Old Stock, fall in

All right, boys, here's the plan:

>form ethnic group, thinking of calling ourselves "Canucks" but open to suggestions.
>embrace tradition (this is a nobrainer)
>embrace arranged marriages (fuck niggers, kikes, and jannies, but I think we need to take a page out of poo-slingers' handbook for this one. As fucked as they are, they know how to stick together and prosper. This goes for our frens in EU, Aus, US ... our sexual liberalism is literally going to see us bred out of existence. This needs to change - now.)
>Get involved in politics. We need boots on the ground more than ever. No more hiding in the shadows. Whatever you can do to help our cause, do it. But don't be reckless.
>Culture is not meaningless. We're being deliberately culturally assimilated into "colour" and this has to change. Like we tried to do to the natives, the world is now trying to do to us.

Any other suggestions?

Attached: Canadian_Red_Ensign_1921_to_1957_Northern_Ontario.png (1280x960, 1.39M)

>form ethnic group,
lol they won't let us do this. They will just insist we are white and thus the same as all other whites, because they are racist.

Yeah, but fuck what they think. Frenchies might say no because they've got a pretty solid thing going on, but I think it's worth a try regardless.

You can't just declare yourself to be a new ethnicity. It won't matter if no one recognizes it. They will just say "DEZ WHITE HONKEYS RAYCISS!"

Perhaps. But again, it's more of a culture, and it's a culture different from any other ethnic group moving to Canada. They'll call us racist, and that's fine. I don't care.

come home blacked man

You are way too optimistic, any white people who act in an isolationist way will be singled out and targeted by the government. The only way you might be able to get away with it is by pretending it's some sort of religion, and even then they will persecute you.

You don't understand what the government will do, calling you racist will only be the 1st step, they will almost certainly confiscate your children. Look up the laws, every one of them will be used against you.

Based. I support this.

Canadian isn't an ethnicity though so you've failed the first hurdle.

>form ethnic group
That already exists, no? A "real Canadian" would be an old stock British settler.

I think Canucks works fine because it is accepted by anyone who grew up a an Anglo Canadian.

The problem isn’t will the problem is organizing in a meaningful way.

lol, of course not according to the government.

Come home Old Stock Canadian man

Attached: 1494087337943.png (500x500, 69.73K)

Do white canadians still exist? All I ever see are pops and chinky eyes

Go home Jolin.

We don't need their approval. Strong men take what they want and say fuck the rest. We need to assert our right to exist, and I'm willing to open that umbrella to a number of Old Stock Canadians to make it work. We will always support our brothers and sisters in the US + UK, but we no longer have the luxury of a broad alliance.

Besides, we've always been more than just "white". We're European-Canadians and I intend on protecting us.

lol have fun getting arrested or gunned down by the government then. They will put a stop to it long before you have the numbers to resist.

Hey, bud. The biggest issue with these things is exclusion and too much ideology. Just be of European ancestry and keep it simple, nothing about women or religion or that.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Canada_(1957–1965).svg.png (1200x600, 51.72K)

Not according to the government, but you shouldn't need the government's permission to exist. According to the powers that be over here there's no such thing as an ethnic Englishman, but we all knows that's bullshit. Don't let them define your identity.


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Canucks sounds faggy

At least one of these people is Pat Jolin

Only non-whites get legal protections. Without legal protections, you will end up getting your kids taken away by the government for teaching them "dangerous" ideologies.

When are you guys gonna give back my land? Maybe you should for a group to do that.

We exist you Toronto bred kike. Alberta is white as fuck the only colored are a small minority in urban areas

go huff some tax-free paint

Yeah OP idk what you're thinking these ideas are not new they've just been illegal in all of the Western World for a long, long time. If I could find a way to find /ourguys/ without attracting feds or fuckups, I would be more interested in moving somewhere with only nominal government authority (Mexico is too close and has cartels, but lots of Caribbean countries could be viable).

feels pretty good being an invisible man.

Illegal? The fuck are you talking about? We're a mix of European settlers, we don't need permission. Besides, we live in a multicultural country, right?

I seriously think our best bet is to volunteer in the 2nd US civil war when it kicks off and get US citizenship that way. Canada is basically a lost cause, but a resurgent US could change that.

fuck you faggot. they won't "let" us. what a fucking pussy!

lol can't wait to see the expression on your face when you are arrested by the government for espousing racist ideology. Anything you try to argue will land you in jail. We don't have the 1st or 2nd amendment here.

Balkanize now. The west is not beyond saving

They have lots of guns, we don't and the majority of the population are mindless drones who would turn on us, it would be literal suicide.

Oh, that was going to happen anyway. Niggers (read: Africa) getting a hold of the US's nuclear arsenal is not an option.

The one upside to being in Canada is that although our guns are getting taken away, western alienation has probably never been higher, a bunch of major metropolitan areas are about to go bankrupt, the real estate bubble is slowing due to the coronavirus, and the government has demonstrated it doesn't have the capacity to do the things it wants - e.g. how lightly they treaded with the railroad blockades. Imagine if we had even a thousand guys ready to act like the redskins.

Who said anything about espousing racist ideology? We don't hate anyone (except niggers and kikes), we're just embracing our roots.

Government is antiwhite but you're delusional if you think they will gun people down.

we're all too old for arranged marriages. it's when the parents of two families set up their children at the proper age for it.

the only way hookup culture will end is with chad-shaming. instead of celebrating chads fucking every woman in sight they should be shamed for going for quantity over quality.

hmm, I don't live in the prairies and hadn't considered the general sentiment there. Ontario and everything east of that are a complete lost cause. The French want independence, but they are absolute moron socialists.

Bro, that would still be painted as racist. Look at any other country where they tried that shit, it never worked. It always gets painted as a racist movement and is quickly marginalized.

Fuck man. I was walking home from the mechanic today (Ottawa) and I saw antifa stickers on the light posts. There were no justice no peace and BLM signs on telephone poles. A handout about how we should fight for UBI. Some people even put a long rant about how racist we are here and how it was a problem in their front lawn. The walk was only 20 minutes and I saw all that. While walking through a fucking yuppie part of town. I want to leave this shit hole so badly that it hurts.

I’m brown . Sounds good here our hoe the whole thing starts . How the world will think . White prior started it too . Would go to a country start sh it with the people there . Start favouring one ethnic group and brutally oprseeingg another with ru e favoured ethnic group . If we are gonna tak about this shit . We should really talk about this shit . It leads to a lot of nosenes in the world it will cause wars and kingdoms something you sick fucks might like anyways though .

The American apparatus is too well-run for that. They won't hesitate to start killing BLM if it gets out of hand (i.e. when it moves to their own zipcodes, which it won't since blacks don't drive).

They won't tolerate dissidents in Canada destabilizing the continent, but they aren't going to care about sovereignty movements in irrelevant parts of the country, just the same as they don't care what happens to FNs.

No you fucking faggot, Canadians have 2x more Registered firearms than the police force

They will absolutely gun down white racists, bruh. The government wouldn't hesitate for a second to waco our asses.

What happened to Maxime Bernier? Is he /ourguy/?

lol get the fuck out of the thread bud.