>democrat cities burning to shit >hours and hours of film of niggers being niggers for content >antifa burning down and niggers looting of big box jew stores >antifa taking a horrible PR hit >"white supremacy" spin was so stupid it didn't even last an hour >fence riders getting redpills shoved down their throat
This entire riot has been like a free promotion campaign.
Asher Myers
As much as he gets memed on Trump is some kind of social genius. He knows exactly who people are and how they’ll react to certain events.
Brandon Diaz
Glowniggers and britbongs want you to drive an hour to shoot some nigger and go to prison for life. I'd rather watch TV as the country becomes red pilled. These "protesters" don't vote.
Jonathan Ward
Zig Forums is a board of peace.
Kevin Reed
>when you fight your enemy, they win we Gandhi now, Trudeau too
Ayden Kelly
You forgot
>new allies
James Hernandez
erm, no we don't, I say stay strong, stay strategic and gas those kid fucking kikes
Easton Young
Don't forget the desperate shills in here screaming >we just won the culture war tonight! It's over white men, your country has sided with us! Fuck Drumpffffff reeeeee!!! They're in denial at how badly they've fucking lost and white men didn't have to lift a finger.
That’s great. It’s so fucking unbelievable it’s a parody.
Jace Ramirez
You have to ask yourself if this will lead to a fundamental change in course for our country. Are people going to lose faith in the electoral politics? Not happening, people arent even likely to change their views on which party they should vote for. Goblinos will continue to pour over the border and we will become an increasing minority in Brazil part 2
If you want to see change you have to work with others to achieve it, no sitting on the sidelines patting yourself on the back. Join a group like Patriot Front and start networking. Our course wont change unless we put in the work, remember that
Work smarter. Not harder. God damn it’s great being white.
Brandon Price
That’s only if you get caught. Something to think about
Kayden Williams
Don't forget
>Other minorities now shitting on blacks
Parker Russell
It takes a lot off the mind when you stop caring for liberal whites and idiots who relax around blacks.
Isaac Flores
Posts like these just drive home the point I’m making here. You niggers read the OP and say “goddamn he’s right” and get mad yourselves and click through 15 fading traffic lights to post “cope” because you’re coping yourself. Projection fools. Lmao.
It's because we aren't lawless feral niggers jogging through the streets and are staying indoors while the nigs nog and rummage unchained. I mean you literally just had Joe bend the knee to BLM and Antifa. It's only going to get better, based white user.
Adrian Russell
Every crime committed by a right wing white during this will be prosecuted. Niggers literally have a privilege to commit crime.
Henry Gray
Traitors get the rope first
Jack Miller
Leftypolfags are doing it because their bunker went down the other day. I don't know if it's up again but the disruption caused the initial raid. Obviously the botspam is still active since mods refuse to rangeban AWS IPs for (((some reason)))
Connor Reyes
She will be voting Republican at the election 100%
John Thomas
>tfw but for real, keep your guard up, and been prepared, the real fight will probably begin within the next few weeks/months.
funny thing is they honestly can't see any of this. they think the other 328 million people in this country are with them, yet suburbs and rural areas have been arming up in case they come. news article of them burning a kid alive (horrible way to fucking die, and a kid had to experience that), mexicans are fighting back because they don't even want this shit. when this is done they'll either have pushed in to armed America territory to attack houses and will be decimated and look worse for attacking homes in the process or they will have ran out of energy and rope, be the losers and responsible for destruction and death. including all those that supported them in government and media. People have died now, it isn't going away.
Jacob Cox
>Yea right Amerimutt you'll cuck when they reach the suburbs.