Nothing You See In The Media Is Real

Just gonna leave this here

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He looks high in that pic.

I saw this the other. it was so weird. the photo is really strange

This is insane. He was some crimimal scum

the guy that pointed a gun at the belly of a pregnant mother?

is that kool and the gang?

Was he really a "changed man" if he was on drugs and using counterfeit cash?
idk why Evangelicals are defending him

niggers need to go

A Pornstar left a gospel legacy behind?

Is that the porn set?

Holy fuck this is scary. Like how the fuck did he know some NBA star? And the porno? Criminal record totally thrown under the rug as well as toxicology that shows meth and fentanyl? Is it too late to turn back?

"big floyd" was all I had to hear

Do, porn, rob pregnant women at gunpoint, hold bible muh god. The fucking state man.

>Ngwolo and fellow leaders met Floyd in 2010. He was a towering 6-foot-6 guest who showed up at a benefit concert they put on for the Third Ward. From the start, Big Floyd made his priorities clear.
wasnt he prison then?
>In 2009, Floyd went to prison after pleading guilty to aggravated robbery
>George Floyd left Texas prison to start new life in Minneapolis MN George Floyd moved to Minneapolis in 2014

That photo looks shopped as fuck.

they really put a halo onto him
imagine being the guy doing that

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he went to jail strictly so he could spread the word of god. powerful.

Most don't know the state he was in


Blatant lies by the MSM. Stoking the fires of destruction.

Link to article. Just read it. It's literally a parody of the facts on his life. Clown world 100%

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>drunk high on meth that starred in pornography was real in to the gospel scene
Tell me another one, Moshe.

Him being good or bad is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. No chimping outs like this should happen either way.

This reminds me of that better call Saul episode where they make shit up to get babineux a lower sentence

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We know. It's a gigantic Jew/CIA operation to confuse the everloving fuck out of everyone while Hebrews loot the nation.

>third ward
I think that's in prison

>Christianity Today
Is anyone really surprised?

He truly was a simbol of black americans

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its just an area in houston like Bed–Stuy brooklyn or something.

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who is that Stark account?

Remember Che Guevara?

stephen jackson sr. the ex-NBA player

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Honk honk

I'd be laughing if that was my dad dying from an OD on the streets, hell, even if the cop executed him right then and there based on his record.

>porn star
>rapper who worked with dj screw
>christian missionary
what the fuck

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How is he related to Trayvon?
I dont see the link yet.
I know about the masons and all
Adding this BLM bullshit is a psyop

Now are you old and/or black?

>a person of peace
>despite being a violent multiple felons where one of his crimes was assaulting a pregnant sheboon
Clown world

Lugenpresse doing its thing

Trayvon's dad Tracy was a freemason