Post in this thread if you’re voting for Trump. 1 post per ID please.
Post in this thread if you’re voting for Trump. 1 post per ID please.
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I am but in a blue state so doesnt matter anyway
I'm voting Trump
It always matters my dude. If people had that attitude in 2016 then Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania would have stayed blue.
Im still voting but my state is deep blue, won't ever be red
I don't even care if he's a pedophile, I'm voting for him to own the libs
Is that the new DC football stadium?
Or are you trying to hint anyone who votes for Trump is israeli?
Because if the former is the case, youre fucking retarded senpai lmao.
Reminder MIGA is a psyop by the left and salty fags.
Of course, not fbi! Let me gladly make my intent known to you as all of us are anomalous! We r leechun! Drumf can't recover for sure!
Texas here, voting for him.
OH 10th district
Zognald FTW! MIGA
I am
I probably am but only because the current 2 party system is trash. Small brain move I know but I'm pretty sure creepy Joe has dementia. Jorgensen is the best candidate tho.
Nuevo Leon, and I’m ridin’ with Biden
MIGA, America’s place is at Israel’s side
Voting for Biden but hope Trump wins.
Allow me to explain. I live in NY and most of the people I'm associated with, including my future wife, are libtards. It's an irrelevant vote that I plan to use to buy me some credibility in case they call me out at any future discussions. I'll play the centrist card.
Same. Vermont, so my vote is merely symbolic.
Team maga reporting in
Im ridin with biden.......
jk could you imagine lmao
NC and voting for him. He's far too neocon with Israel but symbolically I agree with him on everything else. Biden would be a return to Obama era status quo and that's not what I want
How the fuck will they know who you actually voted for? Is your fiancee making you take a picture of your ballot as proof?
Also, lying to your wife about your political beliefs is cowardly. Be a man and lead her by example.
WA voting for trump
NC. Trumps got our support. They are really trying to take him out lately, must be about to dismantle another group.
Well what other options do I have at this point? Dementia Joe doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing.
I have no other choice
I want trump to win but I aint voting cuz I live in portlandia, also I'm a NEET
Hoping to help turn my blue state all red. In multiple elections, and dear God I am not alone. Fuck cuomo.
I'm still on the fence
vote, blacks and zoomers dont
Trump 2020. And if he doesn't get in, the riots / ensuing civil war will be worth the keks. It's win win for me either way. :D AWOO!
Aye. Also 8 of 10 people closest to me are.
I'm voting for Trump. Red state for the last 20 years, so he'll likely win it anyway.
lmao, havent seen that one. i do have the gay buttons
I find it interesting literally everyone replies about the fag hat, completely disregarding my super rare Zig Forums hat and three 2017 christmas hats.
I'm waiting for the Insurrection, my guy. Political theater is beneath me.
i guess Trump really is a based faggot! nice
I'll vote for Trump, even though he's basically failed us for a variety of reasons.
Faggot. Oregon will still be blue but it'll be closer than in 2016
One vote for Donald Duck here. When the other option is a guy who literally has dementia, and probably face fucked four year olds for half his life the choice isn't all that difficult.
Those are all Jews. Jews love nazi faggot fantasies.