AUS/POL Darth Plagueis Edition

Reminder to spread corona virus at Melbourne BLM rallies this weekend. If you're have corona and think you can infiltrate the riots this Saturday in melbourne, please help us plague the fucking leftists. Thank you.

> Victorian premier nods go-ahead this weekends Melbourne BLM protests despite banning everything else

> Inserting more money up Boomers anus's

> As expected, BAKA constantly shilling against Trump as their narrative

> Even Elle Magazine calling for traitorous white women to join Burn Loot Murder

> Play stupid games win stupid prizes

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Other urls found in this thread:

reminder for newfriends that "baka" is

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Aus/pol/ news updates:
>boomer govco giving $25k to home owners if you just spend $150k renovating your own housing bubble home first
>some abos somewhere kneeled down
>cities are still majority non-white and full of graffiti, rubbish and viruses
>we're in a fucking recession
>boomers replaced young white australians with incompatible foreigners
>spend $26 to print off a cardboard image to be displayed at the footy
Go on you cheeky cunts. You've got thousands of coronabux to waste

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What's for lunch, lads?

Reminder that if you're not vegan or at least plant based for health reasons, you might as well be eating this.

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You can't judge Chang for eating dog meat if you eat other animals.

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Wage slavery, got to get my ass too coles in 20 mins and work a 7 hour shift, then tomorrow a 9 hour shift. JUST fuck me up senpai.

sadly, i had to post it to highlight the bias those fuckers at s m h have.

Its like channel 7's news coverage of the U.S. coverage. Completely filtered and spun as a lie.

All Australian 3G/4G IP ranges have been blocked from creating threads. This helps ASIO track the address and location of dangerous aus/pol/ creating incels by forcing them to create threads from the backshed of their parents place.

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My angle is its guarantee'd leftists at this weekend rallys will be exposed to corona without our involvement (rioters in the U.S. are already showing symptoms of corona). I just like the thought of underlining the risk leftists are playing in attending, because somehow they realise they'll an hero themselves via corona by attending.

they should be arresting the leftists gatherings this weekend in melbourne.

The fucks attending are risking other peoples lives yet because they vote for Andrews, he's giving them the go-ahead.

Pozzed vicpol won't do anything, who gives a shit if a bunch of melbourne fags get the rona anyway.

bump for andrews anus

There's something biblical about leftist rioters causing their own deaths by God's Great Filter. Its almost like depravity is being purged for us.


All they do is stand in their designated group, form a crowd and chant, I don't think Australia has ever had a real riot. Too pozzed for that.

shit, man. I'm sorry to hear that.
This covid-19 crisis has made a lot of wealthy people wealthier while they hide out in their bunkers and let wagies like you and me get exposed to whatever hits us: virus, panic buyers, overcrowding, civil unrest,
"whatever, suck it up wagie or we will replace you" is the voice of support from the bunker.

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Agreed, though you never know with the heightened tension from the prolonged lockdown and recent mouthy teen tackled by righteous police officer.

We communicate in public channels here, but I am sure there are encrypted coordination amongst antifa fagets in australia to use Saturday's event. Twitter and facebook are enablers.

It's just sad, they gave us all a pandemic payment of $250, or so they said in their message to us, then I get the payment and it's $230 and they taxed it so much I only got $153. Why am I even doing this? I cannot even afford to live off what they give me, 650 a week is not enough, it's just enough for a cycle of hell.

>Victorian premier nods go-ahead this weekends Melbourne BLM protests despite banning everything else
clown world

I was listening to Triple j this morning, and they were talking bout how you can use your "black voice" instead of your "white voice.". WTF does this shit even mean? Talking like an undeducated nigger?


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it means they've gone full 360-degree retarded.

I don't even think they know what they are saying anymore, its all just memetic copying. Rarely do leftists think for themselves so they spout whatever they think will get them gibs from the crowd they move with i.e. dollarinos, sex, favors, power. They don't care if they lie.

bump for "i can't cooom"

kek is this real?

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>Boris Johnson Pledges to Admit 3 Million From Hong Kong to U.K.
>another pathway for 3 million chinks into Australia

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some good news

> Teen girls to be charged with murder over Gold Coast balcony death

Ausfag over here in california... whats happening bros. The video of the aussie cop dropping the abo kid was fucken gold

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Sadly, yes, it is (was) a KFC australian ad in the last 2 years. Unsure if it got pulled from complaints or not.

All I can say is fuck ever going near KFC


Yeah it was a real advertisement, i dont know if it is still on youtube but it had like 1 million dislikes with fuck all likes

it was certainly edited to spin the narrative a certain way. Kid was threatening to assault the officer by yelling "i'm gonna fucking kill you" etc etc.

Parents moving for legal action and I bet they didn't even tell the kid to pull his head in.

just desserts

gross lol

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lel hopefully

> The girls were arrested this morning and will be charged with murder, armed robbery, deprivation of liberty, torture and stealing.