How to get involved in the far right cause? These footage of the riots have proved to me that the wing of the left in power is psychotic and schizophrenic and that black people are just as bad as the nazis said they were, fuck the Cuckleft
Where do I sign up? How do I redpill friends in a smooth and easy way? I'm in a leftwing neighbourhood rocked by the riots and people are shellshocked because the SJW lies they were encoded with from childhood are dissonant with the violent black riot reality
I was told this was the far right go-to website by New York Times, so hook me up famalam
Gabriel Robinson
You should go back there
Benjamin White
>Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA (I hear you, man)
Christian Butler
Go ask for Kelby on 8th street, tell him Heinrich sent you
Elijah Jackson
Fuck off with your zionist cuck
Owen Ortiz
>How to get involved in the far right cause? Don't do anything but shitpost on Zig Forums and claim it's activism.
Ethan Evans
Get the fuck out of here. Not even trying to be hostile, but you should just leave. You haven't been flipped that fast, you aren't a changed soul. Assuming you aren't some shill, you are maybe a little more moderate. But you are nothing like what you envision here.
Nathaniel King
What's the deal? I thought this was a far right website yet the only posts i see are attacking the far right, frankly from what ive fucking seen on those twitter videos we need them now more than ever
>how do I sign up Lol. Just be white. Vote trump. Faggot idiot
Nicholas Cruz
If you want a group, convert your friends, be a leader amongst your own community.
Jack Ward
lurk moar first of all and remove your memeflag
Blake Peterson
>just as bad as the nazis said Obvious larp. Stfu and die, nigger.
Aiden Gonzalez
And give up my location? no way nice try
Ryder Morgan
Mr fed there’s nothing to join, nothing to take into your own hands just yet. However you guys will be recruiting us soon if you don’t fucking fix this and get our shit together
Lucas Mitchell
Yeah so fuck off you aren't even american
Thomas Torres
I thought the same thing when that jogger was killed. It's a crime now to defend yourself against a jogger trying to murder you. All this anti white sentiment being acceptable was funny but now it's getting to a point where it's actually a danger. We need to be more tribal like everyone else.
Carter Gutierrez
You have to go to the secret rightwing meetings which take place every tuesday at Starbucks after closing. If you really want to join you need to bring three things. 1. A copy of Mein Kampf. 2. A stuffed toy representing your favorite character from MLP. 3. Snacks, of good quality and a large quantity. Good luck and I hope you find the Right Wing Deathsquad you seek
Luis Lopez
What the fuck bro don't tell him
Gabriel Green
>How to get involved in the far right cause? Be an upstanding, productive citizen.
Brayden Murphy
>black people are just as bad as the nazis said they were the nazis never said any such thing, what are you talking about? neo-nazis?
Lincoln King
do not ask here
Hunter Baker
Jayden Collins
But mein fuhrer said that every pony, pure of heart was welcome!
Henry King
Im not Wtf seriously? This is a far right website literally people are SCARED of this website that I know and dont want to go near it and nobody is giving out far right resources because its not appropriate,,,, while a literal Negro Apocalypse is destroying the country and gang swarming white people in the streets!
Sounds to me like YOURE the fed, pal! Why dont you police the blacks by turning their phones off, instead of trying to divide and conquer white people trying to defend themselves, fucking bitch
Isaac Garcia
This. That's the sentence that gave away the larp.
Kevin Rogers
>And give up my location? no way nice try >my location Nigger you are posting on Zig Forums a website that uses guulaag captcha and is hosted in a NSA server >pic related. If you are using chrome or whatever you are fucked too.
There is no need to use a memeflag unless you want to larp or you are hidding something.
ok so you would rather have satanist globalists who are actively seeking to destroy america? fuck off discord tranny.
Luke Davis
>There is no need to use a memeflag unless you want to larp or you are hidding something This, they must be chinese or a spic or something
Asher Green
reality is not a movement my friend all you can do is wait for events such as this for people to realize they been deluded.
talk to your community and don't be apologetic for how you feel
Liam James
Bad attempt, not nearly smart enough
Jace Powell
Where the fuck else? Is there some other far right website im supposed to be aware of? Nearly every article talking about white nationalism mentions Zig Forums pol board so here i am mothafuckas
Hunter Garcia
go away fag
Gavin Lee
Have a strong white family, raised with good morals, and keep your money out of black districts areas. That's how we do it.
Julian Thompson
You are probably some antifa fag absolutely ass blasted about that twitter group, trying to do something similar. Unfortunately for you our movement is organic and grassroot and not kike sponsored civilizations destroying garbage. Now go eat a shotgun in Minecraft.
Jacob Clark
>This is a far right website This is a free speech website.
we've been under Shilling non stop for 5 years; the chinks, the israelis, the ADL, the russian, DARPA, Tavistock, the Porn Industry, the Democrats, ANTIFA; fucking everyone is here. >pic related.
You don't know what is happening and never NEVER assume you do while being here.
