And just like that

Trump won 2020 in a landslide

Attached: 0CDC4BDE-A45E-4033-9278-50A09466692E.jpg (1152x2048, 215.29K)

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Not while hiding in a bunker dipshit.

You can tell who’s a shillposter by the irrelevant subject matter they always add on to posts.

This is why Dems tried to coin the "people of color", which means everyone except white people. They wanted to rope all non-whites into everything against white people.

White people of America you should come and live in the anglo-sphere.
Same language, with a similar culture and free healthcare for all,
you can assimilate better and will have no problem with anyone.

If anyone tries to stop this from happening they are racist and want to see the persecution of whites because of a racist systemic Jewish mentality that permeates all of our systems and their obsession with revenge against whites collectively for the atrocities of WW2.

Your families and children will be protected from the Jews and their black and hispanic golems that want to see you dead.

PoC hate you in America, they want to see you all dead, just leave them the country that "they built".
You have higher wages here by law, you have free healthcare!
Escape before you are off to the gas chambers.

>t. three degrees in political science from three different universities
Op is smart like that and definitely not a faggot

Attached: 1535296894242m.jpg (732x1024, 51.89K)

Anyone who's been to jail in california knows that the MEXICANS support the WHITES.
we WHITES, love our MEXICAN friends and MEXICAN FOOD. and MEXICANS are welcome to join us WHITES in the RACE WAR. as long as you cook us delicious BURRITOS, we will share WHITE WOMENS, with you.
Do you join our broship?

these people are so deranged they believe they're going to be hunted down and murdered just for existing and not for being pieces of shit

That nigger profile better be a parody account, nigger

Wtf why aren't the poc getting along

Spic here
Stay the fuck out of my neighborhood
We hav absolutely nothing to do with joggers

>Country in complete Chaos
>Only cares about elections
found the shill

Ops grandkids will be black or speaking Spanish. At least he’ll have that sweet trump 2020 merch

Still calling looting, pillaging and rioting "protests"

I remember high school 2015, snap chatting some big titted Australian girl I met on Omegle. She showed me her tits in exchange for videos of me speaking in Spanish. Funniest shit ever. Also stay cucked nigger.

A nigger "just existing" is being a piece of shit, its their way of life

Come to the anglosphere
Where you can’t have guns
Come to the UK get murdered by Pakis
Come to Aus get chink’d and experience a housing crisis
Come to NZ and get chink’d
Come to Canada the newest shithole nation
Is any place in the anglo sphere not a sinking ship?
Come to Eastern Europe it’s poor but it isn’t zogged or filled with PoC youre money will stretch and the people are hospitable u can make a business or farm easily and you’ll be part of a new golden era of wealth and development

Another fake racebaiting twitter post. Time is running out

Anglo/Hispanic alliance now. Reconquista of America.

Might as well doxx him for being a HUGE FAGGOT

>Come to Eastern Europe it’s poor but it isn’t zogged or filled with PoC youre money will stretch and the people are hospitable u can make a business or farm easily and you’ll be part of a new golden era of wealth and development

Yea actually that makes more sense.


Attached: americas-map-wfb-964-1452.jpg (964x1452, 1.07M)

> She showed me her tits in exchange for videos of me speaking in Spanish
Why would that make me cucked ?
Our women are free to do whatever they want, they are their own individuals and have their own rights.
You see this is why our people are different you have not had an enlightenment era,
your culture is backwards and your people are a representation of your societies that you build.
Those societies that you flee because muh refugee and then take it on your self to dismantle a functioning society.

So white people, I urge you all to leave the US promptly because they are building gas chambers as we speak.
This lockdown was a way to stop you leaving your homes so they can implement the genocide.

Based spic. You're welcome in my neighborhood, Juan.

i think you need to check in with your supervisors and update your talking points faggot
no two shekels for you

All the chinks are gone because of corona

>20+ notification
You have to go back

You live in delusions, no wonder you never see hits comming.

Attached: antifa_vs_chad.webm (988x548, 2.84M)

Based faint.

racist because I say you are racist

> haha getting brain damage was my plan all along
I guess it's settled then, antifa's life goal is to get as much brain damage as possible

Attached: antifa_shit_eater.jpg (720x556, 113.67K)

>t.BLM Killa, Antifa Killa!
See this nigga here vato
and then check this out bitch

Attached: Spear chucking for sport.png (750x1334, 1.73M)

That is so revolting that i have whiplash from the cringe.

>leftist factions starting to tear each other
This is why commie glowies wanted a "right-wing terrorist" patsy so badly. Good job not falling for the bait, Zig Forums.

Attached: Robert ''Pajama Pu$$yman'' Mueller wearing comfy Hillary Onesie.jpg (600x599, 113.47K)