Is there anyone left who legit thinks he has a chance to win in November?

Is there anyone left who legit thinks he has a chance to win in November?

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I don't like either side.

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If he wins, it's only because of Republicans successfully suppressing the vote. If every adult American citizen voted, even Joe Braindead would win in a landslide.

Months left. You think this will last until then?

Yes, but only because of how gaffe prone and senile Biden is. Wait for the debates, Trump is going to humiliate Biden.

Everyone that isn't a faggoty shill.

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I don't think November has a chance.

Guaranteed at the end of the day whoever offers up the biggest stimulus package will win. Even niggers won't be able to resist all that gibs.

Yes. This election will be all about turnout. The country is so polarized and everyone is in their camps nobody will be changing anyone's mind. Enthusiasm will be the number one predictor of the election and Biden has zero. Nobody, not even democrats like him. They just picked him because they thought he was the most "electable". He's the Mitt Romney of the left.