Holy shit lmao

holy shit lmao

Attached: lmaoEU.png (1685x1455, 1.26M)

If UK is so dangerous for black people, why don't they just move to Africa and be among their own people?

Would colonize

They know full well that Africans are the even more animalistic version of themselves. Even a chimp knows not to mess with a gorilla

Wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. Have some standards.

How is the article offensive?

Niggers are trying to get genocided

What, unlicensed assault sporks killing them by the dozens or what?

So the UK is a spitting image of the US now with its stupid nogs?

would hatefuck both of them at the same time

remember it was bongs who brought niggers to mainstream culture in the 60s with the beatles and all their other bands. that country doesn't get nearly enough hate


UK actually has a worse problem with niggers than the US does.
But we have an even bigger problem, Pakistani Muslims. They form rape gangs on white children.

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British police doesn't even have butter knives.
Blacks are such dumb animals, I swear.

All white countries are racist. All of them. Yet they stay and complain.
Cucks won't be happy until it is the law to let black men fuck your wife and blacks won't be happy until we are all like Zimbabwe.

>need an ID check to buy round plastic knives

good, this will blackpill more brits

Honestly this. They’re pissing the entire world off. We all just sat around and tolerated them for years but they’ve gone too far this time.

>All these people are shouting "I can't breathe" while acting as the largest vector for covid-19 since the chinese lunar new year
>the officer in the case was married to a hmong refugee
>the black victim had a white fiancee
>the jogger american was named ahmaud arbery. say it aloud for me. AHMAUD. ARBERY. I'll let you know a secret, some jew central planner said hey we couldn't make this show any more obvious unless his name was armed robbery and another jew replied "do it"

the amount of in inside jokes with all of this shows someone is having a lot of fucking fun. and all the sub150 IQ plebs are none the wiser unaware or unprepared to accept how society is organized. Guess what, war takes place in theaters, and head of states perform dramatic roles.

Beatles is white culture you dumb cunt.
You gave the world RAP.
Imagine being this retarded.

You can tell she wants to play revolutionary. She's already got an ego about all this. She doesn't actually give a fuck.

Only 3 people were killed by police in the UK last year. You are 18 times more likely to be killed by a cow in the UK.

London: It’s not just for Pakis anymore!

Imagine how pissed the Jews must be that the cop killed the guy with his leg instead of a gun.

What do blacks in the U.K. even have to complain about? They don't have the 'muh slavery' excuse like Murican nogs do.

Its one thing to be ugly. but ugly & dumb?, girl stop.

why would the jews be pissed?
the cop just saved a bullet, thats like.... 20 cents?
Thats 20 cents more for Israel.

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Wish they didn’t exist, in Minecraft

>What do blacks in the U.K. even have to complain about?
Being black?

The niggers here LARP the same shit despite no nigger has ever been killed by the police in this country. Thankfully the bullshit is too strong even for the cucked Swedish normie so everyone laugh at them and tell them to stfu.

Bongistan got blacked a long time ago. Google the Brixton riots.

UK blacks are so braindead an influence by the media they think they're living in America.

A grand total of three people were killed by police last year. An active terrorist who had just stabbed 5 people, a black guy who has a gun on him and an unarmed white man. Meanwhile black people are dying in droves from corona.


There weren't any slaves in the UK but there would have been black slaves working in the British colonies picking cotton and sugar. This contributed to the wealth of the British empire so as far as blacks are concerned they built this country.
I don't know how they can keep complaining about racism when the UK is one of the most anti-racist countries in the world.

Yeah, but who brought them here in the first place?

britain is the one where average street cops don't even carry guns, right?
yes. we need some liberia memes to circulate

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cringe white only BLM protests in EU & australia
cringe eu & australian niggers claiming they're opressed when they live in racist free enviroments compared to the US where they'd get shot in the head point blank

fucking media brainwashed cucks

UK cops don't have guns and are PC. How on earth would the police kill them?


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From what I understand bong cops are only good at harassing regular citizen and invading their home.

I mean, UK is very racist, only against it's native population of actual Brits.