Jesus im so fucking livid. Literally these dumb BLM fags are destroying historical monuments and destroying the west, and nobody is brave enough to stand up for themselves because the “silence is violence narritive”
Its cucked fucking retards into joining or else they will get their shit screenshot and sent to their place of work to get fired. I fucking hate niggers how the fuck do we combat the “silence is violence” shit
The media has them convinced it is "outside agitators" here in burgerland. We're fucked.
William Flores
This is the future the man depicted in the statue helped to create.
Luis Morris
What was the point of these events
Jace Wright
>Churchill was a racist Didn’t he kill nazis though or is this le irony
Xavier Hughes
When you have a group terrorizing you into only speaking a certain way, only acting a certain way, living in fear of having your life destroyed, living in fear of physical attack, that is the definition of terrorism.
You do not negotiate with terrorists or it will never stop. Repeat: terrorism will NEVER stop until you stop it. You do not negotiate.
Jayden Bailey
Don't worry coronachan will solve that. When the infection rates sky rocket in a week or so people will look for someone to blame.
>only speaking a certain way, only acting a certain way, living in fear of having your life destroyed, living in fear of physical attack, that is the definition of terrorism. I agree. that is why we must end the systemic racism that does all these things.
Ryder Wood
If anyone doesn’t see this as the tragedy it is you’re completely lost It’s actual art being destroyed By mobs of barbaric retards It’s one of the most dangerous things and perhaps no one here fully comprehends it When they thought taking the civil war statues down you should have been taking note It was never about the subject It was about destruction of art
It’s evil to the core
Joshua Campbell
You're a horrible human being and I hope you get shot by a favela monkey
Isaiah Williams
>Britain was irrelevant during WW2, Russia and US did all the work.
The irony is that if whitey had continued to be raycis and subjugate the nigger, we wouldn't have to deal with any of this. But of course, whitey was too concerned with morality for his own good.
Liam Butler
Coronavirus is a nothingburger though, so I wouldn't count on it
Luis Roberts
At least he warned against that faggot commie Stalin. The only man on the planet ever to 100% deserve polio, fdr the Stalin loving nigger, was a disgrace of a president. “But he won muh ww2!” He also waited until the last fucking second.
Angel Allen
Not before I live to hear the howls of agony of the women and children of dresden again! I long to swim in a sea of g*rman blood!
The idea of the rape, genocide and extinction of the g*rmanoid race fills me with MASTURBATORY GLEE
Cameron Ortiz
No, but I dont support niggers either. Neither did churchill.
Michael Hall
Me too.
We will not be erased silently brother.
Please stand with me.
I will never monetize a single video or use my face for attention, and that's a promise.
I just want to be a voice for us and truth in general.
Tomorrow i post my first video exposing their lies.
>dont act like you know or care about white people businesss spoken like a true retard
Julian Gray
i guess if you enough mokeys on typewriters
Luke Ramirez
Yeah, but Churchill supported the kikes and that indirectly supports niggers. Checkmate, atheist.
Asher Gray
It's only been a week, chill with the fucking dooming and take a break from social media and imageboards. The silent majority is seething as much as you are.
Connor Ramirez
>They Desecrate Winston Churchill's memorial
The irony is that ACTUAL NAZIS would celebrate this and cheer. The absolute state of this clown world.
Brayden Lewis
Posturing. Most nations with a decent military do this.
Mason Carter
>how the fuck do we combat the “silence is violence” shit
have you tried being silent?
Jason King
All seriousness
We can easily powerwash off the little paint, just liek what has already been done at WWI memorial in DC
and the duct tape carboard is stupid easy to remove
SO... what if this is more glow shit, but in the UK because they are part of a bigger op to save the west. and they had to beat the actual radicals to "destroying" the churchiill statue, perhaps to gain trust loyalty of whoever they are infiltrating, or to mark it so everyone will move on ( and of course try to trigger the right)
if they really wanted to this could have been worse
Grayson Baker
The only good G*rman is a dead G*rman
I masturbate to pics and drawings of soviet soldiers raping the pride out of subhuman g *rmoid women everyday.
Evan Foster
>the more the normies will come off the fence You keep saying this. The normies aren't coming off the fence. The Left is getting more and more power. They're gaining influence in more and more institutions. If they take the Senate and the Presidency in November, they are going to set up systems to prevent the right-wing from ever gaining power in this country again, not to mention there will be systemic discrimination against whites. You keep saying there will be a massive redpilling any minute, but all I see are endless blackpills. How much longer will you let this go on, white man?
Jonathan Jackson
not to be that guy, but the germans raped a lot more slav women than vice versa, and unlike german the slavs didnt have mass abortions. Why do you care anyway? you are a brown, monkey person, living in a 3rd world shit hole no one cares about, go get aids you literal ape. Does talking about events from 80 years ago help you forget your own shit colored skin?
Autistic screeching hitler fucked the white world harder than any nigger chimp out could have. Germany ruined Europe.
Anthony Martinez
if churchhill hadnt been such a fuck head hitler would have won.
Nathaniel Taylor
No but it brings me peace of mind to know that G*rmanoids suffered greatly, their suffering is like a beautiful lullaby to my ears!
I dream nothing but to go to germany and force rape every g*rmoid female to death while I hear their screams of pain as my cock violently ruptures their wombs! Ohh the delight!