You have been prepping, right/pol/?

You have been prepping, right/pol/?

Attached: images - 2020-06-04T154100.607.jpg (660x451, 47.87K)

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My genetics are deadlier than any weapon.

Got a 9mm and some cans of tuna

I'm assuming you're trying to sound tough but it just sounds like you have shit genetics that are going to kill you

Weaponized obesity, a danger to us all

You'll make it

It would be smart to prep again, as these riots are going to fuck up shit for a while.

Plus the new wave of corona that they will bring.

tl;dr prep bitch like with anything this uear, we’ll see it in two weeks


Attached: 1494249318203.jpg (589x570, 124.77K)

nuclear reactors are mostly private, but receive enormous amounts of money from local and federal governments.

How likely is it for these companies to essentially be rynning like mini mafias? Whistle blowers get canned? I've even heard theories that nuclewr power plants were placed in almost ever area to ensure that when they crash than they'll the populations.

What will these facilities look like in societal break down or at worse people are stupid enough to attack them?
Do they actually have enough time & resources to fund these ticking time bombs?
- Cool down the rods
- depending on the infrastructure to get supplies to the sites
- making sure gasoline is able to hold up
- trusting your government to care enough about the general areas or you to think they will take care of any massive nuclear plant crisis in general let alone during a societal break down scenario.

Radius map: Every nuke site is logged & radius tells you what your risk is.

Nuclear power plant map of the U.S.

How to prep
- suits
-- concrete bunker(?): 70K minimum?
- how will you survive without clean water?

Yes, for 3 years. Plus a MAG with current and former marines/army and women (including the best grandmother to exist, period) to educate and take care of all of the children. Constant stream of information and regular combat refreshers using what we were taught and anything new found in books or online that is useful.
Solar powered well water and generators.
Canned food.
Preserved meat.
Definitely going to make it frens. When we create the ethnostate from the ashes of America under the true constitution, you will all be cited as important faggots and warriors of our race.