Disgusting joggers hang dog

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Dog lives matter, black lives don't.

This is just how they celebrate. Deal with it bigot.

they won't care

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>The far left has no morality
Who knew?

if a dog dying is your biggest issue you have a pretty fucking good life

nice link retard

Hope it keeps happening so people turn on blacks again

I agree with her, so far in that she agrees thats its okay for whites to kill blacks and exclude non whites from our countries because its our culture to view them as non-human apes, deserving of no rights.

That is just a disgusting bug person who thinks pigs are equivalent to dogs. Same people that think violent that mud hut africans are equivalent to European children in a 1:1 ratio.

It's a highly speculative case but it has some credibility

Attached: RIPdoggoo.jpg (2448x1584, 1.25M)

that violent*

Fucking cunts

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This is it. This is the fucking post. I don't want to live in the US anymore. I hope this place burns to the ground. They deserve police brutality. I'm moving to the outback and staying there till these fucking super kikes blow each other up.


can you just post the vid here? those links dont work

you don't mess with dogs bruh, this is where I draw the limit, Carmen gimme the shotgunnn

I'll take whatever bants posts but dogs not raised by tortured by niggers and a select number of meth-fueled rednecks are good boys. They don't deserve abuse.

Real talk though, where is proof that it died? I haven't seen anything.

they literally work, just type them out but ok here you go:

The first FB link has been taken down, people were sharing/liking it speaking it was the video from the rescue of walking up to the dog, found hung on the fence they stole him from

Other clip, same as news story but from bystander perspective:

Yep. And we aim to keep it that way.

>Dogs can be replaced! A man's life cannot

This is bad. And the twitter freaks are deflecting by saying "it didn't die, so disregard the whole story"
Either need to focus on what was already happening in the clip, or find proof of death

If they where white they would have fucked it

don't you have an abbo to abuse?

Holy shit is twitter just run by bots at this point to rile up people? What the fuck

Looks like white women will be back on our side.


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You vapid cunt...it's not the dog that's the problem you stupid fucking Jew faggot...it perfectly illustrates the monsters we are dealing with....if you have to kill an animal to eat fine...but for pleasure makes you a nigger....so there nigger lipps.


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Can anyone link evidence that the dog was found dead? I'm pretty sure it's just bullshit and you retards have run with it

keep drinking onions, faggot

I am proto to be a good friend of yours and am looking for a good thing to do for a long time now but I am interested in the Whitest Country Ever since I was a student at my university university university in New York city where I lived with my parents for 5 years of experience in the

no im sure it's having a great time with that compassionate basketball american that violently picked it up on live tv, jabbering on like a down syndrome baboon.

Jesus, back to try and shill this fake shit again today?
Fuck off glow nigger