Kikebook shills at it again

This is being unironically shared on kikebook. I wonder what the difference in the population is in these countries. It couldn't be that there is a specific race that causes 50 percent of the crime in the US, could there?

Attached: 102702737_10158208980263497_6430640731138280185_n.jpg (960x936, 118.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

1. Population density
2. Language Training mandatory.
3. Most US Detectives have BS's in Criminal Science

Lets just ignore the obvious differences in racial demographics

Attached: 1586403392076.jpg (1180x2048, 252.22K)

Let's play a game of "count the niggers".

stats are racist

2.5% black
91% white
4 people killed since 2002

Less than 1% black
98% White
7 people killed since 2000

So white they don't even count minorites
1 police death since ever

Attached: EZYuJycUMAAtLfM.jpg (675x900, 42.62K)


how many niggers do you have in those countries ?

Aren't whites the race most killed by cops though in total?

8000 in 2 decades. Big fucking deal.

i bet if you compare these stats with white crime stats their pretty similar