Trump is losing the support of the military

What's going on here, Zig Forums?

>As Trump Threatens to Send Military Into Cities, Some GIs Refuse to Comply

>Some National Guard and active-duty GIs are refusing to deploy to U.S. cities rising up against police-perpetrated killings, saying no to complicity in the repression of the American populace and that they have not been properly trained in riot response or de-escalation tactics on domestic soil.

>Veterans and GI rights organizations told Truthout that dozens of GIs are reaching out to assess their options as President Trump orders military and federal police onto the streets of Washington, D.C., and threatens to use the 1807 Insurrection Act to send active-duty military into cities across the U.S. if governors cannot repress dissent in their states.

>One activated National Guard member who is currently in the process of refusing orders told Truthout that the events of the last few days have shattered his belief that there can be such a thing as a justified use of force. “Most of all, I feel that I cannot be complicit in any way when I’ve seen so many examples of soldiers and police acting in bad faith,” he said via an encrypted text message...

>Another Guardsman, a medic in an infantry line company in Pennsylvania who has not yet received orders to deploy, says he plans on refusing if it comes to that and is also currently consulting a lawyer regarding his options.

>“I can’t do it. Even looking at my uniform is making me feel sick that I’m associated with this, especially after [the National Guard unit] shot that man who owned that barbecue shop [in Louisville, Kentucky],” he said. “I live in Pennsylvania. I live with the history of Kent State. I’m not being a part of that.”

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Imagine being the commander in chief that can commands and no one respects as a chief.

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Might have something to do with him keeping troops away from their families during the holidays for some bread and circuses act at the border. Might also have something to do with the fact that over 100 troops suffered brain injuries because Trump escalated tensions with Iran. Soldiers are always used as pawns, but it must really piss them off to be sacrificed just to possibly help some corrupt lardass in an election year.

They should all be shot for treason.

Have fun getting court martialed

The jewish attempts of divide & conquer never stop.

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>go die in a sandpit for 20 years for the glory of ZOG
>refuse to quell a nigger insurrection
Thank you for your service.

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>national guard
Won’t guard the nation. Very progressive.

>"We don't need to do anything! The Military is with the right!" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY WON'T OBEY TRUMP?!"

court martial for mutiny
what a bunch of fags
when their CO explains it to them, then these seditious thoughts will go away.

They literally cannot refuse the orders. Our army could, because we have a literal clause that gives them the right to refuse any order they deem against human rights, but you don't. His lawyers will tell him that he can either fake sickness, suck it up, or be tried as a deserter

>Support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic

Sounds like some guys are going to go to jail.

This is also part of the plan
Q predicted this
Trust the plan

Non reputable sources, sure this is happening. Come back when it's real.

God this is ridiculous

>some GI's
fire them, take away their VA loan and slap an unhonorable discharge on the little faggots

Fake news site?

>national guard
Pick one

The american state is weak. I'm ready to become a stalinist and side with Antifa.

Jesus H Christ, these guys look like a fucking bag of ass.


>shitbag NG soldiers don't want to do their job

wow bros I guess it's all over

Time to send in the real pros, fuck these weekend warriors.

national guard has been cucked for years this ain't news

>be part of the most powerful military on the world
>swear an oath to defend freedom
>train mind and body relentlessly to uphold that oath
>cowardly commander-in-chief who literally bought his way out of service demands you fire on your own citizens because he thinks you're nothing but a mindless thug and an extension of his fantasy

I'm no fan of the yanks but I suspect if he goes too far down this road, trump might find himself dangling from a lamppost.

This happens everytime a guard unit gets mobilized for deployment. A lot are just in for the bennys.

I was in the Army. This shit happens for literally EVERY deployment. There's always a couple people who try to worm out of it. It happened under bush, it happened under Obama, it happens under Trump, and it'll happen under the next president.

There are over a million people in the military, this shit happens.

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"dishonorable" is the word you were looking for.
A DD means no VA nothing, save maybe absolute basic medical if you are destitute.

Otherwise, this is a garbage article from a garbage news site.

Yeah whatever excuse you have to give for your ideological compatriots who have infiltrated the military command structure

>sources say
>someone with knowledge of how troops think
That about cover it?

National Guard is a component of the Army.

only reason people do nat guard is for the college money.

If any military personnel, especially officers refuse to comply they should be hung in the fucking streets for treason. Fucking pussy ass mother fuckers in the military. I know 99.9% of them would love to crack some niggers skulls so whoever is spouting off to the media saying they wont listen should seriously be huge. They weaken the entire military's image. Fucking faggot ass pussies be do what the fuck they are told.

I can't wait for all the mysterious cop and military deaths after this. These traitors will get a code red. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH

It's gonna be so easy for China to rule the world. Just something to ponder burgers.

>Veterans and GI rights organizations told Truthout that dozens of GIs are reaching out to assess their options
Oh no... DOZENS of GIs... DOZENS out of MILLIONS whatever are we going to do?

out of what? like 2 million reserve and active combined? yawn.

>I live in Pennsylvania. I live with the history of Kent State. I’m not being a part of that.”
Did the people writing this propaganda not realize Kent State was Ohio?

Screw NG send in the Zig Forums RWDS let’s do it sanctioned violence under the state duh hahaha

It's actually just nigger privates that don't want to show up but still get paid.

par for course of course

You mean, "None refuse to comply"?

They would have been court marshaled on the spot.
Who writes this fake and gay shit and thinks it's even remotely convincing?

That's why they say traitors go first

Nah its just there are some liberal commie faggots in the military these days, I know a few in my command

Time for Marines. That or prepare for communist dystopia.

>join National Guard
>be absolutely worthless and shit on by even the Coast Guard
>entire purpose is to protect your state
>watch your own cities get burnt to the ground
>nooooo I don't wanna go stop them it's bad :(
>nooooo my free ride is interrupted I never expected to actually work

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The military is full of niggers and nigger lovers. This country is fucked.

these niggers need to be lit up. if the military won't do it, mass issue letters of marque to tacticools in the hinterland and have them bag and tag niggers.

Blacks are entitled racists. They will not defend USA against their own race.

>Be sword to defend this nation from problems both foreign and domestic
>Foreign and domestic
>"OMG no guiz stopping riots is bad!"
Sure trump is kinda being ham fisted about stopping the riots, what with innocents being caught in the crossfire, but fucking christ it's like people can't stop and notice there's literal insurrection going on alongside vandalism that the police cannot contain or stop on their own.

I remember a nigger private who didn’t even come onshore during deployment and stayed on the boat. He had the nerve to ask why he wasn’t decorated.

Meme flag. The president can only give troops to the states, it’s up to them to use them or not. They’re job is to protect Americans from threats foreign and domestic. When fellow citizens begin burning and looting the private property of their own fellow citizens, they become domestic enemies of the state. No one outside of fucking Twitter thinks this was a bad move on Trumps part. Kill yourself

e-jew flagpost glowing hard

Well thats what you're hoping but you will be wrong: GOD willing

OP has made exactly ONE post and then left.

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Why Vlad?

Nasty guard can. People stop showing up to the reserves and nasty gurls all the time, they just kick them out without any punishment. Active Duty is another story.

>cities rising up against police-perpetrated killings
That's a very kind way of saying stealing, committing arson, vandalizing, and committing murder. Or in shorthand, domestic terrorism.

his boys in S1 didn't hook him up?


Probably niggers

I call bullshit.

Very much this.

>zero specific sources named
Color me fucking surprised