YFW going to be found guilty no matter what

This idiot is fucked, isn’t he.
>restrain drugged out negroid
>it dies
>world riots - “good boy, dindu nuffin”
>autopsy shows he had shitty heart, high BP, dies of heart attack
>also fentanyl, THC and meth in his system
>plus pelvic tumor that also would contribute to high BP
>you’re innocent
>still going to be found guilty because otherwise will be the chimp out to beat all chimp outs

Only other option is he’s suicided. Poor fucker doesn’t have a chance.

Attached: 47EAFC37-4A3C-4F54-B84D-C2557AE48CA4.png (1200x630, 618.17K)

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I would bet thousands of dollars that he's going to get Epstein'd soon

YFW u hope you CIA bosses relocate you to a sunny area and don't give u a corny new name and identity. Hopefully they give a nice Xmas bonus this year.

It depends on who is on the jury. I wouldn't care about starting the planet of the apes level chimpout. I'm sure some people out there are willing to give him a fair shake.

Attached: official-chimpout-advisory-guide-defense-needed-category-homogeneous-community-none-1029105.png (500x647, 201.95K)

He'll walk or the case will get thrown out. There's no evidence to convict.

Thc and pelvic tumor? Source? Haven't heard these. Would help redpill family. The fentanyl has already done wonders even for my libshit sister

Who was in the wrong

a drop of fentanyl smaller than a grain of salt is enough to kill somebody. this nigger was already on his way out.

he's getting railroaded
gotta do it, otherwise chimpwave 2 will be much worse
and since our govt and people are too pussy to stand up to niggers, this guy gets the shaft
there won't be any white urban cops after this
