Say it loud, say it clear. It's OK to be White here

Say it loud, say it clear. It's OK to be White here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's OK to be white.
We need to pull together as a nation and refuse the false dichtonomy.

Really good comic, based logic

Bump and a (you)

It`s not ok to be white. It`s great.

White lives matter.

Good work user (you)'s

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This is the only response to that.


too many words to be honest but still appreciate the sentiment

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Comic follows the same logic as why "Black Lives Matter" does not mean "not all lives matter"

Oppressor is an Anti-White Slur.

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Being white is honestly the worst fucking thing in the world. I wish I was an half retarded African. My life would be so much better. The more grievances you have the better your life was. I wish my parents were slaves.

You can't "slur" whites. They're ethno-historically tainted.


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This is gay and you are fake

>All that text
>Stolen comic
The right really can't meme

have a [you]

boy oh boy

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>p-please join my victim cult whitey
>posts a nigger

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They teach this shit in university.

so disgusting. I think it was this book they forced Richard Dawkins to read and and promote after he said eugenics would work

people don't steal comics that's crazy

But this is concidered racist whilst the other is not

>Conveniently ignores the history of white identity politics in America

Sure if you remove the historical context, "it's ok to be white" is perfectly fine.

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>maybe if we replace our shit meme with right wing text we can push a right cant meme
Holy fuck its true

Bro they teach this in elementary school through grad school.

She is that whore from evergreen state college, she teached whiteness studies

>conveniently ignores the history of black identity politics in america
Look around you m8

"it's okay to be European"
that feels better now that i've absolved my sins and can not say it correctly.

It’s too late for Its OK to white.

It’s already a known fact that this ‘harmless’ message was being pushed by White Nationalist groups in order to stir controversy.

>Abandon your White Identity and adopt a German National Identity instead.
>Allow an unlimited amount of Africans to become German citizens, until African becomes the majority ethnicity in Germany.
>Argue that Black Germans are just as German as White Germans. And arguing any different is being anti-German.
White Genocide is complete.

I unironically think no one would give a shit if you had a sign that said that. I think most people would just be confused.

World Cup of soccer becomes the world nigger touurnament.


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It’s not the words that are racist it’s the fact that the message originated from an alt right hate website that was responsible for white nationalist killers like the Christchurch killer

Europeans generally associate based on nationality, not skin color.

>pushed by Jews to stir controversy
Victim narratives are fake and gay
White values are universal
Die in a fire