How do we fix this?

How do we fix this?

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It is the only place that isn’t on fire atm

BEST virginia

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>fix WV
Mate, before this is all said and done the 35th star on ol' glory will outshine them all.

There's still coal there, reopen the mines for now but figure out what other manufacturing could replace it. The only issue being is that I'm not sure that there is one given the mountainous terrain and relative lack of rivers.

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more immigrants

Highest % white in the country. Been screwed for years with the opioid epidemic, closing the mines, no businesses, and we still survive. We have it so good that no one thinks of moving here from the liberal cities. We will be the last to survive.

checked and white pilled

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West Virginia best state 100%

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Almost Heaven was the best place I've ever lived. Lived near buckhannon, went all over the state for work. Place was amazingly beautiful, people were fun and self sufficient, and I made a pile of money in the process. I regret moving away.

Come back to us, we miss you. You know we will be the last state to survive. Almost heaven is where we wait in this life until we reach it together.


Seriously considering moving there. Words I never thought I'd say, but welcome to 2020

Shut ur fucking mouth.
We were the last state to coof, we have the least niggers, and havent had any pro nigger "burn everything down" riots.
Fuck off, we're fine and we're full

Every reliant, self respecting conservative/libertarian should move to west virginia if you're east of the Mississippi. We will work with Montarna or Idaho, whichever is less cucked in the future years. However, we will be closing applications to live here soon, better hurry.

Best Virginia is a realistic current example of an ethnostate tbqh

Are all the positives of this state worth the objective decrease in standard of living? And is there a way to increase the standard of living without kiking it?

I understand you're hatred for the rest of the country fellow mountaineer, but we should open up to traditional hard working conservative men and women. We are the only way to save our fellow countrymen.

We already figured that out. We commute to NOVA/DC and take their jobs paying our statesmen on the east. The same with Pittsburgh and Ohio in the north, and parts of Kentucky in the south. We have been stealing jobs from the other states saving our own.


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I already got the trips of truth. But, that's fine, I was being nice trying to save some good U.S. citizens. We can go back to lying about how "horrible" our state is now. I'm with you now, Fuck 'em.

Forget what I said everyone, West Virginia is awful.

Its geography not the people.

I have family in southern WV user, its not all sunshine and flowers. Ever seen Robert C Byrd Drive in Beckley?

Naw, fuck that.
The less attention we get the better. We just started really fixing the infrastructure. Hard workers dont need a sign to move here, they know where the work is. The lines when factory's started back up we're retarded

You can't. It's supposed to be
>almost heaven
Nothing is perfect.

In all seriousness, the eastern panhandle is going to be an issue. It already is, but its rapidly becoming more and more obvious. Add that a lot of Virginians want out from the gun laws but especially now, its crazy.

Define decreased standard of living
Honestly most big cities seem like depression factories.
Maybe driving a bit longer when you need groceries? But fresh air and no trash or human shit on the ground seems alot better scenery.

You know he means "things to do" business wise (movies, malls, etc) but after these riots who would spend money on ANYTHING that sold us out.

WV native, now live near DC.


Eastern Panhandle? Because if not, you're a traitor.

Oh definitely, thats not even accounting for the Maryland cucks that flow in. They're gonna vote cuke before pissed off Virginians.
We need to do something about the southern counties though, the pill train and job loss left them devestated

Leave them alone, they aren't bothering anyone.

What an ugly fucking state, look at that horrendous border gore. what the fuck did people think drawing such god awfull borders? what the fuck is with the pointy bit and that ugly pan handle? then the square bit on top? atleast the west and south of the state looks aesthetically pleasing.

Yup lol

Yeah ik i just wanted him to say it. Especially since every company and their Chinese grandmother is throwing blm hashtags and donating now.
Fuck, i saw the dnd guys say half their dice sales are going to it now

OP here, thats the part of West Virginia I visit and where the majority of my moms family still lives. Its fucking awful how some of the cities look, hell even Charleston has that depressing "theres nothing here" feeling.

They need jobs. But, again, the opioid issue is mainly a white problem, hence why no one cares to stop it. Get them clean, get them jobs. I would rather pay them minimum wage from my state taxes to clean up litter than to have them on welfare and food stamps all getting state aid.

I was hoping we would succeed and become part of WV and let all the liberal shitholes rot here lol

It's part of the rust belt homie. West Virginia got hit hard with western PA up through Michigan when the Chinese deals opened for steel. The other states have large cities to support the economy, we didnt.

Oh ill tell ya why the top sucks.
Fuck Pennsylvania, thats why. Fucking Quakers jewd the indians. They paid for as much land as they could run around so the Quakers paid professional runners to bum rush the biggest square they could.
The rest is river or mountains that were hard to travel when the state split

Structural enginerding. Mostly hill country, but spent plenty time east of Elkins and south of Charleston fucking around. Wish I did more out there.

i live in a hollar in southern wv so you aren't telling me anything new lolol. i'll take 1 meth head hillbilly over 5 buji city faggots every day tyvm.

fucking rednecks and their 4 wheelers, amirite?

So shallow consumerist spending.
Wow what an amazing standard of life - how much vapid shit is there to waste my money on

Getting closer everyday brother. Still keep in touch with buddies. Living in the flatland takes its toll.


>The only issue being is that I'm not sure that there is one given the mountainous terrain and relative lack of rivers.
That's the main issue. The Ohio River is navigable, but the rest of the state is mountainous.

agreed, I go fishing, hunting, camping. Run out to that telescope and my own. Be a human appreciating what we have here, because at some point they will get us too. We don't need all that crap anyway, and I'm going to do my best not to eat, listen to, download, or buy anything that posted that crap.

Its alot to do with industry death and the fact that WVU brought alot of bullshit politics with it. Used to drive through there all the time and my cousin moved there cuz he thought he could get a job after collage. All there is crappy minimum wage jobs and high rent. Its worthless, no offense to ur mom

Fuck off, we're full.

Reminder that WV is the retreat location for aristocrats when the shit hits the fan
>Greenbrier, WV

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Nothing but shitty factory jobs like japanese trucks and shit

>Imagine giving money to fat jim

Maine is the whitest

thats why almost everyone in the eastern panhandle (that area) commutes to the 3 richest counties in America for work.

>The Ohio River
i can't be the only wvfag who's ass gets chapped every time i hear OUR fucking river called the ohio river. we need to change that shit.
the current climate has completely fucked our waterways. when i was a kid our creek was deep enough to swim in, now it's hardly ever deeper than a few inches.