Why was Hitlers supporters mainly women?

Why was Hitlers supporters mainly women?

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I need nigger gf bros...

>i'm not racist when i'm horny

Because they feared the loss of social status due to diversity, multiculturalism, and the economic vise attached to germany by intnl finance.

Hitler's campaign was akin to a social movement in terms of popularity, and women are more conformist by nature

who is she?

Women are more susceptible to propaganda. Hitler got most of his support through propaganda. Propaganda isn't always lies.

a lunatic that wears corduroy?

>tfw no wheatfield black gf that calls me massa during coitus

that's a good looking nigger

news to me

She has European facial features with dark skin, it’s like looking at a palette-swapped character in a video game.

Maybe because Joey G was legendary at his job?

Always wanted to drive up Pike's peak. Now even moreso that it's all paved. Makes for bad racing sure but it's easier on my motorcycle.

Learn to english before you accept a shill job faggot

He appealed to their sympathy, bringing up Jews destroying Britain and Palestine amd so on. He wasnt talking about teh masterrace like jews say

Women follow strong men.

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I thought that was implied. Only lunatics wear corduroy and SHORTS at that.

Coal black negress

1. pay surrogate nordic woman
2. get black qt wife
3. put nordic eggs in wife and fertilize
4. she raises your aryan children
5. you get qt wife who loves you and feels blessed to be with you every living moment
6. your bebs get to drink choco milkies

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Guess colonizing blood still flow trough me. Fuck I love color on my women.

I wood.

Attached: Iwood.jpg (236x445, 18.29K)

>European features
You may want to get a pair of glasses.

Yikes! About an hour too long in the oven for that one. Barf

Because they were tired of being used as fucktoys by rich pedophile and faggot kikes in the weimar republic.

Germany was poor after WWI. A lot of rich faggots and pedophiles took advantage of it.

I am so fucking furious at AOC! She’s a mad girl, a bad girl, and I want us to fuck each other with burning anger and blow off steam!

No sympathy for the 6 mil. Fuck jews.

How does a black woman that dark end up with white facial features like that?

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She guzzles down white semen

Probably Ethiopian, they have more caucasian type facial features

Women adapt to the mainstream societal situation in order to attract the greatest pool of mates. Some are redpilled, but the majority cannot break free from their biological need to AGREE
Hitler was an amazing leader for white women.
>Every man was encouraged to fuck white women for white birthrates
>Men had to be strong and intelligent
>White women didn't have to do shit, just be born pretty and know how to do shit around the house

There are all kinds of black people user.

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Question for the history buffs
Was Hitler shot by communists during his early DAP/SA years?

Because they always need a strong man to tell them what to do even the ones that won't admit it. Alpha men will always fight to be top dog

If you call the party in charge at the time of his protest commies then your answer is yes

Women are extremely susceptible to populism.

Because he cute

Not gonna lie, that is a very very cute black girl. Would smash.

How are her facial features white? She has thick lips, receding chin, high protruding cheek bones and a rather weak nose bridge.

These are all common African features.

Your woman lets me fuck her pussy like a punching bag!