Oh, boy. Here we go

Hi, everyone. Let me first state that I've never used this website before. I have spent a grand total of ten minutes looking around just now.

Why am I here? This is, supposedly, the world's online epicenter for conspiracists and antisemites. I have a long career in foreign intelligence behind me and I'm an historian of sorts with particular interests around Eurasian civilizations and the Jewish people, so I thought it might be fun to engage with you all. Or, maybe not, we'll see.

First of all, am I right or wrong in describing this place as I have?

Attached: images.png (225x225, 5.54K)


get a job, faggot

fuck off sliding shill

if this is real then kill yourself


Your OP sucks, try again.

Piss off flamer.


You're a larping faggot and you should go back to lurking instead of further polluting this cess pool with your abject stupidity.