Given we know he died of a heart attack brought on by his atherosclerosis and meth/fentanyl speedball, is it possible that "I can't breathe" may have been in reference to a feeling of tightness in his chest as his heart collapsed? neck-arterial strangulation would make you pass out without feeling unable to breathe and his windpipe was clearly free.
>Leggat, the security consultant, said intelligence reports from his colleagues indicate most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists, and that far-right groups have not yet made a significant appearance. He said looting is typically done by locals – usually people with no criminal record who just get caught up in the moment.
Most incidents do not require deadly force, but when they do and the authorities involved don't have them, or even out gunned in some cases, they just get straight up murdered.
I think leftists should hunt down that lady who got George Floyd busted for the home invasion of a pregnant woman. That neighbor who jotted down the license plate called the racist police on George Floyd FIRST
Leftists should ruin her life
Jaxson Adams
All of those could require deadly force, you had me at $1,000/month but lost me here.
Because they're commies, and therefore stupid as hell. What's gonna happen is that they're gonna get more than they asked for. The government will make race relations a thing of the past, simply by dominating everything.
Austin Johnson
Alright. My local AM cuckservative talk radio just 13/53% posted. Pic related basically read the entire black crime statistics copy pasta from here. This is MD cuckservative radio...They didn't do this shit from Freddie Gray. I think the tide is actually, in reality, shifting hard. Been shitposting about it all day but I grew up listening to these cucks in the truck with my dad and they've never gone anywhere near that kind of truth.
They spent decades putting laws, rules, regulations, social norms, and sleeper agents in place to crack down on a violent right wing white-nationalist uprising and decided to bait Zig Forums into doing it as an excuse to activate all those tools and remove Trump. Zig Forums responded with >hey rabbi whatcha' doin'? >nice try FBI >you first faggot and other shining examples of wisdom, whereupon the entire scheme imploded. Zig Forums's Jewdar literally saved the Republic.
So they will pivot back to keeping your business closed due to Covid while they released baboons to set them on fire?
Thomas Reed
Everyone is saying that the pupper story is fake news. Proof?
Bentley Moore
Nathan Thompson
MAGA NIGERIA QUEEN EDITION >Stop wasting time >Go git a job >You are not oppressed >Kek, Africans hate African-Americans Oobviously she is a White Supremacist, probably a Nazi in the KKK-- t. CNN.
These protests have exposed the american right for the reactionary paper tigers they are. Talk tough but when it’s time to take action, they sit back and cry, talking about “jj-just dd-don’t come to the the suburbss”
Parker Long
>chicom guy pushes for lawlessness in america no shit
Nolan Wilson
>The tweet that killed thousands. FATAL COUNTER
Cameron Cooper
>giving up a job with a starting salary of 50k a year, going up to 100k+
Zachary Hughes
basically, they're beyond worthless oh yeah, they're the ones making posts about how antifa isn't an organization despite having dozens of local and international chapters, complete with organizers, relay networks, funding networks, physical meeting locations, a lawyer's guild, shared literature, identity and logo.
Levi Rodriguez
marxism is a format for revolution, its doctrine states it must break down social cohesion so that the state may seize control and "destroy all forms of slavery". you're watching actual marxists trying this, it's amazing.
Camden Howard
>Show up at a domestic disturbance unarmed >couple pulls guns on them for interfering
MORNING >Hillary Clinton looses her court appeal, with a judge ordering her to testify at a deposition for a lawsuit related to her use of a private email server. Judge ordered her to testify Sept 9th, 2020! >Steve King of Iowa, the nine-term Republican, has lost his bid to be nominated for a 10th term. King has faced lots of pressure as of late due to his continued problems with foot in mouth disease. >President Trump congratulates Kings defeater, “Congratulations to Randy Feenstra on your big win in the Iowa Republican Primary. You will be a great Congressman!” >Missouri’s A.G Ben Smith reveals that “In a stunning development, our office has learned that every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested were released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner.”
AFTERNOON >An Associated Press review has found that protests / riots have taken place in every one of the 25 US communities with the highest concentrations of new cases of Coronavirus. >Chair of New York City council health committee Mark Levine on fears of coronavirus spikes due to riots / protests “If there is a spike in coronavirus cases in the next two weeks, don't blame the protesters.Blame racism.” >Snap-chat will no longer promote the account of President Trump on its home page after a spokesperson announces that they fear his remarks could incite racial violence. >All four former officers involved in George Floyd's death now face charges, Minnesota AG says convicting them however “will be hard”.
