Candace RIPS into blacks worshiping a career criminal and exposes floyd's rap sheet.
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candace is based i dont care what all you faggots say
Can definitely tell she takes a shit ton of adderall tho.
god i want to fuck that nigger pussy so bad
Reminds of Barnabus. The masses wanted him freed over Jesus.
Share white privilege memes on social media to help wake people up about racism against whites
WTF, guys, WTF
For every 10,000 black people arrested for violent crime, 3 are killed
For every 10,000 white people arrested for violent crime, 4 are killed
Black Americans are not over-represented as people killed by police, relative to the rate at which they kill police, or commit violent crimes. Blacks are over 50% of homicide offenders, and 40% of cop-killers. They are under 30% of people killed by police.
Built for BWC
why are her eyes so far appart?
Unfortunately her message probably isn't going to reach the people it needs to because normalfaggots hear candace and their brain goes full cognitive dissonance.
She also points out that whites AND hispanics are more likely to get shot by an officer than blacks during a police encounter.
If users designate a # they will just not listen and just spam Kpop to ignore it. But it's worth a go for the fencesitters
damn, she actually redpilled me on what happened with him and the pregnant woman. Fuck
If you care about an eceleb - let alone a WOMAN, let alone a fucking NIGGER, wait a couple more years to post here.
What's with all the famous Zionist puppets reviving themselves on Zig Forums lately?
Are they trying to bring back 2016?
Nobody has forgotten how hard Charli and Candance shilled for kikes.
Legit very brave to say in these times
Same. I had heard he had fentanyl in his system when he died but I had know idea about baiting a pregnant woman to rob her.
Justice for floyd? He got his justice.
Shut up faggot. Like it or not the people that move the needle in this world are the ones that get attention.
Its all good what she's saying but it feels so fucking KEKED to have to have people of color speak for us. MUH BASED MINORITYYY
The redpilling phase is over
Video on George's arrest showing the drugs?
shut up moron
(((Turning Point USA)))
Every chance she gets to call black men weak, low IQ, and thugs she takes it. Based black qt
I saw no less than 2 black woman at blm protests that are "amateurs" on p0rn hub.
Why am I not suprised.
Now this is an example of a black person, not a nigger. Thanks for showing!
I'm not into black girls but I would fuck her
She's sweet.
It would crush her too much to learn that IQ is genetic and nothing she does can ever change black culture.
Yeah it sucks, but it gives it a little more credibility. They brought up the number of blacks vs whites killed by police on Fox too so Candace isn't the only one saying it.
Great points, terrible video on shaky camera without speech prompter making her seem unhinged. Total PR fail at the time a kill shot was ripe.
big brain
Lmao I can’t believe I went to high school with this girl...the Democratic Gov of CT’s (mayor at the time) 14 year old son called her and left her a voicemail saying “all niggers should die”. NAACP Got involved. Look it up
Yeah I don't know why she only recorded the bottom half of her head. It came off more as passionate than unhinged to me. Like she had wrote down the points she wanted to talk about, but spoke it off the cuff.
some african phenotypes are like that
I think they're part alien desu just like east asians
Fairfield county fag here, I remember this shut. Malloy tried to cover that shit up, probably why she has it out for the DNC
video being jewed, only video on the platform that wont load
I don't need fucking permission from a coon to hate niggers.
Khoisan are the natives of southern Africa before the Buntu tribes invaded.
The hottest black girl would just be a above average white girl
I am super bad at math, but wouldn't that prove it's worse for niggers? Male Niggers are 7% of the population, which means that if every 10,000 3 day, that number is gonna hit that 7% more since they are already a minority. Meanwhile on the big picture 4 white men dying every 10,000 won't do shit because they are more than 40% of the population.
I do know that the comparison is made on equal numbers (10,000), but on population levels, due to male niggers being a minority, it's gonna be more noticeable when their numbers are going down, specially because white male criminals tend to be quiet, pariahs, they keep to themselves, while criminal niggers are known by the entire ghetto and have a huge numerous family.
Like, more white people would be killed by cops of course, but it doesn't impact white culture at all because those criminals are already outsiders, while criminal niggers are part of black people's culture.
Does it work if you go to periscope?
It's a great listen.
I dont want to type that into my search engine post a link. Sounds hilarious.
Most of her political takes are dumb but this video is top red pill material.
Plus she could get it.