Is there any hope for white men?

As a 19 year old swedish male i have a lot of problems in the dating scene. Women consider me too feminine. My question is to women of Zig Forums, would you date me? And if not, why? Go into more detail than "you look like a faggot lol".

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Unironically move to Japan

If you're a pretty guy then enhance your masculine qualities -- life weights. Not political. Good luck.

Fuck gaypan

Time for you to start taking estrogen pills user and start sucking the bbc. If you are that feminine as a guy you'll probably do pretty well for yourself as a tranny. If anything, based off how cucked the world is this would immediately improve your social standing.

Again? Do you get sexually aroused by being called a woman?

Cut your hair phaggot

Women are looking for wealthy people, tall or with a strong social position.

However if you come to Italy, with your appearance they immediately put you to work as a model, you will be treated like a Nordic god and you will easily find a girl.

I've seen this thread before
Same replies too

If you are pic related then it seems like you look like a cute girl kek.
But anyways you got good genes so maybe you'd have better luck moving to some other place that would boost your chances significantly, and also another option you could do is grow a beard and hit the gym if you want to look more masculine.

there are no women on Zig Forums
most males here would probably date you if you actually look like that though

can you niggerfuck fucking stop posting my pics everywhere why are so butthurt? stop it its gay and cringe! I called out your larp in the other thread and now you got butthurt you ugly lil nigger. fuck off!

You do look like a pale faggot.

Why do Brazilians always fall for the shittiest of bait? Is it the jungle IQ?

Change your haircut, you look like a twink.

Pic related is swedish.

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I think it’s bc your nose is too short

This is your second thread. Fuck off faggot

Once covid’s gone, go to a con and cosplay as Cloud Strife
Fuck a big tittied Tifa

sage this larpers thread for fucks sake. its a butthurt niggerfaggot who is larping as me.

fucking SAGE!

Are you by any chance trying to date africans or middle eastern women? Y'know, because you live in Sweden and all... if you are then just stop and look for humans, you look decent enough, unless you have a huge scar in the part you are not showing

Women likely regard you as feminine because I'm ASSUMING you're looking for a long-term relationship and it's really common where you're at for people to just fuck devoid of emotions. You should probably get out of the dating scene, or intensely vet who you talk to. If you're using online dating apps, be clear about your intentions. Also, if it's because of your mannerisms, just wear them with pride. There's a special quality to effeminate men who take charge of their destiny and flaunt themselves regardless of their detractors. Being an effeminate man is a difficult run at times, but it's admirable and actually alpha as fuck

its not me poland user. he is a larper using my pics he took from Zig Forums

Didn't take long to snag an idiot.

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Furthermore, if that's actually you, I think you're really pretty and would have a lot of luck with the gals with more confidence. "Confidence" seems like a bullshit copout, but it's true. Have you ever thought "fuck this shit," before doing something you've been hesitating on for the longest time? Maybe dental work or a surgery. You've gotta do the same thing here. Part of making a connection with other people is opening yourself up to vulnerability. You may get rejected, but that's how it goes. There's a lot of people out there and if you genuinely, consistently put yourself out there, there's bound to be someone who bites

If this post is anything but a slide thread and has any sincerity then from one feminine looking user to another, find a bisexual or older girl. i speak from experience. theyre more rare in the west but that has to do with the fact that normie women hate us almost as much as they hate ugly dudes. since femininity is often associated with kindness use that in your favor, be that kind guy that some women specifically look for. but also work out, working out will improve your testosterone levels and allow you to be. more confident and protect your loved ones. yes you wont get huge muscles we arent built like that, but strenght and the ability to defend your loved ones are more important.

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And not just someone, but THE one

cut your hair, lift some weights 2-3x week

american user OP is larping as me. im the guy in the picture. so sage him

Start hanging out with estet-girls, sure they are the most ”woke”, but seriously they wouldn’t be caught dead with a muzzie and they love a boy with looks like yours. Also if your going to Uni, you are basically thrown into a place where qt girls are starved for men who want relationships, since every man only wants one night stands.

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you are hot as fuck swedeanon

Most guys look like kids still at 19

Men begin to have all the power in dating around 30, just lift weights, get money, and you will be highly prized.

fuck yeah... you look like the twink in banana fish. i'm totally not gay, and we could keep our socks on.. but i'd penetrate you, or vice versa, no homo. come to Canada.

I think you're not reading what I wrote down. I'm not larping as you, love

lift weight

I'd have sex with this gentleman, but you have to lick the cherry too, that's the only condition.

Maybe I'm not reading what you're writing, sorry. I'm retarded

stop replying to this thread. OP is larping as me sage this thread and get him banned

Why be feminine? Lift and stop dressing like a faggot

no your not I wrote my posts in a rush. but you seem like a cool guy so dont worry

Let me fuck you instead. Come home white man,

Cut and groom hair, grow a light beard; start doing exercise and dieting accordingly. Get outside more and get some sunlight.

the sun doesn't exist in Sweden you geographical retard.

hey qt

again read the thread. OP is larping as me. im the guy in the picture

You look like a pretty god senpai.
If a was gurl i would let you smash me.

Out of jokes. You seem a bit femenine. Stop being pussy and start doing pushups and talk to girls without fear, because you are really handsome bro.

It has to do with onions beeing in fucking everything, also sugar and fat food and mlsy importantly a lack of working out. poor diet + mostly just hiding from the shitty pozzed world made me quite the skeleton for most of my life. it took me 4 years to get a bit more muscular.

That dog girl is Swedish btw. Here's another Swede

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well then you should come to Canada and suck me off.

what kind of gayop is this? MODS DO YOU JOB REMOVE THIS GAY SPAM

I thought she was a horse ?

2 gigabits is 250 megabytes, friend.

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Don't use up all that mobile data Sven

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Women dig medium length hair on guys lol its probably just your aspergic personality.

Seriously think about every actor/celebrity women have fawned over, because mostly all of them have been super feminine minus like RDJ and that guy who was in inglorious bastards fuck i cant remember his name someone tell me it

Every guy ive wanted to shag looked best with longer hair

I'd fuck ya.

We're supposed to be pale we're fucking Europeans people should stop shaming us for that.

is there a reference to that or are you actually retarded ?
not sure because of flag... usually i'd just assume the latter w burgs, but i'm giving you a chance

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And she despises you more for being an antisemite than a treacherous whoremonger.

The current state of women.

Nope. I think the swedes call it doging

Ye women dig fem looking guys
Also fuck off back to /soc/

charisma bro, that comes from knowing and loving yourself. Loving as in treating your body like a temple, and pursuing things you are passionate about.

Why are you gay?

i'm not. I already said that.

It's for the Vitamin D and fresh air you fucking retard.

Gigabit != Gigabyte != Gibibyte
computing terminology, 1 gigabit is 0.125 gigabytes

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>vitamin D
that's literally what white skin is for mutt.

Yes, they can offer their wives and daughters to superior BBC also no black bvull will have to work again only whites and they pay 80% of income to black kangs.

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