These protests are our one chance at collapsing a Zionist occupied government. We need to egg these protesters into pushing for a collapse of the government. Once the government is gone it is obvious that hundreds of other factions will rise up to try to fill the power vacuum and obviously fight Antifa and BLM.
The government is pushing out anti white laws that seek to indoctrinate your children into being good little goyim to slave away for the Jews. Cops statistically shoot more whites on average then they do niggers. Cops back up and enforce the laws the government puts out. From the masks to the holocaust education and anti holocaust denial laws. This government is not your friend and there is no need for "Don is our best option for now". Your chance for another option is here.
Every media and company that is virtue signalling? All an attempt to try to bring the protesters and niggers back to there side. Its obviously not working as in CNN cases where despite their signalling they got raided and looted. They changed their message real quick and backed up Trumps claim on Antifa being terrorists and ending the protests. The same will follow once these companies all get looted.
If the protests are put down or you back up the government the government will raise taxes and put a white tax to pay for damage repair in all these nigger populated cities. You gain nothing from sticking with the government. Join the protesters peaceful and egg them on to be more revolutionary. They will be easier to deal with then the government will ever be.
Will you take action or will you keep on "winning" by sitting back? Sitting back is agreeing with Trumps billions sent to Israel and the millions of dollars just spent on new holocaust education classes that will be shoved onto your children and grandchildren if you MIGA tards are ever allowed to have white kids by your "God Emperor" Trump.
Reminder, after Antifa and these protesters are dealt with, whites will be next.
The chance to make a better future is here. Do not disappoint your ancestors and your descendants. The time for action is here to secure one of the most powerful nations into being a white mans nation. The other nations will fall in line soon enough.
why are you against zionism when you don't even know what zionism is?
Zionism is the support of founding a jewish homeland. Im opposed to jews mere existence as any place they go they ruin the lives of whites everywhere. Israel serves merely as a planning HQ for international jewry.
I know what Zionism is.
The government is the only thing keeping the globalists from tearing us apart. Trump might be a do-nothing retard but he is very inconvenient for them right now. Whites will not win if Trump fails in 2020. Black pill but it's true.
Also, fuck off glow nigger.
I'm tired of this happening already
the 2A guys were all LARPs and didn't lift a finger
the "peaceful protestors" are just looting the same stores
the politicians are all grandstanding, but none of them are doing anything
it's hyperoffended nu-males crying about white people like always
it's all so fake and gay
Imagine being this much of a retard. Democracy isn't real, everyone in the US government is a kike stooge. Fuck off nu/pol/
>2A guys are all LARPs
lol right, take yourself out of the fight before it even starts, and give the media a boogeyman to vilify.
real 14D underwater backgammon
The government is actively supporting internationalism. Trumps played very nicely into the hands of globalist.
Whites will fall if we keep Trump and this government in power.
We need to make a stand.
This. The protesters are useful idiots and will hand up hanging 99% of Jews in this nation simply by hanging the rich and politicians.
If you dare even suggest an idea of how to spin these protests into a good thing you get called a glow nigger and are told to just sit back and let it all happen with the chance slipping away to do something.
Arm up militias or just march with the protesters. Egg em on to revolution and youll win. Not that hard to understand.
Anyone talking about directly confronting the rioters with violence is and idiot. The police are doing a great job.
>lol right, take yourself out of the fight before it even starts
even with "peaceful protestors" throwing bombs in rich neighborhoods like there's just no response
Everyone is a fucking nu-male drone carrying a camera phone and gawking at the action
The most entertaining part is watching these "journalists" get fragged occasionally, but that doesn't happen nearly often enough to keep this thing interesting
this is boring
even the coronavirus lung herpes airborne AIDS bullshit was more convincing
The police are against you.
and no one here has mentioned directly opposing the protesters. In fact we said to support em in there rioting but you brain dead bootlickers cant look up 5 seconds from the boot you were licking to read anything said here.
>The police are doing a great job.
The police ran away and let their building be burned in Minneapolis
That's not a great job
Looks like the only people afraid of cops are the LARPs
Yes, let the police do their job user, don't be so hostile.
Yes, very good job.
>we said to support em in there rioting
speak for yourself
the rioters are morons
nothing of value would be lost if Apaches flew in and turned them into hamburger
You stole my picture >:(
Bump, this is the only important thread in the entire catalog.
Well, if their job was to bore me into paying attention to Clinton's hearing, they're doing a good job
At this point the whole riot seems like a staged distraction from the "drain the swamp" show
We lose the chance to send these rioters into storming government buildings and sites to do the heavy lifting for other groups to take control afterwards.
Spread the information and take off the meme flag fag.
shut up meme flag
the OP is a wall of text, I read maybe 12 words of it
that's because you're an illiterate yellow slant eyed monkey
White lives dont matter!
Mexican lives dont matter!
Black lives matter!
>We lose the chance to send these rioters into storming government buildings and sites to do the heavy lifting for other groups to take control afterwards
Is your name George Soros by any chance?
Yikes and Cringe
>that's because you're an illiterate
no it's because I can spot brain mush within a few words
I realized the OP was a braindead imbecile at
>A C C E L E R A T E
Good thing they're out infecting themselves in the midst of the "pandemic" then, huh?
Pro-wrestling is more believeable now than the news
Lol fuck around and find out
>believing the coronahoax that's fading away like all flu viruses do
confirmed retard
he claims japan can't read
he can't read
bat virus
it's not even subtle anymore
they've jumped the shark
bump :^)
someone should egg on the niggers to target banks
>if it isn't a meme I lose interest
You faggots ruined this board.
Democracy isn't real.
take your meds, accelerationist schizo
>oy vey!
I dont take any meds because im not prescribed any. Im a healthy young white male.
Im pretty sure they have already.