This is serious guys. Do not participate

This is serious guys. Do not participate.

Attached: Screenshot_20200603-180005.png (1080x2160, 771.62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You racist retards to get rekt

Attached: 20200603_190359.jpg (540x540, 93.54K)

No one refers to themselves as "boogaloo boys."
Boogaloo is an event, not a faction.

Its obviously fake. Right wingers, in Chicago? Did you learn nothing from Jussie Smoullett's fake hate crime? Or are you THAT brainwashed to even think its in the realm of possibility?

If only they knew how scared and cucked their supposed enemies were lmfao

Bottom text.

Attached: Screenshot_20200603-180637.png (1080x2160, 501.48K)

sending hugs, stay safe out there

Attached: sending.png (128x128, 29.52K)

Doxx them what's their name faggot

The right wingers exist in Chicago. We just live in the nicer parts or have a condo in a high rise. Last time they tried to protest my parts of Chicago they were out numbered by the whole neighborhood. Also fuck Justin Beal, the shooter was family and later took his own life.
faceburg (doT) cum/WGNTV/videos/10153959380977411.

based my US Cellular screenshot made it in the tunnel.

Attached: 1591062086751.jpg (776x827, 144.61K)

sending hardcore anal be safe yall

needs another layer of screenshot

>future children will have to read about “Boog boys” during the 2020 american civil war with 10x screenshotted messages as captions

literal jews are on the news giving interviews about how their boog bois, but they love all skin colors equally...Who the fuck else would go on national tv and want to be outed as a potential racist?

Attached: image.jpg (1242x2208, 895.71K)

I don’t know what that means please elaborate

Attached: 4B545E68-E677-4E5D-AFF6-B1E791127CA8.jpg (1024x691, 52.32K)

>a screencap of a screencap of a screencap

Rangeban all phone posters

Attached: Screenshot_20200603-192100.jpg (1080x2400, 621.33K)

Agent provocateurs in full swing

Attached: photo5386355775275904809.jpg (606x1280, 57.22K)

no u

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Sent from my Android™ using tapatalk

Attached: Screenshot_Firefox_20200603-182427.png (1080x1920, 683.1K)

>boogaloo boys

user that’s the gayest shit I’ve ever heard.

Attached: Screenshot_20200603-192512.jpg (1080x2400, 672.03K)



Attached: Screenshot_20200604-022600_Samsung Internet.jpg (720x1520, 353.18K)

Kek, appropriate. Well meme'd

Checked! Is he here?

Attached: Screenshot_20200603-192616.jpg (1080x2400, 670.54K)

Alt-right or (((alt-right))) will be there? I doubt anyone is this stupid to show up while the left is defeating themselves.

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Attached: 20200603_182721.jpg (1080x2048, 480.43K)

Should advertise free food for homeless there at that specific park at that specific time and deliver

nothing g wrong g with using g a phone to browse pol.


I'm literally shaking. These altright people are out of control.

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> mfw getting woke in 8 hours

Attached: BADDE165-4EDA-41C1-85CA-9EC1B6348785.jpg (200x200, 10.85K)

You’re glowing again