WOW! Powerful

really makes y'all think
white supremacists BTFO

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Other urls found in this thread:

Drumpf = Voldomort


>and their name is NIGGERS, so yes you might as well use it, they are going to try to kill you either way

White college aged americans live their lives out as if they are movies and comic books. There is absolutely 0 self awareness or reality in these people.

dude's right. speak the truth. do the right thing. destroy evil.

Bernie = Harry Potter
AOC = Hermione


edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger

Why are these fucks so obsessed with comparing real life politics to a badly written fantasy??

>"And they are called ______, so yes you might as well use it, they're going to try to kill you either way"
Fill in the blank, Zig Forums

It was a psyop by Chinese government and you retards fell for it.

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They're the most group thinking, coddled, system enablers out there. They've been completely duped. It's hilarious they fancy themselves rebels.

This deserved digits

Jesus fucking wept. Could they just read another book?

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because they are communists, their whole being is trying to compare real life with badly written fantasy.

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>da whitey who lived... come to die muthafugga?

Because they're overgrown children. Mystery solved.

>can't name someone due to fear
Gee...(((who))) might that be?

You can say that it's because of Jews, but in reality its because they are always well fed, warm, have never had any form of difficulty or physical pain inflicted on them. If their father actually beat them once for doing wrong, they would have a far better understanding of reality and consequence of actions.
Paradise is hell for humans. Without struggles we are nothing. Can't even say I blame them.

Other books are far more difficult. Besides, why would you want to? Clearly Harry Potter has a quote or theme pertinent to every single possible situation.

bro wtf it all is so clear. have i been a bad guy this whole time, damn im so sorry?

Uh... guys?

Of course it has to be a fucking commie who brings reddit to Zig Forums...

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harry potter is the lowest common denominator for fantasy

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Wow, you use a skull and crossbones flag? You do know skulls are a white supremacist symbol, right? Because of their association with skull measurements and eugenics? And a CROSS of bones? So not only are you a fucking Nazi, but even worse, a Christian? Hilarious. Posting this to /r/atheism immediately. Try to hide your bigotry better next time, fascist.

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making nerds mainstream with their fag comics and cartoons, genius move.

Damn y'all, I meant to post a picture of my fursona looking very angry, not a picture of my fridge! Woops xD oh well. Highly recommend onions, it's amazing

Are those batteries in there? For your buttplug?

based aussieposter

My wife and her boyfriend enjoy toyplay :)


A group whose member's political goals, understanding of war, tactics and ideologies all have roots in fantasy and sci-fi fiction attacking the United States of America.
This delusion is going to end very well for them. Their keepers will either see the futility or cut them off eventually. These commies have no idea about the hardships they will truly face. They carry milk for fucking mace like that is the god damn obstacle they fear.