While black people riot, white people launch new ground breaking technology into space, yet again.
While black people riot, white people launch new ground breaking technology into space, yet again
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Cool thanks for sharing
I'm watching too, but expect the 'space is fake' fags to show up any second.
Fuck niggers
We can't leave low earth orbit because under the same principles of what would happen to the earth if it didn't have an atmosphere would happen to them.
Humans will never leave planet earth. Ever.
Black could do that too but they would be blocked by TPTB so they wont become a competition.
Space doesnt exist like you think it does you dumb nigger, you cant launch a rocket into the dome lol
Launching rockets is for dumb nigger apes
First stage is coming back now, second stage still going strong. Fairings are off, on their way back down for a hopeful double-catch.
Also, this first stage was used to launch the first Starlink set, and the third, as well as two other satellites, so this is flight #5.
we was kangs in space, but you racists took it from us
Landed! Its always so insane that we can land a rocket upright on a ship in the ocean. Crazy.
landed the booster without the camera cutting out this time. fucking noice
Fuck yeah, first stage is landed, fifth time doing so and most re-used rocket in the fleet so far.
Second stage is in orbit, deployment of Starlink in a while. Still waiting on the fairings, they will take a while to parachute down and it's not super-likely they'll catch them but they'll still try.
the landing was fucking phenomenal as usual. Whites rule the skies once again.
Funny to think how long we've been just throwing away rockets when we could've been reusing them the whole time.
Only whites have been to the moon. Elon better keep it that way.
it'll blow its satellite load across the sky in under 3 minutes im wondering what that will look like
You're right Elon is a dumb south african nigger
that they landed it again suggests to me they are going to reuse it a sixth time if they can
I hope Starlink IPOs so I can all in.
Oh that's what she meant by 1st time for a 5th time. I see, that is incredible.
check and see if you get a pass, then look up.
The human body can't handle space travel but theoretically we could design an automated colony ship staffed with robots that get to a suitable world and put fertilized human embryos in artificial wombs.
"My sista shanel just got bit by a rat,
And whitey is on the moon"
I dont feel like posting the youtube link to the song. Look it up yourselves fags
MIRV re-entries are fucking scary. It would suck seeing them burning in and knowing you had only five seconds left to live.
Hurry up I need an alternative to Kikecast
fuck yeah they are
I'm sure I'll get shit for this but I don't give a fuck about that doing loops around earth is useless
Want to impress me stop dicking around and start a colony on Mars and not in some far off never gonna happen time line. If they wanted to nasa and space and other programs around the world could start launching supply payloads to land on mars right now.
How would you like to be raised by robots. Never held by the caring arms of a real mother, just pushed along through life by metal, lifeless, robots.
I wonder what the upper limit is on those things now, how many reuses can you get out of a rocket? So far five but who knows?
The larger ones can have 14+ independent warheads iirc. So much destruction packed up in a neat little package.
i just meant how it looks from the live feed
looked pretty neat
Starlink is the future of wireless internet that will be faster than fiber optics over long distances.
>they still havent captured an asteroid and built a factory on it in space
It would be better than being trapped for all eternity in a big petri dish where it is impossible to be fruitful and multiply past a certain limit.
>Whats it like for a blind person to never see?
YES NEW GLOBAL DLC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*rips off clothes* WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
with starlink you're going to have a fast and affordable internet connection in the middle of fucking nowhere letting you shitpost from a cabin in the woods. i wouldnt accuse spacex of dicking around have you seen the starship they are working on right now
who cares in 100 years everywhite country will look like south africa
>at least I have the constitution
>and space internet
we need off this savage rock asap not when its too late and never going to happen but now