Trump will destroy the Internet if he goes through with his 230 repeal. If 230 is repealed...

Trump will destroy the Internet if he goes through with his 230 repeal. If 230 is repealed, the owner of a website is personally liable for the crimes committed by users on their site. How long do you think Zig Forums will stay up when hiromoot starts being bombarded by defamation lawsuits? Let alone smaller sites?
All that will be left is going to be gigantic sites who have the ability to censor messages before they are posted/have the financial backing to weather a storm of lawsuits. (That means Twitter, YouTube and Facebook)

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I guess jannies will have to do their job now

repeal of 230 kills the web (which is in desperate need of de-comission)
The internet will remain functional.

Zig Forums isn't hosted in the US. otherwise it would have already been taken down.

With any luck it will just boot the normies off the net.. and we can go back to golden age of internet. Please let social media die.

Will they be paid this time?

Been a few days since I read the order, but wasn't the repeal only for entities that fulfilled certain conditions? Zero way it applies to every small site.

Then all hell will break loose then.

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Trump said he wants to repeal cda/230 entirely

It's not being repealed, dipshit. Look at the executive order again

It's forcing the FTC, FCC, DoJ, to look into how the edge providers are managing their sites and if they qualify for 230 protections as platforms, of if they are curating content as a publisher. This is because tech has become too influential to ignore, and thusly, if it is to be used, then they will need to be told how they can remain platforms. It's finding out what they need to do to be unbiased.