EVENING >U.K. PM Boris Johnson announces that he would be willing to allow more than 2.8 million people from Hong Kong to live and work in the U.K. >Johnson’s announcement is a reply to Beijing's move to impose a security law that will criminalize broadly worded offenses such as sedition, subversion and foreign interference. >Pennsylvania Primary numbers update; Biden 640,781 (77.2%), Trump 826,297 (94.4%) with 88% of votes being counted. Interesting numbers as PA is a battleground state and the incumbent (Trump) does not usually see massive turnout. Also Joe is from PA. >Former Trump Sec of defense Mad Dog Mattis not a fan of Trumps handling of the riots, “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us,"
Sources as usual available at
Christian James
Trump doesn't want the Epstein recordings to come out because he has a 3 inch cock.
Nobody on Zig Forums cares about Neveda. Only crazy people live in Neveda. The state literally drinks recycled pee water. Look it up. Neveda is strong proponent of drinking recycled wastewater so all the tapwater is literally recycled.
Evan Jackson
Yes, exactly. So long as there's no body fur or animal facial features it's kemonomimi, not furry.
I bet that piece of shit makes some insane low 7 figure salary too.
>this guy is NY's health chair >PA's health chair is a fucking tranny >they get paid while telling you to just stop paying your bills because you don't have a job anymore thanks to their shut down powers Clown world is not a meme
I think we’re witnessing the end of the 1960’s civil rights tidal wave finally
Samuel Edwards
>3 guys is a movement!!! >a global organizatiom founded in 1910 is just a loosely affiliated bunch of folks
Ryder Myers
That's the whole fucking point of Communism. This is literally the proletariat vs. the bourgeoisie under the veil of racial justice.
Xavier White
reminds me of the retards who say traps are not gay if they are feminine enough
Lucas Turner
Blacks don't have to follow the rules, whyte boy
Nolan Parker
>Remember goyim, social distancing. The most ridiculous thing I think Ive ever seen. These really are riots against the lockdowns.
Brayden Ramirez
Luis Walker
Unironically they need more normies. They only have the moron lefties. They thought they could trigger a bigger uprising. So now they want dead bodies to pain Trump as a dictator.
Eli Diaz
meanwhile joggers are causing actual destruction and getting off scott free lol
Chase Butler
Kurt needs to go out, throw a brick at them and find out.
>antifa isn't an organization Seems like to be a Federal Agent you have to deny reality 24/7 >Drug dealing isn't politically protected goy And then you ask him why did they moved the Golden Triangle not to include China during the Vietnam war, when the drugs were coming from China not to make a profit but just to make GIs hooked into them >ANTIFA isn't a organization goyim It's just spread worldwide doing violence at leisure while feds sit there with their dick in their hands.
Easton Russell
This stupid motherfucker needs to read up on some past fucking cases. Many cops have died answering domestic disturbance calls. Fucking cuck. Now you want to send unarmed fags to stop a drunk 250lbs man? HA
>An independent autopsy that found George Floyd died solely from asphyxiation could actually bolster the defense of the former Minneapolis police officer charged with killing him, legal experts said.
>The autopsy released on Monday said Floyd's death, which sparked nationwide protests, was a homicide and that he had no underlying medical conditions.
>Later on Monday, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner released details of its autopsy findings that also said Floyd's death was a homicide caused by asphyxiation but that he had possible underlying health conditions and intoxicants in his body that may have been contributing factors in his death..
>On the surface, the independent autopsy would seem to bolster the prosecution's case against Derek Chauvin, the police officer who knelt on Floyd's neck for several minutes before he died last week.
>But legal experts said it could do the opposite by creating confusion in the mind of the jury.
>"It will be part of the defense strategy to say they can't even get the cause of death right," said Gerald Lefcourt, a criminal defense attorney.
I recently learned that the qtards use the Punisher skull symbol. When Hannity came on it looked like on his right lapel he had a Punisher skull flag pin. Is that what it is?
Lincoln Clark
Wake me up when there's oceanfront property in Nevada