Let the FBI know if you've seen anyone on social media encouraging destruction.
FBI Needs Us - Who is Inciting Violence Online?
Report all social media Karens who spend their time praising the riots
On one condition: they stop glowing here.
no fuck them faggot
why who gives a shit?
If you honestly don't know that the NSA/FBI already have databases storing every single post and image uploaded to /pol, then you should unironically neck yourself, you double-digit IQ newfaggot waste of life.
Sounds good in theory but why do I deep down believe that they will only use this to prosecute "racist white nationalists" shit posting about shooting protetstors? The FBI is ZOGS special forces
fbi doesn't glow here.
cia glows here.
fbi works with us all the time, user.
we should help get these fools in custody so they can squeal and antifa can finally be taken down.
Do they not know how to use Twitter?
Wow, really? Can I get a tin foil hat too?
You're scared. Because the destruction is fucking enough at this point.
>being literally retarded in 2020
Fucking tourist. Off yourself.
hope you trannies were using a vpn lol
based feds
Not a snitch. Fuck them. And besides the FBI would rather gather information on us. They should use their Antifa snitches and get them to inform on each other.
Don't cooperate with the FBI. This will only end badly for you, not Antifa. Don't fall for this trick.
the cia can't legally operate here and doesn't. it's most likely mi6 predominantly
Why the fuck is the CIA not on our side? didn't Trump got rid of the pillars?
>the cia can't legally operate here
lol you think your posts here are on us soil?
im scared? i am a white nationalist natsoc why should I give a shit what social media faggots are saying. let it burn down twitter posting isnt going to stop the riots. shit is impotent as fuck/ I bet most of the FBI like the riots and support them.
It's a shitload of foreign posters. Chinese, Israeli, Iranian, whatever you name it people are here trying to incite violence. Of course there are the useful idiots as well, but most of what you see online is foreign bots and spammers.
Absolutely 100% fuck the feds, literally demons
sure you are Moishe.
KYS, glow retard
dear fbi i saw a lot of posts here on this website calling for violence and they always had a meme flag are they israel?
Pic related is fanning the flames. Will the Feds bust Obama?
of course a five eyes glow nigger would show up when you point out the cia can't operate here. yes, the cia can't operate on websites hosted in the usa. they get glow niggers like mi6 and whatever the fuck australians have to do it for them
alllll the way to the top
Like they dont already fucking know. Couple of them on this thread probably right now. Fuck I could even be one. You'd never know.
They're coming for us. FBI doesn't understand that words and definitions are neither evil or good. They're man made and all mankind should take what is said as a grain of salt.
Why the fuck do most American posters on Zig Forums believe they're this important?
you're fucking not.
I believe this is actually a good thing. Its quite different if people en masse provide info on the criminals than a bunch of fbi dudes can do on their own while their hands are probably full of other shit to deal with.
There people need to pay
FBI can suck a dick.
itt Cope
my god you're a bunch of pussies. no one ever said you should do anything stupid but just support each other. it should be an act of brotherhood not war.
you know you're proving msm right about you?
FBI wrote a 27 page dossier about Zig Forums.
This seems like one of those Stonetoss "Huh?" comic moments
it doesn't really work like that, big companies will buy up all the land for dirt cheap and let it sit.
Judging by the ridiculous amount of glowing posts on this board the past three days I'd say they and their buddies in the CIA/NSA are the ones inciting violence online.
are they paying? I could use some money.
im inciting the shit out of all the violence. but im not even american HAHAHA fuck you fbi
Literally everyone on twitter is inciting riots, you are fucked USA
That is not true at all and you know it
Trump is the last US president we all die and Kikes eat and rape kids for another thousand years.
No God isn't real and not coming back.
If humanity doesn't find a way its eternal darkness and kikes from here on out.