I don't want to be gay anymore

I want off this ride.
How to be straight again?

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Pavlov's Classical Conditioning
works every time

Hell I see leftist schemes encryptively defrauding me the regards of terrorism to defraud me is terrorism at me as I have authorized white people to shoot people of color in tandem mechanism of scheme encrypted terrorism to destroy the United States Government as my hypersentience measures the left is trying to scheme encrypt to defraud my property they conspire to kidnap and rape underage white females in tandem scheme to destroy the United States Government as I detected the scheme encryption the left uses to kidnap and rape underage white females as they refer to people of color as food as they try to target underage white females through scheme encryption to food as white people can murder leftists trying to defraud me

Take medicine called pimozide and therapy

Do you like giving other people pleasure?

Have you tried not tonguing nigger anus?

Stop sucking penises.

yes i suppose i do.

Just go for short haired tomboys

Find God. Look into Christian hedonism. I went from living a homosexual lifestyle to finding joy in Christ. Three years later I met my wife and we were married three months later

Not to say the same will happen to you, but you will find something worth living for

You can transition from man to goat and then quit goat.

Women are just as much of a disgusting smelly sack of shit as fags, maybe even worse since the stereotype is that all gays are metrosexuals while women are a gift from God regardless of whether they've had a shower and tooth brushing in the last 2 days. I suggest you abandon this filth whatsoever and become a Christian hermit.

Conditioning. The brain is extremely malleable. Start by watching porn with men and women that your actually able to Jack it too and slowly decrease the amount of males in it whilst increasing the amount of females. In order to go from gay to straight your going to cross through bisexuality first and probably won’t ever get rid of your attraction to males, but you can certainly get to the point where women are satisfying

Go to Jesus, He will always still accept you

This. Godspeed OP, redemption is always possible if you surrender your life to Christ.

Full blown cold turkey.
Address yourself as straight.
Be straight, dress straight, talk straight.
Be a grown ass man.
Date a woman, and after a couple months start slapping that ass and making babies in her mouth.

Just have sex with femboys/traps since it’s not gay.

There also seems to be a lot in the alt-right/far right community so it shouldn’t be too hard to find a partner.

I just wish women were men. Why can't they all just look like women and act and behave like men? Why can't I have a big strong woman to protect me?

Its like 90% of the things I hate about women are related to their behavior. Why can't they just like, drink beer and make jokes?

Why are they all such cunts? If my friends were women I'd fuck them. But they all have hairy man ass. Everybody should just have a female body and act like men.

and you will lust for anything you want

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So, you are just into tomboys, or what?

literally this

the thing is that women can't protect you, you know? like if you get in a fight a woman isn't going to pull out a gun or a knife and stab their ass, shes going to go cry in the corner like a little bitch.

This is why guys can't come out of the closet, because we know we can't rely on women to protect us and nobody else will accept us.

I paid a woman to fuck me in the ass with a strap on dildo.


You can't be no ones bitch because no one will protect us. You can't show weak people you are capable of violence and you can't show strong people you are capable of weakness.

Its like being between, between everything, both this thing and that, all the time, like being pulled in a million directions. Choose between two impossible options, being gay and being strong enough to survive.

Go back in time and kill your molester.

like i have to choose, i have to choose between being happy and living to see another day. Its impossible, you just can't, you can't live without happiness

Were you ever? If you were then maybe it's possible but there are some people who are literally born that way, you can tell they are gay from a very young age.

I see. You are a sexual degenerate.

Its like, for the right woman, i would suck a million dicks. I would suck a million dicks if she would just do this one, perverted thing for me. Just fuck me, just fuck me in the ass, as hard as you can for as long as you can, fucking hit me, spank me, pull my hair and make me cry, just god scratch that itch fucking HURT ME

>talk straight
I struggle with this, I sound like a complete fag and I only ever had slight bi tendancies.

You want a female Marine with a 300/300 pft/cft.
She'll be your strong mommy gf but you'll have to settle for her being drenched in more cum than you.

most woman are shit, just like most men are trash as well. you marry her to have sex and babies.

The bible deklares in the story of adam and eve that the primary human unit is man and woman, they are the initial human. Each compliment each other in a healthy relationship. It worked for like 2000 of years, now postmodernism and porn have destroyed it, so what do I know.

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All I want is to be wanted like that again, wanted so bad they don't CARE if I say no, they don't CARE if I don't want it, because you'll never be wanted, you'll never be USED that way again

Cuz at least then, at least then, you KNOW you're wanted, you KNOW someone wants you in that way. Your not shunned and treated like a creature that crawled out from under the stairs, people don't treat you like shit for being raped, at least the rapist UNDERSTANDS what its like, to be shunned and not wanted, for no one to be attracted to you, for no one to ever WANT you

Rub a womans titties and tell her she is pretty.

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To be so fucking lonely that you do that to someone, how could they know how that feels? How could they know how much REJECTION and PAIN you feel but them? Why NOT be like them? Why not rape every kid you see? At least then, at least THEN, they will finally understand what it means to be ALONE

bro you have legit mental issues, i know you aren't larping i know this shit too well. you have a crisis in masculinity and a porn/sex addiction that is destroying you. Please look up Universal Man on youtube, he helped me with these issues. Bluepilled therapists can't help you.

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So just fucking Rape me, just torture, make me feel something, anything, hurt me so I don't have to feel this way anymore, god I'm just so tired of being alone, i don't care, i don't care anymore!