It's official, Sweden no longer the most cucked country on the planet.
ITT: hate on america
It's official, Sweden no longer the most cucked country on the planet.
ITT: hate on america
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This, but unironically.
Nah, the average Swede is still way more cucked than the average American.
>ITT: hate on america
As always. Why so fucking obsessed?
Has Sweden had a nigger king named Hussain Barack or a first daughter who converted to judaism?
ok prajeet, now go back to your nans curry restaurant
Sweden is known for 2 things, browns raping white girls and shitty meatballs. Also fuck UK liberal faggots.
i don't even know where the USA is.
US always was the most cucked country we just didnt see it. Sweden produced nordic resistance movement und the golden one. US is literally just cucks. But its all good i hated Bong before the US riots so much because of Churchill. But since the riots i read alot of based bong posts and i feel symphathy for the bongrace now. Its good that your evil big brother showed his true face. The true cucks
wrong country kneeler
Nope. As young boys Swedes are taught how to go into the forest and forage for raw iron... start a fire and forge that shit into a sharp knife suitable for hunting with. Your average amerimutt learns xbox and muh racism.
>rape gangs is totally worse than a fully jewish government with entire rape cities like Hollywood and Vegas
I’d rather have riots than child rape gangs that operate with timpunity AND riots.
The divide and conquer on this board is fucking crazy
The USA has toilet paper money.
USA is known for 2 things, kneeling and getting cities stolpes by chimps. Also fuck mobility scooter faggots.
lol ok faggot.
you have it all and 10x worse than we do. accept your negro overlords already burger
not so fast faggot
You have the worst of everything already you mutt. You really are the first at everything. Now stop being racist and send those niggers into space and stop sending white men.
>Nah, the average Swede is still way more cucked than the average American.
Normally I'd agree, but after seeing all those cucked burgers kneeling before their nigger overlords I don't know anymore.
Like I'm not saying it couldn't happen here, I'm sure it could, but it's happening right now in your country.
>Land of the free, home of the brave
What a joke.
>Listen, man, it's not my city, why should I bother. If they come to my neighbourhood I'll definitely protect my property and my family. I'll only let them fuck my wife 2 or 3 times, ok? No cumming inside, ok, Tyrone? Fucking yuropoors can't have guns, pathetic.
Damn right, keep social distancing or die.
they are also known for producing kulture.
That’s a hueg cat
DESU looked more like she was scared of getting killed and did this to get out of the situation
Sweden has been uncharacteristically based recently.