Lets pretend your entire essay of how a cop choking a black man did not contribute to his death, however how do you justify doing this for 8 and a half minutes
Lets pretend your entire essay of how a cop choking a black man did not contribute to his death...
>however how do you justify doing this for 8 and a half minutes
That is how long it took to get the job done
>however how do you justify doing this for 8 and a half minutes
maybe the cop began day dreaming and he forgot
> how do you justify doing this for 8 and a half minutes
it was a nigger, who th cares
Says the Serbnigg?
In because of the flag showcase.
In cuffs and at the car. At some point they realized he was in medical distress and called the Ambulance. The Ambulance took 9 minutes to get there.
We now understand that on Fentanyl and Meth, he would not like being held down.
It all still looks fishy, but that is why they stayed on top of him. If it was the legit, the EMTs would have come running out and started checking him out - blood pressure, flash light eyelids, etc. They just scooped him up, seemingly not knowing he was dead and loaded him. Usually it would be stabilize and then roll him to hospital.
He did kill the guy though his own incompetence and reckless behaviour. I don't see any reason to pretend otherwise
That doesn't justify the aping about the darkies have been doing this past week, which has led to a bunch of other people dying.
kys nigger
Ok antifags ill cave.
Google excited delirium.
Understand a perp on the effects of methamphetamine and fentanyl will act sporadically.
They asked him what drugs he was on. He failed to answer. Do you faggots actuallly think the EMT just shows up out of the blue? They called before he was even on the ground. This is a fact. They were aware they had a 6'6 methed out perp that was resisting arrest and had a history with law enforcement so they used POLICE POLICY to restrain the victim to protect both him snd the officers.
Black lives only matter if taken by a White.
Black on Black, there is no profit in that.
The media only shows what will deliver you to there advertisers.
You swallowed the Race Bait like BBC.
I don't have a problem with the knee-neck control hold. You gotta do whatever you can to gain control of a suspect. It's just that you're required to detain and secure the suspect in a timely manner. The fact that he was handcuffed and with two other officers controlling him makes things look worse. If the knee was used for 30 seconds, even a minute, there would have been very little protest. But for a whole 8 minute period, the arresting officers fucked things up. The bottom line for use of force is to gain control of the suspect, followed by quick detention. I guarantee you these officers got the lowest grades in Defensive Tactics in the academy. Shit, they probably haven't even practiced in the years after graduating.
fuck off burgerkang
just trying to make sure the job is done
Prepare to get dispatched
Alternatively, that's how long it took for the ambulance to arrive.
Not their fault the ambulance took 8 and half minutes to get there. Nigger died from drugs and a bad heart.
What does it matter if it wasn't the cause of death? You guys are getting desperate.
>not their fault, they can choke him for as long as the ambulance arrives.
if you found someone hanging from a tree would you wait until the ambulance arrives to pull him down?
I don't always know right from wrong, usually I try to follow my conscience, but I do know that by any metric what you are saying is evil. Shame on you.
Floyd died of corona.
Police are numb to criminal suffering.
The only thing I'm bummed about is that after the dust is settled, everyone will move on and forget about this. You do realize that if (and it's a given - he had a heart attack) the cop had taken the knee off him, he'd still have died? At most you can argue that it caused additional stress (the arrest, not the knee). But maybe, just maybe, don't go around slipping counterfeit 20$ bills coked out of your mind, if you don't want the stress of interacting with the cops?
where's the full 10 minute video of the nigger being choked for 8 and a half minutes?
He cant thats why it unjustified and he will serve time for this murder also fuck the other 3 cops they were just as responsible
I don't justify it, but I acknowledge that it isn't a race issue and you prove nothing by getting violent
This guy is going to get so much pussy after he walks. Literally will be drowning in it.
Sven is actually based for once.
nigger was on drugs, and the ambulance was called before he was restrained on the ground
there was no choking, retarded faggot, because you can't choke by applying pressure on the back of the neck.
>it was a nigger, who th cares
For every nigger killed by a cop more than one white is killed by a cop. Stop being race baited and so easily divided.
Sheriff's deputy chiming in. We regularly hold larger guys down like that all the time, sometimes for up to an hour until another patrol officer gets there to assist. Those officers did nothing wrong. We've been messing around trying to reenact this whole thing and we can't choke anyone out that way. It's all a fucking lie. The media is lying. The dude died of something else.
If choking was the cause of death it would only have taken a minute.
Just take a look over here at the detailed autopsy. It really looks like he OD'd.
a dumb nigger found his neck under a cops knee. Since he was a drug addict and a fool he died of a heart attack. The end.
>Shame on you
So what faggot?
No one should have died, I'd like to make that clear
But also, George Floyd was resisting arrest. He also had drugs ON HIM that he dropped on the ground during the arrest process. He also, judging from toxicology report, downed some drugs before he was arrested. Hard to say if he was trying to hide evidence by ingesting the drugs, or if he did it because he wanted to, but he had drugs in his system already. He also had existing health conditions, and a prior (violent) criminal record
Second, cops hear this shit all the time. George was already resisting arrest, so even though the cop might have had a racial bias against this guy, he had every right not to believe George. It's probably as common to him as the most annoying part about customers are *your* job
If George hadn't resisted arrest, and if he hadn't taken drugs, and if he hadn't tried to pass a counterfeit $20, and if he hadn't REFUSED to give the pack of cigarettes back to the store owner, he would not have died. It is his fault
But even still, he didn't deserve to die. It was just a perfect storm of events
It is certainly wrong but there is no proof that race had anything to do with it. The police need a massive restructuring and new rules to play by. The problem is, if all these rules are just to protect non-whites, police will continue to brutalize unarmed white men.
unironically because he was distracted by the person filming the situation talking shit to him. Watch the full video again with that thought in your mind and you will understand his actions