Federal State of New China is not a place. It is an idea. A weaponized idea. It is an attempt to will change into the minds of Chinese citizens by offering them an alternative country not physically, but within their mind.
>"It is no nation that we inhabit, but a language." "Make no mistake; our native tongue is our true fatherland."
Emil Cioran said that and it is just as true then as it is now, though our context has changed. A language is a collection of ideas, it defines not only how you interact with the world but how you view it.Every time you learn a new word your understanding of the world increases, with each new idea added to your toolbox, the way you approach situations changes. You can do this yourself, but outside factors can do this to you without you even realizing it. Consider this in the frame of memetics and propaganda.

In the current information war, outside actors work day and night to control your thoughts, (not an overstatement, just look at the state of the media), China, Russia, America and countless other actors are paying organizations to publish their propaganda as news, paying for both automated mass-bot-posting and dedicated propagandist posters, (you refer to them as shills, or Wǔmáo, or Russian Trolls, etc.), as well as employing countless other methods of public opinion shaping.

Attached: FSNC.png (754x506, 140.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What the Federal State of New China attempts to do as a meme, is use these tactics against the CCP. It is not a call for revolution, it is not a call for revolt, it is not a physical place, it is a state of mind. It is a meme, designed to liberate the Chinese mind from the CCP's programming, designed to spread like a mind-virus, from person to person. By employing positivity, acceptance, and open arms, the FSNC aims to wake the Chinese people up to a new way of life, and once it spreads far enough, the CCP will crumble on their own. Why do you think China is so crazy with what a tight leash they keep on their citizens? Why do you think Face is so important to them? Why do they try to hard to cover up any and all failings? It is because despite what the CCP tells you, and despite how it may look, they hold on by a bare thread. The people of China are not happy under CCP rule, and the coronavirus has only woken up even more people living under the CCP's thumb to the absolute state of their country, and while you may look down on Chinese citizens as stupid and easy to influence, this again is a CCP spook.

>words words words

So, a LARP?

The FSNC gives these people something to come together around, right now, all they know is they are upset, but they have no alternative to the CCP, in their minds, they were born under this type of government, and they will die under this type of government, as that is what the CCP wants them to think, they want them DEMORALIZED. But with the recent surge of VPN usage in China, it's become harder and harder to suppress the signal, they've been trying to drown it out with noise instead. The FSNC is a moralization agent, it is a wake up call, to be spread from person to person, until the CCP's support falls out from under them. One day, the CCP will wake up, and realize that no bullets were fired, no land taken, but they have lost the people's mind, and suddenly, their orders and calls to actions, their power, was meaningless, and they will be expelled like the occupation force they always have been. Expelled from the FSNC, without the need for revolution.

"I am not a citizen of the PRC, I am a citizen of the FSNC."


Attached: 1590975483482.png (598x600, 434.88K)

These are the ones called shills.

No, a thinly veiled diplomatic threat to the CCP. We WILL challenge your legitimacy from within, from without, by any means necessary ... until your hand slips one day, until you might lose control and the people eat you alive in the streets. Unless ... unless you start playing "nice" now. ;)

Attached: stupid_bloody_hand.gif (500x272, 1021.03K)

Why is this getting shilled so hard nobody fucking cares

This is close to the truth. It is a threat not to the CCP's physical power but to their power over minds.

It's really fucking stupid. Made all the more stupid in light of the chimpouts and epic mutt cucking.

Attached: 1586599447393s.jpg (248x203, 8.87K)