>Go defend YOUR cities goyim >The police are totally overwhelmed, this is your chance! >You're a total pussy if you don't defend our multi-nationals and rabblerousing nigs >All white men who don't go commit mass shootings are total cucks right now.
Fucking hit the nail on the head again you glorious bastards.
You'd have to be a complete smooth brain not to understand that. Also I wonder what "loose ties" they had to the supposed right wing group
Oliver Hernandez
They glowed hard.
Asher Fisher
We'll probably never get a straight answer to that one. It'll probably be some no-name never heard of "White supremacist" organization that just magically appeared on the scene as soon as the riots started.
Easton Hall
if it was the start of an actual race war and not the yearly warm weather chimpout it would be obvious. people dying in the streets, hanging from lampposts, trapped cops getting the Mussolini treatment etc.
Jace Moore
I wonder how many feds are on here? So these 3 men were arrested before they committed a crime? But the thousands of niggers who burned & looted stores are free? The actual fuck dude!?!