You guys don't really hate 100% of all blacks and Jews, right?
I mean, the majority of black people contribute to society and have a good work ethic. They absolutely despise inner city joggers.
Not all Jews are part of some sort of global conspiracy to eliminate whites. Not all Jews see non-Jews as goyim cattle. Most of em are just Jews by ethnicity and make an honest living.
>the majority of black people contribute to society and have a good work ethic. They absolutely despise inner city joggers. The majority of niggers live in cities.
The majority of blacks do not despise inner city culture lmao are you insane?
Liam Flores
It's never all of any group that's the problem. It's just a question of when enough is too much. In America even though we have the biggest prison population in the world its still less than 1% of the whole country. So 99%are good but that doesn't matter. If blacks are on average more violent than whites, then even though they're are plenty of fine individuals they're are plenty of circumstances where you would be smart to avoid black people. For example if one black guy lives in your neighborhood, it doesn't mean anything. Might be a great guy. But the more black people live in your neighborhood the worse it's going to get. It's just a fact. If you date black women, higher chance of std. So when you go hey my wife is black and she has no disease, that doesn't matter. We're talking about averages among groups.
Jacob Bell
Blacks hate Whites for the same reason Whites hate Jews; because they're doing better than them.
Blacks can function normally within white societies, but there's pretty obviously a problem with the way American blacks behave in large groups. This cultural problem has been amplified due to segregation and other housing plans. Blacks can succeed, they just need time. We will be seeing black IQ rise over generations as the Flynn effect works its magic. That being said, I'm definitely not the average Zig Forums poster and most of you guys probably despise me.
Angel Taylor
They can't be in our societies. Not even the "good" ones.
Gabriel Wright
Not really but I believe everyone is brainwashed
Camden Young
>Blacks hate Whites for the same reason Whites hate Jews; because they're doing better than them. No, this is not it and you know it.
Henry Murphy
I don’t hate blacks, but 100% of Jews. It’s Jews’ worst nightmare if people just gets along so well.
Colton White
>It's Jews' worst nightmare if people just gets along so well. Jews' worst nightmare are largely homogeneous countries they have a more difficult time undermining.
Brody Thompson
Of course not, just 99.9% of them.
Gavin Lee
The majority of black people do not contribute to society. The average black is by a wide margin a net consumer of tax dollars. Statistically, they are a clear financial and social drain on America.
Nolan Lopez
That’s the issue, if all races get along too well, there is no place to divide and conquer.
Jason Davis
Truthfully no I don't but what these events have proven is that it's not up to me If you say that George Floyd was a criminal and a drug addict and resisted arrest you are automatically against all blacks They are the ones with the "us vs, them, if you're not with us you're against us" mentality I don't want to hate 100% of blacks and Jews but in the eyes of these people I'm not being given a choice
Joseph Harris
>Blacks hate Whites for the same reason Whites hate Jews; because they're doing better than them. You are incredibly naïve. If perceptive White nationalists were only resentful of jews because they were doing better than them, then we would be communists and we would only hate "the rich" for being richer than us. I suspect you are projecting your own beliefs onto others out of ignorance. You clearly know nothing about the unique role that jews play in the destruction of White societies just as you are ignorant of actual White nationalist beliefs. I suspect also that you are a civic nationalist.
Nathan Nguyen
I like Lenny Kravitz, so no not 100%
Jaxon Lee
Jews are FAR worse than niggers. My cunt has many troublesome, savage niggers and almost no jews. Regardless, the kikes' satanic influence is far greater and more destructive to the life of my family, community and myself
Luke Robinson
It's going over your head. You want to keep the circumstances that jews have proven to use to effectively takeover countries in place and "if" it and cross your fingers.
Colton Flores
Race is more complicated than five or six colour-coded groups. Not all dark-skinned people are the same race, just as not all fair-skinned people are the same race. Even the Jews, small a group as they are, have several different racial bloodlines. In the USA and Canada race has been oversimplified by morons who do not understand how bloodlines work and think an Irishman is the same race as a Russian.
Jacob Bell
70% to 85% of blacks, 109% of jews (some of them need to be counted more than once).
Dylan Edwards
>Blacks take them away from ghetto culture and some are alright
>Jews yes
Andrew Peterson
I hate neither as long as they're not in my country
Carson James
I pity blacks because niggers are exploited by Jews. I hate niggers because they let Jews exploit them and hold blacks back. I hate Jews because they exploit niggers.
Ryder Campbell
The examples of East Asia are just flashing neon signs here. And it's just non-stop darkies and capitalists pretending they don't notice.
James James
Lol he's nigger and a kike
David Myers
I don't hate anyone except the Jews and the pedos and the traitors to humanity.
Jose Cox
>the majority of black people contribute to society and have a good work ethic even if it was true, so what? >Not all Jews are part of some sort of global conspiracy to eliminate whites yes, they are. every time a nigger or a kike gets affirmative actioned in somewhere, a White is driven out.