We meet up at the corner house near the fountain on 8th street. Knock two times, pause then knock fives times. Say "sieg heil" and Tim will let you through.
Joshua Gonzalez
Vote for Trump even if you don't like him. Joe Biden will allow all of those rioters and looters go scot free.
Andrew Rivera
Sebastian Sullivan
Best Post
Samuel Turner
First you have to turn on all the lights in your house so you can glow harder
Fellow far-right-winger, go to our secret Discord, we have bomb instructions and kill-lists and everyone's addresses. In Minecraft. :^)
Christopher Bailey
>I was told this was the far right go-to website by New York Times, so hook me up famalam 2/10
Jace Wood
Implying we dont already have that in full force. without trump you wouldnt have coping trumptards derailing discussions about jewish power and running interference with their Q bullshit
Wyatt Young
Go on Reddit and post a manifesto and get people to help you write it
James Phillips
>How to get involved in the far right cause? Self improvement until shtf.
1. Vote trump 2. Buy a gun and learn how to use it 3. Avoid blacks at all cost 4. You don’t have to actively red pill people. Just be logical, speak the truth, and you can be silent when everyone else is virtue signaling. 5. Welcome
William Bailey
The best you can do for the far right movement is to improve yourself, find a woman to marry, get many kids and fullfil your life goals without caving in to degenerate behaviour.
You just need to show a happy white American family to the leftards to make them seethe.
Joseph Jackson
National Socialism is the belief of man as part of the natural world; it is the idea that society should be structured in accordance with the laws of nature. An integral part of National Socialism is Racial Idealism, an idea based on the unbounded love of one's own people. This love is expressed by placing the interests of the racial community to which you belong ahead of your own individual desires, understanding that this selflessness will be paid back in full by your fellow man.
National Socialism believes in putting the nation before yourself. Despite this, there is a considerable difference between the socialism of Hitler and that of Marxist doctrine. Hitler's nationalism has the patriotic motive of placing the good of one’s country before personal ambition while retaining one's individuality and happiness, whereas Marxism squeezes the people dry in favor of a machine-like nation built only for profit.
In short, National Socialism believes that all men are NOT created equal. Just as every individual has his strengths and weaknesses, so too does each race have qualities that are unique to that group. National Socialism believes in the improvement of your people through individual means; its goal is that each new generation of children will be better off than the one before it.
Start killing white liberals, it's actually not the blacks this time, the libs are actually pretty based and burning down shit and blaming nogs. They're still fags and deserve to die though. Fuck antifa.
Anthony Stewart
>Get a gun >Mine your house >shitpost on Zig Forums good times
Charles Perez
Its not about left or right its about BLACK and WHITE!
You're clearly so stupid you wouldn't be able to find your own ass if your hands were glued to it, so you're about 70% of the way there
Lucas Rivera
Based Bass Hunter
Jose Kelly
Give the Zig Forums your will get big dick, only big dick make your dick big.
Lincoln Hill
Hi Straya, your baits are getting weaker and weaker, but who cares, there is people who really believe what you wrote and are here after the riots. What is the best thing you can do? Nothing. Just let those psycos of Democratic Party kill each others (both BLM and Antifa where used as political militia by Democratic Party). Whatever thing you will do they will put the blame on you. DONT DO ANYTHING
Nathaniel Parker
Nicholas Barnes
I'd break your fucking jaw, say that to my face in real life you little pussy
Subscribe to pewdiepie and expect the code word to attack
Isaac Carter
okay schizo
Charles Perez
that's the point glowie, this website is public and easily accessible, all the people who are geniuely serious are on other chans, ones not so easy to find with a google search
Camden Sanchez
They mad it that issue from the beginning because genocidal anti Whites and leftists its what they do. Had the cop been black they would have never pumped the story like they did. They did to undermine Whites and Blacks don't give a fuck never have. To act like a nigger animal is human is genocide of White people. Which is exactly what jews and their nigger animal pets want.
A Squires Trial is a nice allegory for Fascists of all age. Despite its poor grammar and syntax, The Book uses the simple fable of an old mentor figure teaching the new apprentice; the mentor explains the worldview of Fascism to someone who is more naive to the cause and what he stands for. The innocent apprentice's worldview and preassumed notions of Fascism and National Socialism is then therefore shattered, into which he falls into a bitter conundrum and contradiction with what his mentor has told him and his own cognitive bias, as falsehoods and lies are actively trying to subvert the truth, with truth ultimately succeeding, and leading the apprentice to seek out and follow the footsteps of his would be mentor.
Thus, it is a necessity to refer this book to anyone and everyone who has ideologically naive themselves or innocently right-wing. Even "red-pilled" natsocs who uselessly spend time on and/or delve further into revisionism and the JQ, yet, know little to nothing about the Weltanschauung, must read this book first. As this book can be logically allocated as the first step and basis for building the Weltanschauung and a neat little summary for anyone who has not read any fascist literature whatsoever, yet has gripes about the right-wing, JQ and society in general.