote a few weeks ago and goddamn yall know how to eat
i feel like that'd be ideal but very hard to actually do, and in the process of doing it the jews would convince them that the white man was doing it to them because he hated them and turn them even more away from us
Blake Hughes
>and it's fairly easy to convert a catholic wife to protestantism yea you faggot and look at whats become of your women thanks to protestantism. half of them have turned on you and now your nation is about to get cucked by niggers not just jews
Dylan Adams
should have said Baptist protestant, the only uncucked religion left
but yeah its fine for most people to stay catholic but i'd personally have a latin waifu free of vatican (((jesuit))) heresy
Adrian Rivera
95% of the people posting on this thread are spics LARPing as whites. Not only are they replacing us in our own country, but now on the Internet. Sad.
Angel Gray
How was your night in Seattle?
Jace Taylor
hell yeah my brother
Lincoln Cruz
Much latinos are good citizen but the rest, if you let that mestizos in general reclaim his white heritage and treat them like equals or just with respect, teaching the right side and fomenting conservatives values, probably they contribute even more to USA.
Liam Thomas
I'm OP and I'm white. Get over it man, the boomers fucked us over, you can't just press a magi button and make america 95% white again. We're fucked if the spic are against us, they will be a majority very soon.
If white are going to survive and prosper, we need an alliance with spics, like them or not.
what would be the best way in your opinion to teach mestizos conservative values? What do they respect? Are they a patriarchal culture who would respect a strong male authority like Pinocet? Are they subservient enough to take orders from a white or castizo authority figure or would they learn better from someone who looked like them?
Parker Martin
We have de facto balkanization, just not de jure. Think white flight. The whole reason people moved and develed the suburbs and rural areas was to escape the failed multicultural experiments of the cities. The only thing that "saved" cities was neoliberalism and that glue is starting to fail spectacularly.
As for convincing mexicans, it comes down to what most groups want: respect. Give them respect but demand that they respect your right to a white identity and community as well. Non-whites typically see whites as cultureless, so you have to show them that you have culture and identity worth respecting (i.e. not consumerism and libtard shit). Before it was easier because whites identified as their ethnic subgroup such as Italians or Germans or Hungarians etc. with very rich and historied cultures. Now it's a little more tricky to define what this amalgamated white identity is and why/how it should be respected by other groups. Like getting to the Moon was a white cultural thing. Classical Music is a white cultural thing. Etc.
Robert Thompson
Appeal to Mexican machismo.
Do they really want to be on gibs forever just like a welfare nigger.
You don’t need to do anything. Mexicans know what its like to come from a country where there’s no money to be made and know that the right to work america offers is invaluable. They work their fucking hands to the bone to make a living while US citizens squander the massive fucking benefits we have from being citizens. They also fucking hate black people and liberal white people in LA. Liberal Whites here are filthy fucking rich and use them for exploited labor while preaching equality on their million dollar studio productions while mexicans serve catering inbetween takes. They stay the fuck clear of blacks and black neighborhoods because they know they have no real community and will destroy theirs. Don’t be fooled by media, there’s a FUCKton of conservative hispanics. I saw a Trump 2020 sign over the 5 in west LA today.
Luke Scott
Just get them pregnant
Nolan Ortiz
right, i have lived in california and texas, i've seen a lot of that. perhaps stronger city and state government and a weaker federal government would allow de facto balkanization to remain peaceful and pragmatic. that way suburban whites dont have to worry so much about the voting habits of the mexicans one town over.
very smart comment regarding demonstrating an admirable and strong culture, that's very legit. I think mexicans would respect whites if we were all a bunch of elon musk spaceman entrepreneurs, they would be in awe of us. engineering (physical and coding) seems to be beyond most beans so if whites go hard in that shit while remaining principled and conservative family people, that could earn some respect.
music is also important. Mexicans, apart from a few niggerfied ones, tend to reject jewified hip hop and have their own "banda" groups, sort of like their version of country music. We need to get some non-niggerfied white artists to make a discernible music movement.
this is incredibly useful, thank you. That's very true, if you say "do you really wanna be a weak-ass BITCH who gets his rent from the white man's taxes?" i think a lot of mexicans would want to say NO ESE I GET MY OWN BREAD haha
exactly. so how do we convert this into conservatism and righty voting patterns?
Sebastian Bell
so do you think a narrative of "lazy blacks and their jew corporate overlords want to ruin the opportunities of america which would hurt hardworking mexicans" would be effective?
Do you think a campaign with imagery based on uniting working class whites and hispanics would bear fruit with hispanics? Would they want to be associated with working class whites?