Entitled, spoiled, nigger athletes like LeBron James are publicly shaming future Hall of Fame NFL Quarterback Drew Brees for saying he still doesn’t support the nigger kneeling protest.
These people are insufferable. They are now under the impression that everybody HAS to bow down to them or else they’re evil racists. These dipshit corporations, media outlets, celebrities, and politicians have just created a monster that has an unquenchable thirst for validation and domination.
You WILL prostrate yourselves at the altar of the jogger and lick their ashy feet clean or you WILL have your life ruined.
Got it?
Joggers are on a power trip
NFL, NBA and such should just die like XFL!
Drew remains goated
Thanks for the post OP.
What else can be said?
I really hope Drew doesn’t cuck out and apologize. He could become a hero by telling LeBron and these other entitled niggers to fuck off. At some point, the white man is going to have to stand up for himself.
This. LeBron is soft as fuck.
Just had to come back to say fuck lebron.
this is a crossroads. how brees responds is going to determine who wins the culture war in the end, he needs to calmly explain the need for the nuance in his statement. like he’s obviously not racist come the fuck on you stupid niggers.
>cut with 1 year left on his contract before retirement
>loses his future high paying job as MNF host
he didn't kneel so good
American blacks wont be happy til whites are unironically dead.
If LeBron James, an actual living legend, is "entitled and spoiled", then what the fuck is Drew "literally who" Brees?
their whole business model falls apart without tax payer funds, also sports cucks disproportionately depend on the government for survivalrt
Just fucking listen to this entitled whining Https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_ug0XF9Zn/
>Drew Brees keepin da black man down
>source: nigger who backed china because he has slave workers make his shit there
>He could become a hero by telling LeBron and these other entitled niggers to fuck off.
No actually his teammates will refuse to play with him and Jameis Winston will become the starter
Dilate, tranny. LeBron James is a Fucking manchild who is less mature than his children
Niggers are overplaying their hand so hard but i guess no one ever said nigger were smart
Niggers were the real plague the whole time
wtf this Ed Reed? He's the one who was knocking the black man down as hard as humanly possible
More like Ed Sneed.
I've been off /sp/ a while but seen Brees being talked about. What did this manlet say?
>ever watching any joggerball
I gave up about 15 years ago
Good. Then Brees can walk away with his head held high knowing he stuck to his principles while the Saints go 4-12.
Fuck LeBron.
2011 mavs owned that gay ass team the first year of “the decision)
is 6 foot really manlet now? oh dear
>It's actually Ed Reed and not a homeless man
Joggers giving Drew Brees shit soured me on their cause.
He didn't even SAY he supported the way George Floyd died and I doubt he does.
Yet joggers react THE EXACT SAME WAY as if he personally choked him to death.
What the fuck do joggers exactly want now and are they ever going to be satisfied?
Brees and Payton are 8-8 or worse in half their seasons together, vastly overrated.
>LBJ “literally legend”
Wow that’s a legend? He’s such a bitch, HES so obsessed with MJ.
>What the fuck do joggers exactly want now and are they ever going to be satisfied?
The extermination of the white race.
>living legend
>plays fucking basketball
>was in an Amy Schumer movie
he's literally a nigger
You just know MJ thinks all this nonsense is fucking stupid. Killer mentality doesn’t align with all this victim mentality shit.