Mattis Is a cock and a cuck

I don't buy this guy's stoic act. In his screed against Trump, he invokes his 50 yrs of service, so he can posture as a shining beacon of righteousness. He claims that Trump is acting contra-constitutionally for deploying troops to put a stop to the American black-executed Kristallnacht. And yet, his 50 years of military service saw too many anti-constitutional acts to count, perpetrated by government, from the executive to the judicial, and not a fuckin' peep out of this cunt.

This guy wants endless wars against the public interest, He's fine with bankrupting the American public, and taxing everyone to high heaven as long as they get along well enough - the Israel Firster Mattis even invokes a snippet from federalist paper No. 14, in what I can only call a cheap effort to appear like a traditionalist.

He even invokes "the nazis" in his screed, with the subtle implication that Trump is attempting to destroy American unity, when it ain't Trump pushing whiteness studies and criminalized hate speech.

In spite of the laudation of this guy by the military establishment, it's clear that he's not only ignorant of America's history, but that he's also a coward, and an enemy of the public interest.

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fuck mattis

What's wrong with his eyes?

pirate his book. it reads like a self righteous preteen girl. i expected to hear real stories along the lines of shit like hackworth and got complete garbage. the fact that the media fellates him now should be telling

I can't get over the bullshite sanctimony and superior posturing of this phony cockass. Mattis' boomer rant is more irritating than any of the nonsense coming out of the protests right now for me - since this cunt pretends he's upholding the constitution by comparing Trump to 'nazis'.

Mattis is gay

Integrated gay retards who flunked out of college. Imagine not being able to link light concepts together so now you have to salute nigrunts for crappy MRE fodder and a bunk bed with the fags. What a treacherous joke.

Slavery of nigs is sanctioned by God and the products of such belong to the slavers (whites, mudslimes, etc.).

>makes pr0n cause nigger be wholesome and family oriented (fornicator)
>commits aggravated aubery at gunpoint inside someone's house cause nigger be peaceful (thief)
>goes to a Fargo to start trouble after being released from prison cause nigger don't bother nobody (instigator)
>tries to spend counterfeit cash in hood shop cause nigger always pay is debts (liar)
>consumes meth and fentanyl cause nigger don't want chems to end up on the streets (glutton)
>starts to cOviD and says it can't breathe cause nigger wasn't delirious from speedballing
>resists arrest cause nigger was cooperative (passive aggressiveness)
>then gets a SOP knee to neck muscle below the ear cause nigger was calm
>resists arrest some more as they are shoving it into the patrol car cause nigger has been totally asphyxiated and lost consciousness by then as the lazy inflammatory media claim and naive summer children believe
>dies in custody several hours later from being a scared weak ass nigger with heart disease resulting from decades of food stamp purple drank and corner cook fried chitlins like most all other niggers because nigger reely dindu nuffin

>this isn't all confirmed by the official autopsy and not some interested "independent" (paid) investigation funded by the family in hopes of winning the ghetto lotto constantly cited by the miserably macabre media

The cop was simply doing his job.
Joggers gonna jog.

t. niggers and nigger loving traitors

niggers matter little
go back to africa or the field, nigger beasts

looting -> shooting
The right to self defense is God-given, specially against terrorists both foreign and domestic.

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He looks eaxactly like carrells chracter in space force mark naird

Lmao you fucks were sucking trump and mattis' cocks when he was chosen for the admin early on. Now that he exposes Trump you predictably turn on him. You guys are literally retarded children.

it sounds like he wants to be President.

Either that or he has a book coming out soon

Sounds like you're just buttmad that he dabbed on trump OP.

Not everyone bought mattis' stoic fag shtick

If Trump turned on Trump you cucks would hate Trump, stupidity knows no bounds

He’s literally a flaming homo who fetishizes and rapes young male service members. Man is sick, and in the military for all the wrong reasons.

>In spite of the laudation of this guy by the military establishment, it's clear that he's not only ignorant of America's history, but that he's also a coward, and an enemy of the public interest.
Couldn't agree more.
It's pretty disgusting tbqh.

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Post pics of you counter protesting

I know marine people who were obsessed with this guy, what a hero he is etc - all of 'em disappointed now that they were had.

Thats the problem with blind worship of some hagiographic military figure.

To be honest, the media isn’t even going that hard with Mattis’ comment. They know how thoroughly discredited he is. Almost everyone on the right has thrown him under the bus, when it took ages for those same people to say the same about Mueller and Comey.

ZOG warcriminal that acts like some battle hardened badass that was first in the door on a stack up, but didn't see combat till he was a brigade commander in Iraq destroying mosques and murdering civilians. Fuck him

He is a cuck who will hang if Trump ever decides to get off Twitter and start acting.

I'll post a pic of my big brown turd if you don't shut the fuck up.

hes scoping out his next cock 2 suck

Lol taking a page out of the 'Zuckerberg is a pedo' strategy book huh? How original, I guess if you say it enough you'll believe it soon enough

>Thats the problem with blind worship
>Doesn't see the irony in worshiping Trump

He's actually a homosexual

Mattis = another deep state corporate establishment puppet, traitor and war monger. He has been entrenched deep into the same system that gave America a bad reputation around the world. Now he's posturing like the obvious fraud that he is. Day of the rope! Day of the rope! Remember, one traitor is worse than one million enemies.

Lodt all respect for this guy when he called them protests and not riots, and claims a small number of lawbreakers aren't a big deal. Meanwhile a cop in NYC was just stabbed in the neck and two others shot after his gun was stolen, many such cases, church burned. what the fuck now Jim you faggot?

who says i worship the israel firster trump you simp fuck? better watch that mouth ill smash ya in ya fag mouth kiddo

Give Mattis a break. He is just trying to stop Cheeto Hitler crossing the Rubicon by throwing away the posse comitatus act and marching combat soldiers into a theater they don't have the training or equipment to deal with. The national guard and state governors need to resolve this. Sending actual combat soldiers to police and do crowd control is a recipe for a total fuckup.

That's a fucking "battle space"
Forgot meme flag from earlier bait, kek

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>Trump is anti constitutional for following an act from 1807 that has been used in this exact same way.

Maybe he should shut the fuck up. You know whats more unconstitutional, fighting undeclared unlimited wars for the last 75 years.

i'm getting a feeling he's gonna run for president

Any rank above Captain is no longer a military officer, they are a politician.

oh look, it's just cultists turning on anyone that betrays dear leader for the 500th time instead of admitting they're wrong about little ol' donnie.
they're all "le ebic based and redpilled XD" until they turn on the orange menace, then suddenly they're horrible deep state plants or w/e.

You people really are in a fucking cult.

Do it fag, post your big brown turd.

Not a peep outta these faggets about George Washington putting down the whiskey rebellion, or Abraham Lincolns civil war. Day of the rope!

>If Trump turned on Trump
That fucker better not

The media are outraged by Trump, they hate him like no other. Mattis is afraid and so is siding with them.

It's a simple survival mechanism.