A total fucking nigger felon who had fentanyl and meth in his system when he died, who broke into a pregnant woman's home and held a gun to her belly, who has also been arrested twice for cocaine possession and robbery, dies after resisting arrest in Minnesota and after he was taken into custody for trying to buy things with counterfeit money and now the entire world has completely lost it's shit? Is this even real life anymore? I really am starting to think Tom Delonge is right. The world really is controlled by aliens who get off on fucking with us.
So let me get this straight
Other urls found in this thread:
you need to make the better
he died after resisting arrest for trying to pass counterfeit money.
Welcome to 2020, the show is just beginning
Yes I concur I should have proofread it before posting but you get the basic picture.
Nobody cares what he did or who he was. Niggers don't give two shits about him either. Furthermore, there is no possible way that niggers spontaneously spawned a world wide color revolution in all 50 states and multiple countries during a pandemic on an election year.
people who think these riots and protests are organic is fucking retarded,
also me.
i'm fucking retarded
Your little paragraph is gold, let me buff it up.
*deep breath for a runon sentence*
A 59 year old nigger felon who had an overdose of fentanyl and meth in his system before he died, who recently broke into a pregnant woman's home to hold a gun to her belly, who has also been arrested twice for cocaine possession and robbery, dies after resisting arrest in Minnesota after he was taken into custody for trying to buy things with counterfeit money; the autopsy report showing he had 5 months of feces backed up past his large intestine, due to colon cancer, makes the entire planet lose it's shit?
Is this even real life anymore?
nigga user here
yes OP something is fucking fishy. his tattoo said "order out of chaos". satan may fool the masses but not his elect
None of that is relevant. All that matters is what gets posted on social media for people to get outraged by.
Admission is the first step to recovery.
Yeah. It's fucking insane. The sheer numbers of people just out looting is crazy. The corporate virtue signaling. The mayors just letting it all go......madness. And the idea that blacks are being hunted or whatever is a fucking fantasy...blacks kill each other, kill whites, kill cops more than anyone else...people are fucking brainwashed beyond belief.
>Tom Delonge is right. The world really is controlled by aliens who get off on fucking with us.
Can I get a link to him saying this?
Yep thats right
I was thinking the exact same thing. How do they orchestrate it? Did they employ social media targeted at niggers?
Lol now that i’m thinking about it
I bet all you fucking 40 year old boomers thought the same shit during 9/11
>So let me get this straight
No, you are still gay
>honk honk
He also had the Rona
Sure but who and why? Is it just Democrats and their buddies trying to fuck with Trump's election prospects? Because I'm really not sure this is helping them on that front, and you'd think they'd know that themselves, riots make them look bad, scare centrists.
Source on the pointing gun at pregnant womans belly, this is top tier redpill info
too late nigger, he is dead and the damage is done..what's your point?
>there is no possible way that niggers spontaneously spawned a world wide color revolution
It seems to me that Soros and the gang just wait for something to happen and have all their shit locked and loaded for when it does. Got a lot of those feelings in 2016.
>to get outraged by
I think you mean
>to make myself look better to my peers
There. That's better. The amount of virtue signaling on social media right now is goddamn sickening.
Beautifully said, OP.
It's funny how EVERYONE had forgotten about the other jogger isn't it?
He died of corona
i genuinely don't understand how the average person manages to lead a successful life, with a good paying job, own a home, family, etc., and support shit like this and believe it unironically
Why was he out if he knew he had covid?
you are all racists. #BLM
9/11 was a legitimate terrorist attack on American soil.
This shitshow is jewish psyops rotting your nation from the inside out.
It's anarcho-tyrany.
How new are you.
He did 5 years for a home invasion where he and some of his homeboys pretended to be the water company to get into a house (presumably one where they knew money/drugs were) and only a woman was at home. He held a gun to her stomach while the others searched the house.
can I have source on how he had 5 months of feces backed up in his large intestine. sounds poggers
>Held a gun to her belly
Literally attempted double manslaughter.
The Death of George Floyd Officially Marks The Historical End Of The White Supremacy Empire Which lasted from 1492 to 2020.
He was self-medicating with Fentanyl, Meth and Weed.
this is the exact opposite of the actual racism IQ distribution lol. In fact I have a feeling you modified an image that was showing that
That is correct. Don't forget that they have everyone from Trump to the police groveling to BLM golems. Even national guard are genuflecting to the gros. This is MK-Ultra tier fuckery. 2020 is going to wild.
>Source on the pointing gun at pregnant womans belly, this is top tier redpill info
Which is extra dangerous for those with high blood pressure/heart issues. Meth + that...dead.
>the autopsy report showing he had 5 months of feces backed up past his large intestine, due to colon cancer
You're retarded
We live in a clown world mate. I wonder what the FBI are fucking doing in this investigation? Is there any news?
Yep, welcome to America
and on top of that his baby mother who he probably despised is about to cash out a cool $13,000,000 from his gofundme
Old thread archive
Fentanyl 11 ng/mL
Large series of fentanyl fatalities in Florida (USA) Blood 2.5–50 ng/mL (median 9.7 ng/mL) (n = 46)
81 fentanyl deaths in Montgomery county, Ohio (USA) 56 cases without concomitant use of heroin or cocaine: blood 1–48 ng/mL (median 9 ng/mL);
"The compressive pressure to the neck and back are not seen at autopsy because the pressure has been released by the time the body comes to the medical examiner's office," Baden said. "You could only see the serious compressive pressure while the pressure is being applied, or as in this instance, we can see it on video."
assumed it was because of the opiods
Im convinced I died in 2007 and im stuck in purgatory with a bunch of retards.
Even we monkeys aren't retarded enough to fall for this. Wtf burgers?
The dude literally OD'd and there was no visible trauma to his neck so all the cops will end up walking and all these virtue signalers will try to pretend like it never happened in a few months
>Im convinced I died in 2007 and im stuck in purgatory with a bunch of retards.
Naw thats just Australia
What is happening in this picture?
He also tested positive for covid-19
all these cunts rallied niggers to riot.
>Is this even real life anymore?
This is the Elites commanding the Mainstream Media to gin up the hysteria to hurt Trump.
You must have been in a coma the past decade if this surprises you.
you guys know it's not about him as an individual right? he's a catalyst, a martyr. a representation of what black people in america are subjected to when faced with the police. specifically, death. these type of events happen on the daily, it just so happens that this one was filmed. fucking retards
>Violent criminal past
>High on drugs
>Arrested for forgery
>Resisted arrested for ten minutes hence the backup
You don't get it. The things you listed are all part of the status quo for a black person. If anything his criminal past just makes him more relatable to them.
innocent before proven guilty. you can give a black man 1000 years but you can’t just choke him to death in the fucking street
Everyone is now going silent so make sure to hammer it home with BLM faggots and all the white cucks, George Floyd was a piece of human shit and the real justice was him dying
Its pure desperation. Covid-19 was supposed to keep people locked down all year, but you Americans got sick of it quicker then the rest of the West and started rebelling. They wanted to disrupt the voting process and force "mail in voting" where they would have corrupted it and gave Biden the win.
They are out of options so now its the civil war play.
Because he was a nigger leaf.
Background is irrelevant. News can break about your obsessive masturbation and lonely white supremacist angst ate you alive.
Its not about the details of the incident, Liberals think they are protesting racism.
Remember when that black kid died in Baltimore and the black community demanded the police be taken out of their area. A year later they were demanding the police return because the murder and crime rate had sky rocketed.
You cant win.
Seems like a good place to post this
While you're right about everything else the 5 months of feces is an old meme about George Martin