What makes you think pulling an AR15 with a drum magazine is smart?
You fucking dumb fucks
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Not gonna lie I thought he was gonna play some Minecraft
so they didn’t kneel on his neck for 8 minutes until he died?
It worked.. It was smart. They backed the fucked up.
Typically, brandishing a weapon is illegal. He was arrested and his weapon seized.
Nah he was ok due to his clean health bill and lack of poison in his blood
They're already doxxing him in the twitter comments. One even suggest burning down that house in response but that's not even his home in the video.
muh 2A
Shut the fuck Up Samantha.
That's a small ass drum. What's the use of having a drum that small?
That gun is very illegal in California. He'll do time for this. Only if he stayed home. I thought it was my brother at first, he lives blocks away.
wish he'd used it desu
He should have moved to America before he tried that move.
hope it was worth it
>dude in the video has a beard
>dude in the booking image doesn't
Did they shave him before they threw him jail?
>As hundreds protest in Upland, tensions are now rising between Trump supporters and
huh? how does he know they're Trump supporters?
Drums are for memefags and poorfags. Surefire 60 round mags feed much better, don't jam when they get slightly dirty, don't have to be constantly lubed with graphite powder, etc. Or get a 100 round if you're OK with a mag as long as your barrel.
Becuase they're white, and live in California. Obviously they're trump supporters.
>anti-police protest calls for the police's help
Every time
haha you mad?
circle jerk echo chamber
>this just shows white privilege
>cops didnt immediately shoot and kill him
>they were never in danger
>police on the scene doesnt mean were safe
fags, all of them, why are they fucking with these people anyway? they interviewed a family member and he said none of these people live in that town, like wtf, why are they in cali suburbs? i know the answer, its just baffling how no one on the left cares to question that
What happened to the glowies. Are they all in meeting or something
>get your rifle and drum magazine confiscated
>get slapped with a felony charge
idk if smart is the right word..
are you a part of the Minecraft Movement?
can you tell me more?
How do you get a drum mag in California?
The same way you get a non cucked ar. You bring it in from another state.
Lots of people here in Cali have illegal rifles, magazine and handguns. Some Chicano from Hawaiian gardens posted and ar15 with a bunch of 30 round mags
I think the pic is his driver's license
Was that California plates? Shit he's getting 30 years.
Seriously it’s weird how obsessed black people are with whites or whiteness. Imagine everything in your life being filtered through some notion of how another group would’ve been treated differently. It really makes you wonder.
That image lol
I'm going to assume you're unaware of the week long mag-pocalypse that happened last year and the resulting judicial stuff still in the air. They had a week long period to do it.
And the police oblige.
Reminder: the cops are not our friends.
That's indeed possible.
kek, that grown ass nigger was going fight that little kid.
literally dont see a fucking problem here. he was in his own/friends front yard and had 200 people rushing towards him with ill intent.
He might as well have fucking opened fire into the crowd. Take lessons kids. The government does not fucking care about your rights and they will throw you in prison for the rest of your life if you try to keep them.
If you feel like you have to use deadly force, then use it to the fullest extent you are capable of.
dudes an idiot, this is fucking commiefornia not a free state
Or, just don't live a cucked state like California.
Guy with beard pulls gun from truck.
Guy without beard arrested and booked.
It isn't anti police. They want to be the police. They want those in power out so they can take it. They say it in the comments section.
>get rifles confiscated
you risk that every time you take it outside
>slapped with a felony
depends on the state's laws, it's a good idea to know them
ohhh it was california, nevermind yeah that's a lost cause
Good to know the cops side with the looters niggers and communists, I was getting worried there.
they're making all the states cucked, that's the idea
11ng/ml is well within lethal dose range
>all that fat teen poosy
So this is what happens when people aren't having sex?
>Charged with assault with a deadly weapons
Nice, THAT MEANS HES GOING FREE. What DAs sometimes do is charge you with an impossibly high chrage to get convicted on.
For instance, when someone commits obvious manslaughter and then gets charged with premeditated it is often a tactic to get them off because a jury can only convict on the charge and if the jury sees its manslaughter they cant convict on premeditated.
>Black man positive for cottonine
What mean?