Xbox and Playstation Virtue Signaling Bullshit

Because when I turned on my console today, the first thing I thought was "I wonder if Microsoft and Sony and standing with BLM and doing their part to end racism?!"

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Other urls found in this thread:

LMFAO! You deserve this for being a cuck who liked Xbox or Playstation faggot! Just like the cops deserve this for protecting niggers!

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install linux faggot
play some mount and blade

why don't they make a game entirely made by black game developers? that will be the real motivation for the fellow african americans.

Kikes literally everywhere

what's the Zig Forums approved distro

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Lmfao can you even imagine how shit that game would be?


Newfag detected. Temple OS or nothing CIA nigger.


It's weird how any thread on this gets deleted after like 5-10 posts. Sony should be charged with sedition along with all the other companies pushing for riots.

>Nintendo alone remains uncucked

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>microsoft is cucked
>sony is cucked
>intel is cucked
>linux is cucked
>apple is the king of cucks
>google is the queen of cucks
>gayming companies are cucked
>most IT hardware and phones are made in china with ccp spyware pre built

Ham radios and innawood are the only option left!

You missed when the snoy mods banned half of Zig Forums over this yesterday

The same reason they haven't released Mother 3, it's because the game has some stuff which could be used to draw connections to politics in it and that's against their policy.

They are 100% going to regret this shit and try to walk it back when the dust settles.

That's a pretty good policy ngl
Why can't Sony do that too? Just not be political and focus on actually making good games?

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>mount and blade

Eh I really doubt that
90% of the Sony base are huge left wing faggots, mainly europeans

My Xbox Gamepass expires today, fuck them. Not renewing
Next week my new motherboard arrives, will sell my Xbox One ASAP for 150 bucks, quick sale guaranteed
What SATA SSD can I buy with it?

you faggots have to go back

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they are literally swapping cum in their mouths and eating each others asses.

Nintendo is there to put smiles on people's faces, not to waste thier time signaling. Did y'all forget that they told trannies to fuck off?

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Zorin OS + Steam's Proton and DXVK
all of my games run better on GNU/Linux by a large margin

Because the mods and people reporting them are console gamers. Impossible to reason with. They are incredibly mentally resistant to logical arguments. PC gamers have tried for decades to persuade them to no avail.

Associate their brands with the deaths.

Overlay their comments on top of videos of people getting beating and dying


I've heard they have fired an entire department over political correctness

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I am being nice to you. Please go back

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GayStation and XCux BTFO. Take the Nintenpill it could save your life.

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is seriously Nintendo the only uncucked one left?

>implying I'm a vidya playing manchild

Unironically yes

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seethe more trigger bootlicker lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo whitey eat shit

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Nintendo's localization team is full on woke. Only they were the ones that removed gender and added in same sex romance to dialogue of the new Animal Crossing.

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No Dark Souls 2 or 3 on it so far

Nintendo best company

Get rekt niggers I'm pc master race bitch

someone made this for you faggots, just google nintendo switch
now go back

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>animal crossing


>Basedboy playing
It's like clockwork. That remake deserves all the shit it got.

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nintendo turns people into tranny sjw basedboys. PC masterrace is the only B A S E D platform

Oh shit this snoyboy is having a full on meltdown

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I'm too shitty at video creating / editing, but I hope this becomes widespread.

A few of the town's folk had some of their dialogue change from best friends to lovers by the localization team.

Laugh at "Nintentoddlers" all you want, but at least the games they play still have real gameplay in them, unlike (((Sony's))) walking simulators.

15 years of hope wasted

>no blacks allowed
>we denounce systemic racism

Christ, this tipped me over the edge to invest in a gaming PC. I'm fucking done with consoles, should've been done with them years ago, but building my own rig seemed daunting. Fuck these faggots trying to turn this chaos into an opportunity to promote themselves.

Based Nintendo
Fuck niggers

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Can't go back to where you've never been, cucky charms.

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>muh time ghosts
Yeah I couldn't agree more
That's the second sony game I returned this year for being complete crap

Last video game I played was GTA San Andreas on PC 10 years ago. So idk what you fags are talking about. But please stop posting here.

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Sonys vidya HQ is in commiefornia now
If that wasn't obvious

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Sony is not japanese anymore it's a gigantic corporation that is corrupt and mostly american

Is this why Mario got killed?

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>CuxBox player feeling buyer's remorse
Many such cases.

Microsoft cucked dude. rip.

Now this is just getting sad

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>no nigger shit on steam
sell your nigger boxes and kikestations and come on over to pc

Ohhhh I want to see how Zig Forums is coping with this

Bill Trinen is crypto-fash tho

I was already not gonna buy PS5 but now I'm not gonna buy anything from Sony or Microsoft ever again.

And I will keep pirating Windows because fuck them

You can probably pay a local shop to build it for you for extra fee. You just have to know that all the components are compatible.

I wouldn't recommend buying anything right now. There's new hardware coming out at the end of the year, at the same time the new consoles come out. They will naturally BTFO the old ones.

I can't even enjoy vidya anymore without being told what to think

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>Crappy hack n slash gameplay
>Censors Tifa and Shiva
>Aerith now a feminist
>Only Midgar
>Doesn't expand the story of Midgar like they promised
>40 hours of padded out side quests that aren't memorable
>Retcons everywhere
>Shittier graphics than Silent Hill 2
>Kingdom Hearts ghosts
>Time travel
This game made 3 mil on release and hasn't even gone up since.

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Funnily enough the first time I heard someone say "Nigger" was Xbox LIVE. Thanks Microsoft for introducing me to racism

Sorry, I dont feel like wasting more time troubleshooting than playing a game.

Prepare to be banned
Snoy mods in full damage control mode

Sony had its HQ cucked over to San Diego.
Every since then they started siding with the puritans and SJWs.

you forgot 7 minute scene of cloud being raped by gays and aerith cheering.

Nin... what?
I remember a company called that from the 1990s... they have not made anything worth a shit since the Super Nin... something.

>Bent the knee to China
Now what?

>my favorite japanese videogames are Uncharted and God of War