It can be it's own liberal safe space where there are no guns and white people must wear their government mandated tracking collar, having an independent Cali would be the biggest possible red pill for the rest of the US because that shit would eat itself whole in less than a year.
How about California just secedes from the US?
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who gives a fuck, america has a shitton of niggers either way
All the libs are located in SF and LA dude
The California Economy meme is always funny to me. It’s literally propped and on life support, they couldn’t pay their federal debt to escape if they wanted to.
Government interference in pricing and business, awful regulations, combined with their insane spending and crumbling infrastructure makes it unsustainable.
Not to mention their tax rates and brackets, which leave such a small population that pays the majority of it. Businesses and people with wealth are actively leaving, and no one wants to relocate there without massive incentives.
Only delusional commie retards think secession is possible.
There are some states with similar interests nearby too.
USA could be split in United Sates of Faggots, Flyoverstan and Jewland.
do it
you'll never be white, spic
Califags want war between the states 2: nigger boogaloo
More wealthy people are moving into California than leaving.
It is mostly the poor that are leaving.
California taxes aren't that high when you adjust it with the high salaries that are earned in the state.
The major problem CA has is its housing costs which is partly due to Prop 13 in which it keeps property taxes low; the prop was passed in 1978 and is a relic of a less crowded California in which the suburbs were king and were ruled by Republicans.
No water either.