I think it's clear to all of you by now that some us lefties have joined your discussions on here. Yeah, we tried to get you to commit terrorism. It failed because y'all are too pussy to do anything ("muh glowies") whatever.
The fact of the matter is, y'all are ugly and will never get laid. Look at pic related. This is Georgia Ellenwiod, an accomplished athlete who is supporting BLM, George Floyd and the cause of helping black people get justice. Who are you, compared to her? An ugly alt right incel. You will never get a woman like this unless you change your opinions. When she posts stories on her Instagram about how she supports people of color, you reply to her saying you support her. That's literally your only chance to "save the white race" or whatever your incels are trying to do to get women.
I'd rather be an incel than some beach chick who has to live everyday knowing that at the end of the day people don't care about my accomplishments, they only care about my pussy.
Joshua Torres
>ya'll shut the fuck up snownigger bitch >the beak on that kike jewess what a loss. hope she pays the toll
Parker Allen
>yeah, we tried to get you to commit terrorism MODS BAN HE HE THICC
It's honestly about time that she came out with these statements. In her honor, I'm going to celebrate with a very extended fap session to photos of her amazing body.
who? Why should I care that some pudgy 5/10 supports a crackhead? We are winning the culture war by doing nothing, and the extent of your power reaches to name calling on Vietnamese fishing forums. Cope harder niggerlover.
Jacob Lopez
No one knows who that is. No one cares about your opinion snownigger. The overall fact that you're trying to get people to start a race war is good enough proof that you're fat and ugly thx
Angel Perez
Fucking shills are clueless. *Oh no, not random blonde bitch.* lol
Jordan Morgan
>Georgia Ellenwood literally who?
Camden Thomas
kys, nigger
Juan Lee
She is a certified coal burner and as good as dead. The media tells you to respect her, but she is useless and weak
Carter Hernandez
Project more, leftist incel. Pic related is a bitch I multiple times creampied, gave a facial to and desecrated in all kinds of ways. She's sucking proverbial BLM cock too now on social media because the vast majority of women are virtue signalling, approval seeking creatures. Just one example. Their true thoughts they keep to themselves or share with their closest ones. No matter how hard you beta leftycels/commiecels supplicate to these thots, they will always fuck me, a fashy goy, and not you. Even the biggest virtue signallers amongst them. Now go cope with the fantasy of being noticed by a woman who doesn't even register your existence and never will, faggot.