Anthony Mitchell
What would you guys do if you had a disproportionate amount of power in a Jewish majority society? I'm open to having my mind changed.
Ayden Myers
in my eyes there's a difference between black people and niggers
a black man is a regular human being. He earns his pay, picks his battles, and obeys the laws. He understands that there is no such thing as a free handout, and as such ensures that he and his family are secure through his own hard work.
a nigger is a ghetto chimp prone to violence and destruction, demanding goods and services he has not earned, and will use every leverage point, every loophole, to do as little work as possible for maximum gain.
David Baker
OP has a good point. A lot of people and scientists that did a great deal for society are were jewish. Freud, Einstein, Hesse, ...
It is just the main attribute that so many world leaders and media influencers have in common: Being Jewish. So what would the best name for this group be if not "jews"? It is obviously not a good name since a lot of people who have nothing to do with these special dealings will be included. Those people will be angered of being put into a stereotype, because they are simply proud of being jewish as we are of being white.
If its okay to be white, is it okay to be jewish? You are born into it and there is no other way to really "join". The only difference would be, you cant really quit being white.
Same argument goes for noggers. Everyone deserves a fair chance and the possibilty of making an unbiased first impression. But at the same time, crime statistics should not be ignored.
Caleb Smith
Peaceful separation.
Gavin Wood
I don't hate niggers any more than I hate any other animal, because that's all they are- animals. I don't really even hate jews anymore. They are the eternal enemy of my people, but I've come to respect them as a worthy adversary at least.
The only people I truly hate are race traitors. Niggers are loyal to niggers. Jews are loyal to jews. I don't hate them for that. I hate race traitors for holding us back from fighting back united as one. Niggers and jews wouldn't even be a threat if not for race traitors.
>I mean, the majority of black people contribute to society and have a good work ethic This is factually, statistically DEAD fucking WRONG.
Jackson Price
Based and white ethnostate pilled
James Edwards
I feel black people are being used to create NWO. My jungle gook ancestors did nothing wrong. If they want my poor shithole of a country to have black people, send us the respectable ones. Some black people live in my gook country, they make youtube videos, they are welcomed, and maybe they are happier than in America where everyone screams "RACISM" all days. If all black men in our country are rich we'll learn from them instead of from white men. If the globalists really control all governments, they can tell the cooks in my government to mandatorily include black people in ALL form of entertainment. Very easy. But no, they have to use Black American people's pain to divide and conquer, from bottom up. Maybe some of them have good intentions, but I think they are not very smart. I don't give a shit about Jews. I call all rich crooks globalists.
Zachary King
Imagine being this brainwashed, that you believe jews=kikes and blacks= niggers. Pol isn't about hate towards some religion or color of skin.
Landon Turner
You clearly no fuck-all about Jewish people and their religion. Stop talking. This
Shut the fuck up idiot you don’t know what you’re talking about nor do you speak for this website
Anthony Watson
this, and they exist in other races too
Anthony Peterson
100% of jews 98% of niggers
Jordan Hill
That isn't a relevant question. The more relevant question is what do jews do when they have disproportionate power in other societies? We have our answer and some people would like us to pretend otherwise.
James Lewis
Of course not but the overly religious jews and inner city blacks that act like their stereotypes can fuck off. Everyone else who is an actual human being is chill.
Very good point, however im not sure if you can "equalize" every human like that. The flynn effect actually also describes a clear decrease in IQ where POC started populating. Europe especially.
However, it is hard to really prove how significantly an IQ correlates with genes. For example, identical twins raised in the same household usually have the same IQ. When split on birth however, those scores can highly vary. This implies that IQ is not something you get when you are born but depends on the way you are raised.
>What would you guys do if you had a disproportionate amount of power in a Jewish majority society? There are a million different ways that one could interpret that question without any context. So I can't answer it the way you want me to. Are you talking about Israel or a theoretical society where jews were in the vast majority ruled by a clique of Whites who comprised only 2% of the population? Are you talking about our world or a world where jews were entirely innocent of any crimes against White people? Is this a reversal of roles or a reversal of history?
Gabriel Nguyen
>You guys don't really hate 100% of all blacks and Jews, right? Of course, dude. We're not "against" every member of those races, we're just not afraid to call a spade a spade.
But not whites, and their directed hatred of people based on their skin color. I can't think of a single not white person who does not have a valid reason to push your shit in.
Ryan Jones
I don't hate anyone intrinsically. I just love my own people more. I hate those that target my people.
Dominic Perry
Explain to me how some little shlomo born in some israeli town is comparable to an infuencial Rothschild mastermind in Hollywood. You really think little shlomo is so proud of his religion and family tree that he will join zionism (or however you want to call it) 100% of the time? I think he will be quite happy doing some wierd dances at hannukka and otherwise will live a normal live. Make your point!
Anthony Gutierrez
> the majority of black people contribute to society No, they don't. Pic related. You have to go back.